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Periods can be uncomfortable and painful for many women. If your friend, date, classmate, or workmate is in need of your help during their period, you can help out and make things a lot easier for them. In this article, we'll share a list of great ways you can help someone out during their period.
Offer them a spare pad or tampon.
Offer reassuring words if they feel down.
Comment on positive things or compliment them. This will take their mind off feeling less down in the dumps. Most of all, be understanding.
- Don't make jokes about "that time of the month", "rags" or "PMT", etc. Joking about such things is just way off and won't help them to feel reassured.
- Do commiserate if you actually know how it feels to have a period. If you don't, then don't make it up as you just don't know what it's like; be sympathetic but not invasive.
Help them out if they feel unwell.
You might accompany them to the sick room or to give them a back rub. Be careful about offering medications; in some cases it isn't legal to do so, not even a painkiller and in other cases, it's just better that they make that decision for themselves.
- Ask them if they've had any water recently. If not, fetch them some quickly. Staying hydrated may help to ease their queasiness and some cramps.
- Offer to buy them some groceries or a ready-made meal. Or, make them a meal.
- Run errands for them for the day they feel bad. They'll be happy to do the same for you when you need it.
- Bring them a hot water bottle for those dreadful cramps. Or, if appropriate, offer to massage their lower back.
Be discrete and kind if you need to point out stains.
Gently take them aside and let them know. If you have a cleaning cloth, a spare pair of jeans or skirt, etc., you can offer those as well. After they're tidied up, you can give them the "all clear" if they ask you, otherwise just let it be.
- If you have any portable stain remover in your bag or desk drawer, give it to them to use.
- Don't make fun of stains and don't broadcast the fact that you've seen stains. It's impolite to make a big deal out of it and pointless too. Everyone has messy problems now and then.
Be understanding if they seem different emotionally.
The hormones and discomfort can take a toll. This can cause some people to feel blue or irritable or sad or even extremely anxious. Most of the time it is short-lived and blows over with a good rest, nutritious food and some tender loving care. Everyone has down days, so roll with it and be a nice and helpful person. Avoid criticizing them for how they are, as this will only make things worse for them.
Realize that your kindness will be appreciated.
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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.