This article was co-authored by Alisa Rassin. Alias Rassin is an Exotics Veterinarian and the Owner of The Exotic Animal Hospital of Pennsylvania in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in treating reptiles, birds, and small mammals. She holds a Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris from The University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences from Penn State University. She was also certified by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
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If your veterinarian has prescribed medication for your rabbit, you are going to need to administer the medicine in a timely and effective way. By disguising pills in food or liquid, administering liquid medication with a syringe, or getting your rabbit to swallow a whole pill, you can ensure your rabbit takes their medication. Remember to be patient with your animal and to follow all instructions provided by your vet.
Disguising Pills in Food or Liquid
1Hide whole pills in food. Your rabbit may have an easier time consuming medication if you conceal it within their food. You can try sticking a whole pill inside of a banana, or coating it with peanut butter. Then present this food to your rabbit the way you normally would, and watch to make sure they finish it.[1]
- Peanut butter should not be a staple in your rabbit’s diet, but a small amount used to occasionally to administer medicine is OK.
2Find out if you can crush the medication. Some medications are designed to be given whole, while others can be crushed. Check any packaging or directions for labels like “Do not crush” or “Administer whole.” If you are not sure, contact your veterinarian to ask.Advertisement
3Crush the pill. Using a mortar and pestle (or a spoon and a ceramic mug) grind the pill into a fine powder. Press the end of the pestle (or the back of the spoon) into the pill until it becomes a powder.
- You can also buy a commercial pill crusher at most pharmacies.
4Add the crushed pill to food. Once the pill is crushed to a powder, add it to soft food like applesauce, peanut butter, or mashed banana. Use as little as possible to disguise the medicine. Offer this food to your rabbit, and make sure they consume all of it.[2]
5Dissolve a crushed pill in liquid. Another option is to crush a pill or tablet and dissolve this in a small amount of water or juice. (The amount will vary according to the size of the pill, and is not specific. Simply use enough liquid to create a solution.) Then administer the solution using a syringe, just like you would for any liquid medication.[3]
Administering Liquid Meds
1Locate a needleless syringe. To administer liquid medication to your rabbit, you are going to need to a needleless syringe. One of these can be obtained at your veterinarian’s office, or at most pharmacies.[4]
- If you do not have a needleless syringe, a plastic dropper can be used as well.
2Prepare the right dosage. Place the tip of the syringe into the liquid medication and pull back the plunger until the correct dosage is in the tube. (Follow dosage instructions on medication packaging.) Try to ensure that there are no air bubbles.[5]
- If you get air bubbles in the syringe, simply eject the liquid and start over.
- Be sure that the syringe opening is totally submerged in the liquid. (This will help prevent bubbles.)
3Hold your rabbit. Sit down with your rabbit on your lap. Gently hold your rabbit still under your non-dominant arm, like you would a football. Do this gently and try to keep your rabbit calm.[6]
- Be aware that your rabbit might squirm, so hold on tight.
4Insert the syringe. Wiggle the syringe into the rabbit’s mouth. It should be inserted right through the large gap between the incisors and cheek teeth, and directed toward the back corner of the mouth.[7]
5Dispense liquid. Once you have inserted the syringe, press down on the plunger to slowly dispense the liquid medication. Once again, be sure to aim toward the back corner of the mouth, and not down the throat.[8]
- It is very important you don't do this too forcefully. Give the rabbit a chance to swallow and avoid flooding the mouth with liquid. There is a risk if liquids are squirted in too quickly that the rabbit will inhale the medicine, which can cause pneumonia.
- If your rabbit doesn't like the syringe, try filling it with juice first so your pet thinks the medicine is a treat.
6Praise your rabbit. Once your rabbit has taken the medicine, give them some gentle pats and words of praise. You may even want to play with them a bit, or offer a favorite treat.
Giving a Whole Pill
1Hold your rabbit still. In order to give your rabbit a pill, start by holding the rabbit still. It is a good idea to begin when your rabbit is calm. Simply pick up your rabbit, and cradle them under your non-dominant arm, almost like a football, with their face away from you.[9]
2Part the lips. Holding the rabbit with your non-dominant arm, use that same hand to gently part the rabbit’s lips. Use two fingers to carefully pry their lips apart. Be ready with the pill in your other hand.[10]
3Place the pill in the back of their mouth. Once the rabbit’s lips are parted, swiftly place the whole pill in the back of the rabbit’s mouth. The pill can be inserted through the gap between the incisors and cheek teeth.[11]
4Massage the throat. Allow the rabbit’s mouth to close, while keeping them under your arm. Use your free hand to lean the rabbit’s head back a bit, and gently massage their throat to encourage swallowing.[12]
5Praise your rabbit. Once you are sure the rabbit has swallowed the pill, be sure to praise them! Pet your rabbit, play with them, say some nice words, and perhaps offer a treat.[13]
Putting Medication in or on the Eye
1Hold your rabbit. Sit down with your rabbit on your lap, facing away from you. Using your non-dominant arm, hold your rabbit under your arm like a football. Your rabbit is likely to stir, so be ready.
2Open the eye. While maintaining pressure on the rabbit (to keep them still) with your arm, use that same hand (your non-dominant hand) to hold the eye open.
3Apply ointment. Apply a line of ointment along the edge of the eyelid with the other hand (your dominant hand). You may need someone to help you the first time you try this.[14]
- Be sure to review the medication's packaging to know exactly how much to use, and how often to reapply.
- Repeat on the other side, if necessary.
4Insert eye drops. To insert eye drops, hold your rabbit in the same way, and open the eye. Place the drops inside the rabbit's bottom eyelid. Once again, review the medication's packaging to know how many drops you need, and how often.[15]
- Repeat on the other side, if necessary.
Providing Ear Treatments
1Hold your rabbit. Sit down with your rabbit on your lap. Position the rabbit so they are facing away from you. Then, using your non-dominant arm, hold the rabbit under your arm like a football. Be sure to keep the ear upright.
2Insert the applicator. Your ear drops or ointment should have come with a plastic applicator. Some applicators will already have the medication inside them, and others will not. If your does not, insert the applicator into the medication and pull-back the plunger until you have the right amount. Then, gently insert the applicator tip into the ear canal.
- Don't push the applicator too far down, or you could risk damaging the middle ear.
- As always, check the medication packaging for information on proper dosages.
3Administer the medications. Keep a firm grasp on your rabbit, as they are likely to squirm. Then depress the plunger on your applicator and administer the medication into your rabbit's ear.
4Massage the ear. Finally, rub your rabbit's ears for a few seconds. This will allow the medication to reach inside the ear.[16]
- Repeat this process on the other side, if necessary.
Applying Creams to Wounds
1Clean the wound. If your rabbit has incurred an injury, you may need to apply cream (or gel) to the wound. Before you apply a cream or gel medication to a wound, the area must be cleaned.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Hold rabbit still with your non-dominant hand (it may help if someone is there to assist you.) #*Clean the area using a cotton pad and antiseptic.
2Clip fur, if necessary. If the rabbit’s fur is getting into the wound, you may need to trim a bit of it away. This reduces irritation and helps the wound to remain free of bacteria. Use a pair of sharp scissors to carefully remove any excess fur.
- Wash your hands, if you haven't already.
- Hold rabbit still with your non-dominant hand. (Once again, have someone help you , if possible.)
- Use sharp scissors to trim away the fur around the wound.
3Read the instructions. Locate instructions on the bottle of cream, on the packaging, or on any materials you received from the vet. This should tell you exactly how much cream you should apply, as well as how often.
4Apply the cream. Administer the cream, moving from the center of the wound to the edge of wound. This helps avoid bringing germs from the fur to the wound.
- Once again, you will need to help the rabbit still with your non-dominant arm. Use your other hand to apply the cream.
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow do you give a stubborn rabbit medicine?Alisa RassinAlias Rassin is an Exotics Veterinarian and the Owner of The Exotic Animal Hospital of Pennsylvania in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in treating reptiles, birds, and small mammals. She holds a Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris from The University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences from Penn State University. She was also certified by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Exotics VeterinarianGently wrap a towel around your rabbit, sit on the floor, and carefully put them in between your knees. From there, insert the syringe along the side of their mouth, which won't be painful to them.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about giving medication to a rabbit, check out our in-depth interview with Alisa Rassin.
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About This Article
To give a rabbit medication in pill form, try hiding the pill inside of some food, like a banana or a spoonful of peanut butter, so your rabbit is more likely to eat it. Alternatively, if your vet says it's OK to crush up the medication, try crushing the pill into a fine powder and mixing it into some soft food, like applesauce or mashed banana. However, if you can't crush up the pill and your rabbit won't eat the food you've hidden it in, you may need to open its mouth and place the pill in the back of it. Then, once your rabbit closes its mouth, gently massage its throat with your hand so it swallows the pill. For tips from our Veterinary co-author, like how to give a rabbit liquid medicine, read on!