This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Nihal Shetty. Nihal Shetty is a Writer and Editing Fellow at wikiHow who splits his time between Michigan and Mexico City. Before his role at wikiHow, he was an instructor of Russian literature at the University of California, Berkeley. Nihal received a BA in Comparative Literature from Columbia University and an MA in Russian at Berkeley.
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Looking for the perfect responses to common interview questions? We’ve got you covered. When you’re getting ready for an interview, it’s a good idea to have answers to some common questions prepared in advance. No matter the position, a popular question that interviewers love to ask is, “How do you build relationships?” or “Describe your approach to building work relationships.” We’ve put together this guide on the best responses to this question, so that you can land the position of your dreams.
“I believe positivity is the key to building connections.”
Show off your positive energy to make a good impression. Like most people, interviewers are looking for someone who makes the office a better place to work. Letting them know that you’re someone who wants to make others feel comfortable and happy can make you a more attractive candidate.[1] X Research source Say something like:
- “I think building relationships is much easier when you maintain a positive attitude. This is something that I consider to be one of my strengths—I treat others well and am naturally an optimistic person. I’ve found that being positive even in tough circumstances naturally builds relationships.”
“My integrity helps me form strong relationships.”
Integrity is among the most valuable qualities in any employee. When you mention that you’re someone who has a sense of integrity, you’re signaling that you’re a trustworthy person, one whom other people can trust or rely on.[2] X Research source Talk about your integrity by saying something like:
- “The way I see it, the best way to build relationships is to be someone whom others can rely on. I am someone for whom integrity is really important—I don’t gossip about others, and I treat everyone with respect no matter who they are. By doing this, I’ve been able to build not just satisfactory working relationships, but deep ones.”
“I build relationships by proactively helping others.”
A response indicating you go above and beyond works really well. This response shows that you build relationships by volunteering your time to help others with work—something every employer loves to see. Demonstrating that you’re the kind of employee that exceeds expectations makes you an irresistible hire, so say something like:[3] X Research source
- “I’m the kind of person that always asks others how I can make things easier for them. When we’re all working hard, it really makes a huge difference when someone reaches out to see how they can help. I really feel like the most positive relationships come from sharing the load with others.”
“I grow my network by always delivering.”
Talking about your reliability makes you an enticing hire. Interviewers understand that an employee that always follows through on their work naturally develops strong relationships with their other colleagues. Showing that you’re aware of the benefits that come from hard work can really pay off well, so say something like:[4] X Research source
- “When building relationships, I think actions speak louder than words. From the start of a new project or position, I make sure that I always deliver tasks on time and stick to my word. I take a lot of pride in what happens next: people start to rely on me, because they know that I’m reliable.”
“I see collaboration as a great way of creating relationships.”
A strong response demonstrates your interest in collaboration. Now more than ever, interviewers are looking for candidates that are team players.[5] X Research source To show that you’re the kind of employee that values the experience of others, give your interviewers a response like:
- “I see the workplace as an environment where we all learn from each other. To build relationships, I like to ask more experienced colleagues for advice and tips on how to be a successful member of the team. Going into a new position with as few assumptions as possible about how things work makes things run much easier, I’ve found.”
“I make connections by asking others about themselves.”
Being genuinely interested in others is an appealing quality. Your interviewers want to know that you’re someone who cares about the well-being of your colleagues, and is willing to reach out to them. You can showcase your investment in personal relationships by saying something like:[6] X Research source
- “As someone who works in marketing, I know how important personal relationships are. I make a habit of asking others about themselves and trying to get to know them on a deeper level, if they feel comfortable opening up. This practice really creates quality relationships.”
“I foster community by making time to meet with everyone I work with.”
Interviewers are looking for answers that demonstrate initiative. This answer is a strong one, since it really shows that you’re someone who’s willing to go the extra mile to improve workplace culture.[7] X Research source For a more fleshed-out response, say something like:
- “When I start a new position, I always make sure that I have an individual conversation with everyone I work with, regardless of their seniority. I’ve found that having just one conversation makes other people way more likely to approach me if they have something they need help with, or if they want to offer their assistance.”
“I schedule team-wide meetings to get to know everyone.”
Team-wide meetings are an effective solution for better workplace culture. These meetings are also called “all-hands” meetings, and they’re a great way to build better corporate relationships.[8] X Research source If you’re interviewing for a management position, using this response demonstrates that you understand current management techniques and are willing to use them. Say something like:
- “I’ve found that all-hands meetings have been a really effective management strategy that allows the whole team to feel more like a family. I build relationships by getting everyone in a room together—it’s pretty simple, but it works very well.”
“I connect with others by always meeting them halfway.”
Showing your adaptability makes you an attractive candidate.[9] X Research source This answer demonstrates your flexibility at work, which makes it a great way to respond to this question. Expand on your answer by saying something like:
- “I once worked on a project with someone who responded to everything I asked with a one-word answer. I eventually realized that she was diligent and a good teammate, but also struggled with social anxiety. Making text and e-mail our primary forms of communication allowed us to develop a better relationship.”
“I send out surveys to get to know my team better.”
A good answer to this question can highlight your work style and skills. An answer like this demonstrates your functional or transferable skills, showing that you can use in-demand skills like data analysis in other parts of your job.[10] X Research source You can also say something like:
- “It’s important to me to pinpoint and quantify the satisfaction of my team numerically. That’s why I regularly send out anonymous surveys of employee satisfaction and use this information to make adjustments to workplace culture.”
“I struggled with building relationships until I changed my approach.”
A story of how you’ve changed can show your growth. Interviewers often ask questions that start with “Tell me about a time when…” because they want to hear how you’ve learned from your previous experiences.[11] X Research source Responding to this interview question with a story like the following one can make a great impression:
- “I used to pride myself on being a very independent worker. In my last position, however, I saw that the success of our company relied on people working together, not just individual superstars. That was when I decided that no matter what project I do, I always take the first step of reaching out to others to build a relationship, since I know long-term success depends on this.”
Example Responses to How do you Build Relationships
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