This article was co-authored by Sarah Schewitz, PsyD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Sarah Schewitz, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist by the California Board of Psychology with over 10 years of experience. She received her Psy.D. from the Florida Institute of Technology in 2011. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychology practice helping couples and individuals improve and change their patterns in love and relationships.
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Your relationship might have ended, but that doesn't mean it's over. If you don't want your ex to move on either, remind them what they're missing! When they see how fun, happy, and confident you are, they'll question why they left in the first place. To drive them crazy, check out some of our tricks—they'll be second-guessing themselves in no time.
Post attractive pictures of yourself online.
Pose with people who would make your ex jealous and share them online. Have a hot co-worker or friend? Snag a shot of the two of you or take a cute solo selfie of you doing something fun. These kinds of pictures get under your ex's skin because it shows them what they've lost, especially when they read the likes and comments![1] X Research source
- Use a variety of social media so your ex is more likely to see your posts or pics.
- Don't post too many pictures or photos of you with lots of different people. You want to tease your ex with the idea that you are with someone else—not that you're desperate.
Stop all contact with your ex.
Don't communicate with them so they're curious about you. This means no answering texts, no posting things on social media, and no answering phone calls. Start doing this right when you break up and keep it up for at least a week or two. The silence can drive them crazy—they'll wonder what you're up to, if you miss them, and how you're coping.[2] X Research source
- If your ex posts on social media, don't engage! When your ex sees that you're not reacting to any of their posts, they'll think you're over them. They might even regret breaking it off.
Post amazing updates about your life.
Show your ex that you're over them. Tweet about something funny that happened to you, share photos on Instagram of a great trip you took, or post about a fantastic new job you got. Let your ex see all the things they're missing.[3] X Research source
- Remember that you're not interacting with your ex on social media, but you can totally comment on their friends' accounts. This shows your ex that you're still active on social media—you're just choosing to ignore them.
Hang out with a group.
Get social and enjoy yourself to show that you've moved on. Just because you broke up doesn't mean you should stop hanging out with friends, even the ones that you and your ex have in common. Instead, meet up so it looks like you're not stuck at home pining for your ex. What are you doing out with friends? Your ex will be dying to find out.[4] X Research source
- Nothing says you've moved on like actually moving on.
- Don't forget to post pictures on Instagram so your ex is sure to see them.
Be nice if you can't avoid your ex.
The saying you catch more flies with honey than vinegar is true. Your ex is probably expecting you to be angry or to rehash old arguments. Don't get into any of that! Instead, talk with them like you would any other friend. Keep the conversation light and don't ask serious or personal questions. Your ex might be charmed into remembering why you two dated in the first place.
- If your ex asks how you're doing, let them know about a few things that are going well in your life but don't exaggerate. Try to appear genuine and happy.
Act like you're totally fine.
Don't let them see you upset so they think that you've gotten over them. Even if you are heartbroken, pretend that you're having a good time and living your life. Don't talk about the breakup and don't let your ex see that you're sad. Try to look genuinely happy without appearing fake—you want them to believe that you've moved on.[5] X Research source
- Keep your social media presence positive—no mentioning the breakup or sad feelings, just light, bubbly, optimistic posts.
Look your best.
Show your ex what they're missing! Remember when you dressed to impress? Do it again—you'll feel confident and you'll be putting your best face forward. This doesn't mean you have to go glam every time you leave the house—just ask yourself, "Would I want to run into my ex looking like this?"[6] X Research source
- Skip the super dressy or really revealing outfits so it doesn't look like you're trying too hard.
Get active to help you move on.
Do something physical if it helps you improve your self-esteem. Exercise is a fantastic way to make you feel in control of your life and look your best. Instead of staying home moping about your breakup, challenge yourself to something physical and fun. Swim laps, go kayaking, or learn how to lift weights, for instance. You can tone your body and build your confidence so you look fit and happy.[7] X Research source
- When you accomplish even small goals, like running a mile or hiking a trail, it can feel like a huge achievement that you should be proud of.
Make your well-being your top priority.
Take time for yourself—get a makeover or chat with friends. The point is to boost your self-esteem so you feel great about yourself. Confidence is attractive![8] X Research source
- If your ex hears from a mutual acquaintance about what you've been doing or sees the new you on social media, they'll probably be impressed at how you're taking care of yourself.
- You don't have to make huge changes to make an impact. Maybe just getting a manicure will make you feel better.
Start dating other people.
Nothing makes an ex jealous like dating someone else. After all, other people still find you attractive and your ex needs a little reminder. Go out and have fun! There's no need to commit to a new relationship. Just have fun.[9] X Research source
- Date other people with caution. If the ultimate goal is to get your ex back, then dating someone else might actually push them away. You don't want to sabotage your chances of getting back together if that is what you want.
- You might find that you lose interest in your ex if your new relationship is going well. Give yourself permission to move on and let your ex go.
Try new things to get out of your comfort zone.
Make a breakup bucket list of things you've always wanted to do. Maybe there were things you wanted to do with your ex or places you wanted to go together. Now's the time to do them! This sounds like a basic concept, but the best way to make your ex jealous is to enjoy your life. Your ex will see that you can be happy without them and that can drive them crazy.[10] X Research source
- Even if your ex doesn't hear about all the things you've been up to, don't worry. It's important that you don't let your ex hold you back from doing things you've always wanted to.
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About This Article

The best way to make your ex jealous is to enjoy your life without them, because it will show that you can still be happy by yourself. Even though you might feel bad after the breakup, don’t stop working, exercising, going out with friends, or doing what you love to do. To make them extra jealous, try some new hobbies and post some pictures of you having fun on social media. Another way to get your ex jealous is to completely ignore their life. By not liking their statuses or talking about them to mutual friends, they’ll feel completely off your radar. If you run into your ex, be nice to them, no matter how difficult that sounds. By talking and smiling to them, you’ll show them that you’ve moved on. For more tips from our co-author, like how to give yourself a makeover, read on!