This article was co-authored by Rachel Kove. Rachel Kove is a Certified Recovery Coach, Serial Entrepreneur, Published Author, Mental Health Advocate, and Actress with over 13 years of experience. She recently developed and became Co-Owner of Transformational Solutions, a life coaching program specializing in addiction, trauma, and personal development. Rachel also co-created the V.I.S.I.O.N.S program, an online self-improvement curriculum designed to help people get unstuck emotionally and accomplish their goals. Additionally, she co-hosts the weekly podcast “Kicking it With The Koves” alongside her brother and father, Jesse and Martin Kove.
This article has been viewed 69,231 times.
Have you ever felt that your being shy or timid in public has led you to live a boring life? This article will help you recognize and face your inhibitions, thereby helping you live a happier and fulfilled life.
Assess the situation.
Think deeply about your last social interaction. Were you the life of the party or were you the wimp at the bar? Did you mingle with the cute guys/girls without stuttering or did you feel too self-conscious to mingle with anyone? If you were the latter in both cases you are inhibited.
- Exploring your fears is a great place to start! Focus on learning why you feel inhibited and why you have a specific relationship with fear.
Face the situation.
Pay attention to your social behavior. If there are signs of inhibition do not hesitate to assess the situation. Realize that you are in control of your life, and you can fight through your inhibitions and come out a better and happier person.
- Memorize the word "FEAR" as an acronym for Face Everything And Rise or Face Everything and Recover. It's always good to face your fear, unless what you're scared of is actually dangerous.
Realize the importance of assessing the situation.
If your timidity isn't assessed or put an end to, there is a chance that this might bring about more serious problems like personal insecurities which will further stop you from communicating openly to your colleagues, friends, family members and so on, thereby making you frustrated and unhappy.
Stay true to who you are.
Don't be ashamed of who you are, you should accept and respect yourself. Stop bothering about people talking about you or judging you. This will make you all the more apprehensive and lead you to over think your every action in public. Behave naturally, react to circumstances in any way you want to, do not change your actions or opinions because of others. Stay strong and free willed, people will respect you for that.
- Don't take people's opinions of you personally—they're always a projection of their own internal experiences.
- If you spend your time focusing on the negative things that people say about you, it's only going to negatively impact your self-worth. Instead, it's important to focus on what you want to believe about yourself.
Lose control.
Stop being uptight. Learn to always have a genuine smile on your face, a pleasant demeanor will invite others to you. People around you are a mirror to the person you are, if you are smiling the others will smile, if you frown, the others will frown. Mingle with the people around you, don't think about who started the conversation, think of yourself as the bigger person and start the conversation first.
Volunteer and participate.
Participate in group activities as much as possible, the more you mingle, the more fear you overcome. The less fear you have, the fewer inhibitions you will have. If people call you on the dance floor jump in and show them those secret moves you've been practicing behind closed door. Host some parties of your own and call your close friends, this will be great practice for the other events.
Don't go overboard.
The main part here is to exercise some amount of control over your actions. Losing your inhibitions doesn't mean shrugging off responsibility. Wherever you are you are accountable for your actions, learn to have proper boundaries so that you don't become a menace to the others when you are having such a good time.
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