This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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If you’re into astrology, you’ve probably come across your big three: your Sun sign, your Rising sign, and your Moon sign. Moon signs give you an insight into your personality and your emotional self, which can help you navigate relationships and conflict. If you’re a Libra Moon, read on to learn more about your traits, both good and bad, and how other people perceive you.
Things You Should Know
- Libra Moons are known for their peacefulness and their natural charisma.
- Their key personality traits include being relationship-oriented, communicative, and artistic.
- Libra Moons value justice and keeping the peace above all else.
- Libra Moons are most compatible with other Libra Moons.
Libra Moon Overview
Libra Moons are defined by their natural charm and sense of justice. You’ll never meet a Libra Moon who isn’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. Naturally social, these conversationalists can talk to almost anyone about anything. Their friends would call them “peacemakers” and “mediators,” since they often help people reach compromises and avoid fights.[1] X Research source
- Libra’s sign is the Scales of Justice, meaning they have a natural sense for what’s right and what’s wrong.
What are Moon signs?
1Moon signs tell us about our emotions and our spirituality. While Sun signs often dictate our personalities and how we express ourselves, Moon signs dig a little deeper. They describe how you feel things and how you react to them on an emotional level.[2] X Research source
2Moon signs are dictated by the placement of the Moon when you were born. You can find your Moon sign if you know the exact date, time, and place of your birth. From there, an astrologer or a free astrology site can tell you where the moon was and which sign it represents.
Libra Moon Personality Traits
1Relationship-oriented Libra Moons value how people perceive them above all else. As such, they pay close attention to the relationships in their lives, platonic, romantic, and familial alike. Libra Moons don’t like conflict, and will often do whatever it takes to make the people around them happy.[3] X Research source
- This is likely because Libra is an Air sign, meaning they value communication and relationships above all else.
2Peaceful You aren’t likely to catch a Libra Moon in a fight! Known for their mediating ways, Libra Moons value peace and justice above everything else. They do their best to avoid conflicts and talk people down, even if it means a sacrifice on their part.[4] X Research source
- This can also mean that Libra Moons have trouble with boundaries. Since they’re so conflict-avoidant, they’re willing to ignore their own needs to make other people happy.
3Communicative Libra Moons are great talkers, and they know how to convey emotions and discuss tough subjects. You’ll never see them holding their emotions in—instead, they’re able to express how they’re feeling. Libra Moons are also great at listening to others and offering advice to the people in their life.[5] X Research source
4Charismatic Libra Moons are natural charmers, and they have a personality like a magnet that draws others in. If you’re a Libra Moon, social situations are where you thrive—you love meeting new people and hearing new perspectives.[6] X Research source
- Because of their natural charisma, a lot of Libra Moons enter customer-facing professions. You might see Libra Moons as human resource reps, salespeople, counselors, or consultants.
5Artistic If you’re a Libra Moon, you probably have an eye for everything beautiful. Many Libra Moons get into professions like architecture, theater, or cinema because of this. It has to do with the natural sense of balance: because Libra Moons are so invested in everything being equalized, they’re able to see patterns of beauty and symmetry in daily life.[7] X Research source
6Cooperative You won’t often see a Libra Moon rocking the boat. In fact, they’re far more likely to go with the flow, since they fear upsetting anyone around them. While this can be a great trait, it can also make them feel taken advantage of. If you’re a Libra Moon, be aware of the moments that you should stick up for yourself and make your voice heard.[8] X Research source
- This can be during small things, like where to go for lunch, or big things, like which city to move to. Libra Moons often let other people make decisions for them instead of standing up for what they want.
Libra Moon Compatibility
1Libra Moon and Aries Moon Opposites attract, and the same is true for this couple. Aries Moon is self-reliant and independent, while Libra Moons tend to be a little more codependent. While this relationship can work, it’s important for the Libra Moon to make their voice heard instead of simply going along with what the Aries Moon wants to appease them.[9] X Research source
2Libra Moon and Taurus Moon Taurus Moons tend to be a little less communicative, which can be irritating for a Libra Moon. In order for the relationship to thrive, Taurus Moons need to open up and work on communication. Both of these Moon signs are conflict-avoidant, so both partners will do whatever it takes to resolve fights and issues before they happen.
3Libra Moon and Gemini Moon Gemini Moons are rational and also value a sense of justice, which a Libra Moon can appreciate. Funny and social, they’ll always be up to head to a party or an event with their partner. These two may clash if they attempt to rationalize everything instead of expressing their feelings and talking about their emotions.
4Libra Moon and Cancer Moon Both of these Moon signs will do whatever it takes for the other person to feel comfortable. In the beginning, this will be great—over time, however, a Libra Moon may feel smothered by a Cancer Moon’s need to nurture. This relationship can work if both partners establish their boundaries early on.
5Libra Moon and Leo Moon Leo Moons are fiercely independent, and they have a tendency to focus on themselves as an individual rather than their relationships. As a relationship-oriented sign, this can be confusing for a Libra Moon. However, both signs are funny and sociable, so they’re bound to have a great time together.
6Libra Moon and Virgo Moon A Virgo Moon will connect with a Libra Moon over their mutual rationality. Their relationship will be solid, but it may lack passion or desire, which can be tough in the long run. However, if both partners express their needs and make an effort to get to know each other, this relationship can thrive.
7Libra Moon and Libra Moon A Libra Moon and Libra Moon pairing has the highest chance of success. Since you two are so similar, you’ll understand each other immediately without having to dig deep. This couple may struggle with making decisions, since neither one wants to upset the other. If they can work together to reach agreements, they can have a healthy, loving relationship.
8Libra Moon and Scorpio Moon Scorpio Moons tend to be overly emotional, which can be a tough thing for a Libra Moon to work with. However, if a Libra Moon makes an effort to appeal to their feelings, they can have an exciting relationship filled with passion.
9Libra Moon and Sagittarius Moon Sagittarius Moons also have a sense of justice, but they prefer to take sides instead of keeping the peace. This can be tough for Libra Moons to accept, but ultimately, they understand it. Sagittarius Moons are fiercely independent, which can make a Libra Moon feel a bit lonely.
10Libra Moon and Capricorn Moon Capricorn Moons don’t strive for balance as much as Libra Moons do, preferring to throw themselves into their work and their goals. If the two can connect over their emotions and let each other in, their relationship has a great chance of success.
11Libra Moon and Aquarius Moon The lighthearted nature of both Moon signs is what will bring them together. Ultimately, Aquarius Moons are a bit too independent for a Libra Moon’s taste, but they’ll still have fun laughing and joking together all the same.
12Libra Moon and Pisces Moon Pisces Moons also tend to avoid conflict, and they love showering their partners with affection. Since both Moon signs value keeping the peace, they could run into trouble with resentment and not expressing themselves. However, this relationship has the potential to be harmonious and drama-free.
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