This article was co-authored by Chloe Goldman. Dr. Chloe Goldman, MD is a Dermatologist based in Miami, Florida, who currently works at Baumann Cosmetic & Research Institute and Upper East Side Dermatology. She specializes in cosmetic, medical, and surgical dermatology. She earned a Doctor of Medicine from New York University and a BA in Biology, Neurobiology, and Behavior from Cornell University. She completed her dermatology training at University of Miami, where she was awarded the prestigious position of Chief Resident. She has won grants from the American Skin Foundation and the Melanoma Research Foundation.
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Many people enjoy spending time in the sun during summer, getting a nice tan in the process. However, as the seasons change, the days grow shorter and the amount of sunlight decreases. During the winter months, tans start to fade and can be difficult to maintain. However, there are still some steps you can take to keep your tan, even during the winter months.
Getting a Longer Lasting Tan
1Take a shower. Showering before your tanning session can help prepare your skin by moisturizing it. Moisturized skin will allow the tanning process to create a darker and longer lasting tan. Always make sure that you have showered and moisturized before going tanning to have your tan last longer.
2Exfoliate your skin. Once you've moisturized your skin, it's time to exfoliate. You want the tanning process to go as deep into your skin as possible. Removing the top layer of skin using exfoliation can help the UV rays reach deeper, making your tan last longer. Always exfoliate before tanning to make your tan last as long as possible.
- You don't want to tan skin cells that are about to fall away. Exfoliation will remove old skin cells and let the fresh skin cells get the tan.
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3Keep your skin moisturized. Once you've got a good tan, it's important that you keep your skin moisturized. Dry skin cells will fall away much faster than moisturized ones, causing your tan to fade quickly. Keeping your skin moisturized will help your tan last through the winter months.
- Winter is especially dry and will tend to dry your skin out quickly.
- Cold winds and air will dry your skin out more quickly than warmer temperatures.
- Apply moisturizing lotions often to help protect your skin. Try using heavier lotions in the winter.
Getting A Tan During Winter
1Use tanning lotions. Tanning lotions work to give your skin a darker look, lasting longer than other topically applied tanning methods. These lotions are easy to apply and can be a great way to keep your tan lasting during the winter months.[1] [2]
- If you notice your tan fading, try reapplying the lotion.
- Tans from tanning lotions will fade after a few days.
- Applying too much tanning lotion can cause your skin to turn very dark or orange.
- Some tanning lotions may also moisturize your skin.
- If you're left with lotion residue on your hands, try using a scrub with exfoliating microbeads to remove it.
2Use a tanning bed. Many people enjoy visiting their local tanning salons to use a tanning bed. Tanning beds use UV lights to tan the entire surface of your skin. These beds can be a good idea if you need to improve your tan during the winter months. Check your local area for any salons or businesses that offer tanning beds.
- UV rays can be harmful to your skin and may cause skin cancer. Avoid using tanning beds often to avoid this risk.
3Try bronzing powder or serums. Bronzing powder or tanning serum is applied on the surface of your skin and will temporarily make your skin look darker. These bronzing powders can be a great way to quickly get a tanned look during the winter months.[3]
- You will likely want to use these bronzing powders on or around your face or neck.
- Bronzing serums may also help to keep your face moisturized.
- Apply bronzing serums before putting on makeup.
Making Your Tan Last During Winter
1Avoid exfoliating. Exfoliating can bring certain benefits. However, when you are trying to maintain a tan, exfoliating can be a bad idea. When you exfoliate, skin cells are removed and they can take your tanned look with them. Always avoid exfoliating when trying to preserve your tan through the winter months.
2Stay hydrated. It's important that you keep yourself well hydrated when trying to make your tan last through winter. Without proper hydration, your skin will tend to dry up and won't be as healthy as it could be. This may cause you skin cells to fall away faster than normal, resulting in your tan fading quickly. Always make sure you are drinking plenty of water during the dry winter months to make your tan last longer.
- Drink water whenever you feel thirsty.
- Certain foods can help with hydration as well. Try eating cucumbers, melons and celery for a healthy hydration boost.
3Eat healthy foods. Part of having healthy skin is having a healthy diet. Your skin needs certain vitamins, minerals, and nutrition in order to function properly and prevent skin cells from falling away faster than they would otherwise. To make your tan last into the winter months, make sure your diet is healthy and that you eat plenty of foods that are good for your skin.
- Foods that are rich in beta-carotene have been recommended for maintaining a tan. Spinach, carrots, and kale can be tasty options.
- Supplements or foods that contain antioxidants can help your skin stay healthy.
Community Q&A
QuestionI want to keep my tan for as long as I can (especially on my face), but I exfoliate my face twice every day because of acne. What should I do to keep my tan and still get to exfoliate?Community AnswerI have had the exact same problem. You can take a Vitamin D-3 capsule, biotin, and L-Lysine, every second day. It helped me clear my skin from the inside, and keep my tan on my whole body. Also, try to drink lots of water, and use a non-chemical skin cleanser (the Eminence clear skin probiotic cleanser is great).
- Overexposure to UV rays can cause cancer and premature skin aging.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Don't receive too much exposure to UV rays. Although they may look nice, tans are actually your body trying to protect itself from further damage caused by these light rays.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about tanning, check out our in-depth interview with Chloe Goldman.