This article was written by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Kira Jan. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
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Ready to start living the life you’ve always wanted? Creating a vision board lets you take the first step towards manifesting your dreams and bringing them into the physical world. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create a vision board that’ll resonate with what you want and with the universe. For expert tips on manifestation and creating a dream board to guide your journey, read on.
This article is based on an interview with our spiritualist and seer, Jennifer McVey, Cht. Check out the full interview here.
Get specific about what you want.
Clear visualization will help make your manifestation successful. Your brain (and the universe) will move in the direction you tell them to! Think of your vision board as a roadmap—the more specific you can get, the better luck you have of getting where you want to go. Close your eyes and ask yourself, “What do I really want?”
- Rather than thinking “I want my dream job,” think about what your daily routine will look like at work. Who will you meet? What will it feel like to walk into the office?
- Instead of “I want to have a beautiful family,” focus on details. How many kids do you want? What will family trips look like? What kind of house will you live in?
- It’s really important to set a specific time frame because what you want will unfold in the timeframe you provide!
Collect positive images.
Cut out or write inspiring words.
Pick any words that speak to what you want in your ideal life. There are no wrong answers here! You can choose individual words, quotes, song lyrics, or parts of a poem. You can even write out a few lines or words. In fact, handwriting is a great way to manifest anything because the universe responds well to the physical act of creation.
- If you write down a goal, use present tense to bring the manifestation energy into your life right now. For instance, write “I’m on my dream vacation” instead of “I’ll go on an amazing vacation.”
Gather supplies for the board.
Choose an empty canvas to hold your inspiring images. Grab a corkboard, poster board, or sturdy sheet of paper. Remember, you don’t have to get super fancy! The main point is to create something that lets you visualize what you want. Here are a few other helpful things you’ll need:
- Markers or pens
- Glue or tape
- Scissors
- Pushpins
- A printer (if you’re printing images)
Arrange your items.
Play around with your images before you glue them down. If you’re creating a vision board to manifest the life you want, you might want to group images together by theme. For instance, you can group images that represent your career together, have images representing family in another spot, and so on. Once you’ve picked an organizational strategy that feels right for you, paste the images to your board.
- You could even try grouping images together in groups of 3, 6, or 9, inspired by the 369 manifestation method. In that method, you repeat a manifestation mantra 3 times in the morning, 6 times midday, and 9 times at night.[1] X Research source
Put the board where you’ll see it.
Remind yourself of your manifestation multiple times a day. Hang your vision board up in front of your bed or tape it up on your bathroom mirror. Take a photo of it and set it as your phone or computer wallpaper. The more you see your vision board, the more you’ll get a chance to practice visualizing and working towards what you want.[2] X Research source
- You can even create a mini, travel-sized vision board that you can keep in your bag, in your desk, or in your car.
Set goals to achieve your dreams.
Meet the universe halfway by creating concrete goals. Visualization is just the first part of manifestation; to make manifestation really work, you’ll have to put in a little effort. Ask yourself, “What’s one thing I can do today to help me get closer to the vision I created?” Make it a goal to take just one small step towards your dreams every day.
- For instance, if you’re trying to manifest money, you might set a goal to skip ordering takeout and save money today.
- If you’re trying to manifest love with a specific person, set a goal to DM them or text them once this week.
Update the board frequently.
Treat your vision board like an evolving checklist. Feel free to take off images that no longer represent where you’re at in life or add new ones as new goals come up. Each step of the way, find a way to mark your accomplishments. The more you celebrate your success as you go, the more it’ll help you achieve future success.
- For instance, you might add a star or border to images when you’ve achieved a goal.
- You could create a new vision board every 6 months or every year to make sure your vision board reflects who you are in the present moment.
Act like you’ve already achieved your dreams.
What does it feel like to live the life you’ve always wanted? When you manifest, you’re using the Law of Attraction. That means the energy you put out into the universe will come back to you. By acting like you’ve achieved the vision you laid out in your vision board, you’re more likely to make your manifestation work.[3] X Research source
Adopt a growth mindset.
Let go of any limiting beliefs holding you back. Shifting into a growth mindset means you cultivate the belief that you can change and get better every day. Whenever you start to doubt yourself, pull up the image of your vision board and remember you are so much more capable than you think.[4] X Research source
- Try speaking positive affirmations aloud like “I am meant to achieve these goals” and “I deserve to find happiness and love.”
- Practice saying “yes” and opening your heart to opportunities that come your way.
Look for signs manifestation is working.
Tune into small changes in your life and latch onto positive moments. We know it’s cliche, but the universe really does work in mysterious ways. By believing in yourself and in your manifestation, your odds of achieving your dreams go way up.[5] X Research source
- For instance, if you’re trying to manifest love, new matches on a dating app are a sign it’s working!
- If you’re trying to manifest happiness, a beautiful bird hopping across the path in front of you can be a sign from the universe.
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