This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Madeleine Criglow is a wikiHow Staff writer based in the Pacific Northwest. She has over six years of experience working in copywriting, editing, and journalism. In addition to her work for wikiHow, she writes a monthly film column for Tigard Life and Tualatin Life newspaper. Madeleine graduated from the University of Puget Sound with a BA in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing.
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When you find someone that you love like a soulmate, you might think about them all of the time. Even if you haven't found that special someone yet, you still may ponder what that person may be like or what they're up to right now. Most importantly, you're probably wondering if they're thinking about you, too. It's a question that many people have asked themselves, and there are actually many signs, some provable and some a little more anecdotal, that can tell you if your soulmate is thinking of you. Read on for a list of signs that you're true love has got you on their mind.
You’re smiling constantly.
It's a good sign if you're suddenly bursting with happiness. If you're walking around town with a huge grin on your face and there's no concrete reason for it, it's possible that someone is out there thinking of you very fondly.[1] X Research source
- If you have an innate sense that someone is out there thinking of you positively, you likely will have a more positive mindset as well.
You see love everywhere you go.
Are you suddenly surrounded by positive energy? That might suggest that your soulmate is out there thinking positive thoughts about you. Notice if you suddenly see couples that just adore each other or happy families laughing and having a great time everywhere you turn.[2] X Research source
- You might be seeing all of this love because you yourself are experiencing it as well. Alternatively, the universe might be telling you that your soulmate will enter your life soon and you'll experience love soon enough.
You’re feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
A soulmate connection can bring up a lot of intense feelings. If you're suddenly overcome with a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness, it's possible your soulmate is out there thinking of you and reciprocating your connection. Finding a soulmate connection with someone can be an overwhelming experience, so you may even feel emotions that you're not used to experiencing.[3] X Research source
- You might feel like you deeply miss them, even when you're still getting to know each other.
- You may be suddenly overcome with joy after meeting them or running into them for the first time.
- It's possible to experience these emotions even when you haven't met your soulmate yet.
You’re thinking about them all of the time.
This implies that you've got a strong bond that's likely shared. Once you meet your soulmate, you might constantly think about all of your previous interactions. You may also daydream about spending time with them, even when you've just met. Even if you haven't met your soulmate, you might constantly think about your ideal love and who that might be for you. These thoughts may indicate that you are on your soulmate's mind as well.
You’ve been dreaming about them a lot.
This might suggest they're dreaming of you as well. Dreams and their significance are still a big mystery, but there's a lot of significance to someone coming up in your dreams often. Your subconscious might be trying to tell you how much this person means to you. If they're truly your soulmate, it's possible that they're out there thinking of you as well.[4] X Research source
- If you often have dreams about the same person, or a mysterious person you haven't met yet, you might try keeping a dream journal. This can help you remember and understand your dreams better.
- Though the evidence is anecdotal, there are a lot of recorded instances of people (even total strangers) having the exact same dream. If you're having a recurring dream about your soulmate, they might just be having that same dream about you.[5] X Research source
You experience strange coincidences.
Synchronicity can be an indicator that your soulmate is thinking of you. You might hear from someone you really like right when you're thinking of them, or bump into them at the store when they've been on your mind all day. These little moments of synchronicity might be the universe's way of telling you that you've found your soulmate and they've been thinking of you all of the time.
You keep thinking that you hear their voice.
Alternatively, you may feel their touch even when they’re gone. If you've recently met someone that you have a soulmate connection with, you might think you hear their voice in line at the grocery store or feel their touch long after you hugged goodbye. These signs indicate that your connection is reciprocated and your soulmate is out there thinking of you, too.[6] X Research source
- You might mistake a stranger's voice for your soulmates or feel their touch on your skin even when you know that they're out of town.
You feel a strong urge to be near them.
If they're your soulmate, you'll likely experience a very close bond. This will make you feel drawn to be around them all of the time. You might not even know them super well, but feel a constant desire to be in their presence. If you're feeling such a strong connection, it's very likely that you're on their mind and they're feeling very similarly.[7] X Research source
- If you see this person at a party, you might feel drawn to approach them and talk all night. This need to be close to them suggests that they're thinking of you, too.
You get goosebumps out of nowhere.
A soulmate connection can be pretty powerful. If you get goosebumps when you hear their name or think of this person, that's a potential indicator of your deep bond. It's very possible that they're out there thinking of you and experiencing a similar phenomenon.[8] X Research source
- Even if you haven't met your soulmate yet, you might get goosebumps randomly and feel a strong sense that someone is out there thinking of you. This is a possible sign your soulmate is out there with you on their mind.
You keep sneezing.
Some cultures believe that sneezing means someone is thinking of you. Many in Ancient Greece believed that sneezing meant that someone was either thinking of you or even talking about you.[9] X Research source East Asian folklore proposed a similar belief, citing sneezing 3 times in a row as a sign that someone was in love with you.[10] X Research source
- This might not be a clear sign if you just stepped out in the bright sun, have allergies, or just ate a big meal.
You’ve got the hiccups.
Your body might be trying to tell you something. If you've got the hiccups and there's no other potential underlying causes (you're not dehydrated or super full after eating too fast), hiccups can be interpreted as a sign that your body knows something you don't. In fact, many believe hiccups to be an indicator that someone special is out there thinking of you.[11] X Research source
You're motivated to better yourself.
A soulmate connection makes you want to be the best version of yourself. If out of nowhere you're feeling inspired to confront your demons and follow your dreams, it's possible your soulmate is thinking of you and getting closer to finding you. If you've already found each other, even better. A strong love like that can be the motivation some people need to be the person they always dreamed of being. There's a chance that they're feeling this same motivation and thinking of you as well.[12] X Research source
- If you haven't met your soulmate, following through with your self-improvement goals can help bring you closer to them faster. You're more likely to attract a soulmate if you pursue your interests and live a vibrant life.
You see your past relationships in a new light.
You might see them as lessons to help build a healthier relationship. It's totally common to feel a sense of guilt or lingering heartbreak from your past relationships. If that weight has suddenly been lifted and you see the lessons you learned from these experiences, it's possible you've found a soulmate connection or are about to. Your soulmate is likely out there feeling very similarly with you very much on their mind.
This person reaches out to you all of the time.
This is the most surefire way to know that your soulmate is thinking of you. If you're hearing from this person all of the time, they're likely thinking about you constantly. They might even say that you've been on their mind. When someone takes the time to do this, it's usually from the heart. You can trust that this person has been daydreaming and thinking of you lots.[13] X Research source
- They might text you a funny GIF, meme, or article with the caption, "This made me think of you" or "This reminded me of you."
- It's possible that they'll even say something like, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."
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