The ability to play an instrument is a wonderful thing. Children are curious and imaginative by nature, and many will be able to pick up music very quickly, and develop a love for it. The ability to play an instrument and read music will be helpful later in your child's life. Studies have shown that playing an instrument improves academic skills, develops physical skills, and cultivates social skills.[1] To pick an instrument for your child, think about practical factors like age as well as your child's preferences and personality.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Considering The Practical Factors

  1. 1
    Take your child's age into consideration. For children older than six, you can pick from a wide variety of musical instruments. Younger children, however, are limited in what kinds of instruments they can physically handle. If you are picking an instrument for a child younger than six, a violin or a piano makes the most sense. Young children can more easily handle such instruments.
    • The piano can be a great choice for a young child because it provides foundational skills. A child can better understand music by playing the piano, as there is a visual representation of music that can help foster an understanding of musical theory.
    • Violins are good options as well, especially because they can be made in small sizes for very young children. A violin also helps a young child learn how to tune an instrument, which is important for developing musical skill.
  2. 2
    Evaluate your child's body type. Some children have body types that make them more prone to certain instruments. Keep body type in mind when selecting an instrument for your child.[2]
    • Height is a big factor when it comes to choosing instruments. A child that is of a smaller size will not take as well to a very large instrument, like a bassoon.
    • If you're choosing an instrument a child plays with their mouth, think about lip size. Smaller lips do better with instruments like the French horn or the trumpet, while a child with larger lips would struggle with these instruments.
    • Also, think about your child's fingers. Long and slender fingers will do better with a piano than short, stubby fingers.
  3. 3
    Choose an instrument that works for a child with braces. If your child has braces, or will get them soon, this can have a big impact on which instruments they can and cannot play.[3]
    • Braces will not inhibit your child's ability to play clarinets and saxophones that much. A flute will have an initial adjustment period for braces, but can be successfully played if your child has braces. Bassoons and oboes can also be played with braces.[4]
    • Braces are not as compatible with instruments like the trumpet, french horn, and baritone instruments like the tuba.
  4. 4
    Be practical about whether or not your child can practice regularly. A child should be practicing their instrument for 20 to 30 minutes a day in order to improve.[5] Therefore, you need to pick an instrument your child is able to practice in your home or at school regularly.[6]
    • Large instruments, like a piano or drums, may not fit into your home if you don't have a lot of space. You should also keep in mind sound. If you live in a quiet neighborhood, people may complain about your child playing drums.
    • You do not have to rule out a large or noisy instrument simply because it does not fit into your home. See if your child's school has a place where your child can go and practice outside of the home, especially if your child has their heart set on a particular type of instrument.
  5. 5
    Consider how well coordinated your child is. Some instruments work better if a child who is highly coordinated. Woodwind and percussion instruments would work best with a well coordinated child. If your child is not as well coordinated, stay away from these instruments unless your child expresses a very strong interest in learning them. If a child truly wants to, say, play the drums, they may be able to develop the necessary coordination with time.[7]
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Taking Your Child's Personality into Account

  1. 1
    Think about whether your child is outgoing. Children that love to be the center of attention are drawn to instruments that steal the show. If you have an outgoing child, choose an instrument to match that personality.[8]
    • Flutes work great for outgoing children, as flutists are generally near the front of the band.
    • Louder instruments, like the saxophone and trumpet, also work well for outgoing children.
    • Although callousing develops eventually, some children may shy away from stringed instruments because of blistering or even cuts experienced.
  2. 2
    Talk to your child's music teacher.[9] If your child takes music lessons at school, talk to your child's music instructor. A child may have a slightly different personality playing an instrument than they do at home, and your music instructor will have a good sense of what instrument is right for your child.[10]
    • Make an appointment with your child's music teacher. Tell them you're trying to pick an instrument for your child and you want to know what kind of instruments your child enjoys in band.
  3. 3
    Consider how your child thinks. Analytical thinkers may take better to certain instruments. The oboe and the piano are often a good choice for a highly analytical child, for instance. These instruments require a bit more analytical thinking and inquisitiveness. For children who are less analytical and more socially oriented, go for instruments like the saxophone, trombone, and the flute.[11]
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Giving Your Child a Say

  1. 1
    Pay attention to which parts of a song a child gravitates towards. Allow your child to listen to music with you. This can help you figure out what kind of instrument a child may enjoy playing. Listen to what sounds resonate with your child, and consider the instruments producing those sounds.[12]
    • Listen to a variety of music, from solo music to ensemble pieces. Ask your child which sounds they enjoy, and talk to them about the instruments involved in producing those sounds.
    • Ask your child about the song. Say something like, "Which parts of this song do you love?"
    • After a while, your child may express interest in learning the instruments that make the sounds they gravitate towards.
  2. 2
    Have your child test out an instrument, if possible. It can be difficult to settle on one instrument for your child, especially if your child is eager and excited about music. See if your band allows kids to rent a certain instrument for a set number of days to try it out. You can let your child experiment with several different instruments before settling on one to play.[13]
  3. 3
    Assist your child in exploring music. Take your child to museums, libraries, or other venues where music is being played. Exploring music will help your child figure out what kind of instruments they may be interested in.[14]
    • Don’t be afraid to switch up music. While kids’ music is fine, don’t be afraid to play your favorite band or artist as additional exposure of different music types. Your child will pick up on your joy and excitement as you sing along to The Beatles or Beethoven.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What age should a child learn a musical instrument?
    Michael Noble, PhD
    Michael Noble, PhD
    Professional Pianist
    Michael Noble is a professional concert pianist who received his PhD in Piano Performance from the Yale School of Music. He is a previous contemporary music fellow of the Belgian American Educational Foundation and has performed at Carnegie Hall and at other venues across the United States, Europe, and Asia.
    Michael Noble, PhD
    Professional Pianist
    Expert Answer
    The younger your child is, the better. Learning an instrument will be harder for your child as they get older.
  • Question
    Can I still play the trumpet with braces?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can play any brass instrument with braces.
  • Question
    My daughter is nine and wants to play cello, are strings good for someone her age?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, they are. Cellos have different sizes (4/4, 7/8, 3/4, etc). See which one fits her size best, and when she grows up, get a bigger cello.


  • Some instruments are harder to learn than others, and everyone leans at his or her own pace and is successful on different instruments. Just because some children can produce tones on a flute upon the first attempt, that doesn't necessarily mean your child will. Don't let them get discouraged, but at the same time, don't force them to do something they aren’t happy with.

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About This Article

Michael Noble, PhD
Co-authored by:
Professional Pianist
This article was co-authored by Michael Noble, PhD. Michael Noble is a professional concert pianist who received his PhD in Piano Performance from the Yale School of Music. He is a previous contemporary music fellow of the Belgian American Educational Foundation and has performed at Carnegie Hall and at other venues across the United States, Europe, and Asia. This article has been viewed 127,719 times.
15 votes - 66%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: December 7, 2022
Views: 127,719
Categories: Musical Instruments