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Don't Wake Daddy is a fun entertaining game for any age and a favorite for many. In this article, we'll walk you through the instructions for setup and gameplay. If you're ready to get started, read on!
Take the game out of the box and set up the pieces.
Assemble all the pieces to Daddy's bed. Some stickers go below the alarm clock, along with on the headboard and at the bed's foot. You will also need to place Daddy into bed before attaching the headboard. Daddy also needs to wear his yellow bed cap (unless it falls off).
- Place Daddy's bed on the board. On the newest copies of games, there's a dashed line that forms the "border" to the place of where to put the bed and in what direction to put it.
- Snap Daddy into bed.
- Prepare the spinner. Not only will you need the cardboard with the color, but you'll need the spinner arrow and the spinner base, which attaches to the bottom of the card. If you've already fixed this, you may just need to get this spinner out from the box.
Shuffle and distribute the 16 cards.
Each player should have the same number of cards as spaces on the board.
- If there are three players playing this game, you will have unequal cards. Take one card and place it to the side up and out of the way. This space becomes a "free space" for that game - and everybody who lands on this spot is safe. However, randomize this chosen card for this game.
Make sure all the players start at the starting point.
Have the youngest player go first.
Gameplay passes to the left after that.[1] X Research source However, if you'd like, you can randomize this and choose whoever you want.
Spin the color wheel spinner.
Move your mover card to the first spot with that color.
Look at the picture from the board.
Locate the player holding that card.
Look at the board where your players' card landed.
This is where to find the number of times you'll need to activate daddy's alarm clock. Learn what happens if you spin and land on white space with the black or purple star. This will depend on a number of actions:
- Advance to the spot directly ahead of the leader - regardless of how many spots you need to travel to get there.
- Spin the spinner again if you are the leader anyway.
Follow the card directions for Daddy's alarm clock.
Recognize a winner.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat if I tie with someone?Sweetpie23Community AnswerYou can't really tie with anyone because you are spinning the wheel one at a time. You can be on the same lane but you can't win at the same time.
- This can be a frustrating game. You'll probably get upset and feel like Daddy is rigged if Daddy jumps up too many times. However, this isn't that way. You just have to be patient!⧼thumbs_response⧽
Things You'll Need
- Don't Wake Daddy (game board)
- Assembled bed (you assemble it)
- 16 Don't Wake Daddy playing cards
- Equipment mover cards (included)
- Spinner
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About This Article
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 10,157 times.
7 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: June 17, 2022
Views: 10,157
Categories: Board Games