This article was co-authored by Tony Hoang. Tony Hoang is a Landscaper and the Principal at H&J Landscaping & Concrete Contractor in Newark, CA. With over six years of experience, he specializes in designing the perfect concrete driveways & backyard patios for homes. H&J Landscaping & Concrete Contractor is a 4.5-star business on Yelp.
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Many business and home owners want to enhance the appearance of their property with landscaping. Small jobs may only be do-it-yourself projects. However, for most major landscaping projects, most owners rely on professional landscaping companies. One very important aspect of running a business of this sort is learning to price landscaping jobs. Many landscaping companies either do not acquire the job due to overbidding or lose money because they've under-bid a job. It is possible to affordably price landscaping jobs for customers and still earn money.
1Travel to a landscaping site to get a view of the area and learn what the potential client wants.[1]
- Take accurate measurements of the length and width of the area to be landscaped.
- Make notes of areas that receive shade and sunlight to determine the appropriate types of plants needed for the job.
- You can also adjust your pricing according to the region.
2Design the area with landscaping in place.[2]
- Make a rough sketch of the area to be landscaped.
- Make labels for each type of plant used and the dimensions of the area.
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3Calculate the cost of the mulch for the landscaping job.[3]
- Use the measurements of the area and multiply the length times the width either in feet or meters.
- If you are working in feet, multiply by 0.166 (giving you 2 inches depth of mulch). Multiply by 0.0508 if using meters.
- Divide the answer in feet by 27 to convert cubic feet to yards (the unit in which mulch is sold). No division is required if using meters, because mulch is typically sold in cubic meters.
- Multiply your total by the cost of each cubic yard or meter of mulch to determine how much the mulch will cost.
4Determine the cost of plants.
- Tally the type and amount of each plant used in the landscaping project.
- Multiply the cost of the plants by the number of plants you'll need.
5Determine the price of extra materials.
6Allow for selling cost.
- Once you know how much the materials will cost, you can determine what you need to charge the client.
- In most cases, multiply the landscaper’s cost by 115% to determine the selling cost.
7Add in the expense of labor.
- Determine your time on the landscaping job comparing the needs of this job with previous jobs.
- Calculate the cost of labor by multiplying the hourly wages by the number of man-hours.
8Add all expenses together for a bidding price.[4]
9Subtract the bidding price from the company cost to determine profit.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat would be a good rate for trimming the trees and bushes around the edge of the front and backyard of a house?Community AnswerShrubs/bushes/hedges should be looked at separately when estimating the charge. They are done fairly quickly but they require skill and tedious cleanup. When done correctly the time can add up , and that's what people who first start out seem to overlook. So here's an example: If your are to trim and clean up a 4' x 10 ' stretch of hedges it should take you approx 15 to 20 mins to trim and another 15 mins to clean up, rounded up to one hour, $25.00 + equip + debris removal cost at $10.00 total = $35.00.
QuestionHow can I estimate the cost of a customized pondless waterfall with plants and a drip system?Community AnswerConsider the cost of all materials with standard profit mark-up, plus any and all taxes. Furthermore: cost of all labor involved (design, lay-out and management); cost of any equipment including transport of materials; cost of debris haul-outs and final clean-up; and final cost estimate of any future maintenance or warranty to cover final walk through and release of the project.
QuestionHow much can I charge for digging out bushes?Eric StonerCommunity AnswerDepends on the bushes, how much of a root system they have, and if they want all the roots dug up. You should be able to get $200 per bush easily.
- Never guarantee a bid for more than 30 days in the event of an increase in the cost of materials.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Be certain the client understands the bid does not include maintenance and up keep of the landscaping once it is complete.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about pricing a landscaping job, check out our in-depth interview with Tony Hoang.
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