If you or your child has a favorite stuffed animal, chances are they get a lot of use. Over time, stuffed animals can collect dirt and grime with wear and tear. You may want to clean the animal from time to time. Checking the tag of your stuffed animal will allow you to see whether its suitable to go in the washing machine. If you’re worried that your stuffed animal may not make it through the washing machine or the instructions tell you not to put it in the washing machine, there are still plenty of ways to wash a stuffed animal by hand.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Washing with Baking Soda

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    Place the stuffed animal in a plastic garbage bag. A garbage bag will keep you from spilling while you clean. [1]
    • If you don’t have a bag, you can apply the baking soda directly to the animal.
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    Add baking soda to the bag. You want about ½ cup of baking soda for an average-sized stuffed animal.[2]
    • If your stuffed animal is bigger or smaller, you can adjust the amount of baking soda appropriately.
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    Shake the bag vigorously. This will agitate the baking soda and allow it to penetrate the stuffed animal.
  4. 4
    Wait 15-20 minutes and let the bag rest. This will give the baking soda time to interact with the dirt and clean it off.
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    Clean off the baking soda. You can use several methods for this:
    • Shake off the baking soda,
    • Brush the baking soda with your hand,
    • Use a cloth to remove the baking soda from the stuffed animal,
    • Use a handheld vacuum cleaner if you really want to be thorough.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Washing Thoroughly By Hand

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    Fill a sink or a wash basin with cold water. This method involves submerging the entire stuffed animal, so you need a sink or basin deep enough to do that.
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    Add a small amount of delicate wash soap. Woolite is a commonly known brand of delicate wash soap, but you can use any brand. A cap full should be enough.[3]
    • Regular liquid detergent or liquid dish soap are acceptable alternatives.[4]
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    Scrub the stuffed animal. You can use your hands, but a cleaning brush is better for this.
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    Squeeze the stuffed animal out. Submerge the stuffed animal into the cold water again to ensure that all the dirt and soap are being removed. It’s very important to do this to get all of the soap out of the animal.[5]
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    Rinse the stuffed animal out. Holding the stuffed animal under cold water, rinse out all the soap. While under the water, keep squeezing the stuffed animal to make sure you are removing all the soap.
    • You may want to press the stuffed animal between a couple of towels to get as much water out as possible.[6] .
    • Use white or light colored linens to prevent color transfer from a darker colored towel to your stuffed animal.[7]
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    Brush out the stuffed animal’s fur. This will keep it from tangling. If the animal needs it, this is a good time to fluff it back to its original shape.
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    Dry the stuffed animal. Hanging the stuffed animal to dry is the best method. A line in the sun is best, as there will be lots of dripping water. If you can’t hang the animal outside, hang it somewhere where dripping water won’t be a problem, such as above a sink or the bathtub.[8]
    • Using a hair dryer and drying them in the dryer are acceptable alternatives for drying your stuffed animals. If you use the dryer, use the permanent press option with low heat.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Cleaning Spots As Needed

  1. 1
    Get the necessary supplies. You’ll need a clean toothbrush, two clean washcloths, a small wash basin or bowl, and a high efficiency laundry detergent.[9]
    • Spot cleaning is best if the whole stuffed animal does not require cleaning.
    • You’ll also want to spot clean if the animal is made of something delicate enough that you don’t want to submerge it.
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    Apply a small amount of cleaner to the basin or bowl.[10]
    • Regular liquid detergent and liquid soap can work as well.
    • Most cleaners that work on upholstery should work on your stuffed animal.[11]
    • You can make a good cleaning solution for your animal by diluting some dishwashing soap in warm water.[12]
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    Fill the basin or bowl with warm water. Here, you want to use your hand to mix the detergent around the bowl, ensuring you have a proper mix of water and detergent.[13]
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    Dip the washcloth in the basin. You want to get the cloth pretty wet, but not soaked. Using a circular motion, rub the entire stuffed animal down. Gently scrubbing any trouble spots.
    • For a particular troublesome spot, use your toothbrush to scrub a little harder.
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    Rinse the stuffed animal. Using your remaining washcloth, run it under cold water. Make sure you get the washcloth wet, but not soaked. In circular motions, wipe down the stuffed animal.
    • You may need to wet the wash cloth a couple of times to make sure you are removing all the detergent from the stuffed animal.
  6. 6
    Dry the stuffed animal. You should hang the stuffed animal out in the sun to dry or place it in front of a fan.
    • If the stuffed animal is not suitable for the washer, it most likely can’t go in the dryer either.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I am afraid to try this on my favorite stuffed animal. Does it really work?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can try this out on a stuffed animal you don't care so much about that has similar material to your favorite. Then you will be more confident that it will work.
  • Question
    Does a stuffed animal grow mold after washing it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends the material it's made out of, but usually not. Make sure you let it dry completely.

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About This Article

Regina DeCorte
Co-authored by:
Residential Cleaning Specialist
This article was co-authored by Regina DeCorte. Regina DeCorte is a Residential Cleaning Specialist and is the Founder of Maid in JC, a home cleaning service based in downtown Jersey City, NJ. With more than eight years of experience, she specializes in cleaning apartments, condos, and townhomes using natural products. Regina and her staff are fully bonded and insured. This article has been viewed 86,303 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: October 23, 2022
Views: 86,303