This article was co-authored by Ashley Pritchard, MA and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine.
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Whether you’re a wide-eyed freshman or a seasoned senior, the first day of school can be exciting. It’s a chance to see old friends, make new friends, and get a fresh start academically. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a little nerve-racking as well. Luckily, you can shake off a bunch of these nerves with a little bit of preparation. By getting as much out of the way as possible ahead of time, you’ll give yourself plenty of breathing room to make the most of your first day.
Purchase school supplies.
Get plenty of notebooks, pens, and pencils for school. If your teachers sent out syllabuses ahead of time, scan each document to find the list of required materials you need to purchase before school starts. You don’t necessarily need to bring everything with you on the first day of school, but you don’t want to end up running around after the first day to purchase all of the supplies you need.[1] X Research source
- You probably want to purchase one dedicated notebook and folder for each class as well. Beyond that, you may want to get some white-out, a mini-stapler, highlighters, an eraser, and a pencil sharpener.
- The first year of high school is a great occasion for a new backpack! Get something spacious and comfortable that fits your style.
Pack your backpack.
Get your bag ready the night before so you don’t have to rush. If the first day is going to be orientation, you probably don’t need all of your textbooks. However, you should at least pack a notebook and something to write with. Make sure you bring a spare phone charger in case your phone dies. You may also want to bring chapstick and feminine hygiene products if necessary.[2] X Expert Source
Ashley Pritchard, MA
School Counselor Expert Interview. 4 November 2019.- If you know you’re going to get a locker on day one, feel free to bring all of your books and supplies. This way, you can store whatever you don’t need at school.
Set your outfit aside before bed.
Go through your closet and pull out what you’re going to wear. If your school has a set uniform, pull it out and set it aside for the morning. If they don’t, make sure your clothes aren’t in violation of your school’s dress code. You can wear whatever you’d like, but try to choose a top and bottom that are going to be comfortable.[3] X Research source
- Look up the weather forecast. If it’s supposed to rain, make sure your outfit is appropriate for the weather. Grab an umbrella and rain boots if you need them.
- Pick something that reflects your personality and sense of style.
- If you aren’t sure what to wear, some sneakers, jeans, and a basic shirt is a safe, comfortable bet.
Figure out your lunch plans.
If you need to pay for lunch, get your money the night before. If your school wants you to bring your own lunch, pack it and toss it in the fridge before you go to bed. If your school offers free lunches for students, double-check to make sure. Having a plan for lunch will keep you from sitting around the cafeteria with nothing to eat.[4] X Research source
- If you’re packing your own lunch, keep it simple. A sandwich, piece of fruit, and a granola bar is a solid choice.
Reread any emails from school.
Your high school likely sent out several emails about the first day. Review any communications from your school regarding the dress code, schedule, and requirements for the first day back.[5] X Research source Day one is almost always orientation, so read through their announcements and letters to get a sense for what that’s going to entail.[6] X Research source
- At orientation, you’ll probably tour the school, hear an introduction from your teachers and principal, and go through the key policies and norms.
- This is especially important for virtual learning. Your school will likely send out instructions for setting up your video conferencing software. Complete these steps well before the first day of school.
- If your school sent a handbook out with their rules and policies, scan through it. It may keep you from accidentally showing up in inappropriate clothing or something like that.
Look over your schedule.
If you’ve got your class schedule, review it before the first day. You can even make a cheat sheet listing each class and classroom number. Having a sense for what your class schedule looks like will give you a feeling for what your average day is going to be like. This is especially helpful if you’re a freshman and this is your first time transitioning on your own from class to class.[7] X Expert Source
Ashley Pritchard, MA
School Counselor Expert Interview. 4 November 2019.- Some schools give you your schedule on the first day after orientation. If you don’t have your schedule yet, don’t worry about it.
- Note your lunch period. If it’s a little later in the day and you tend to get hungry mid-day, be sure to eat breakfast. Most high schools won’t let you eat before your lunch period.
Get plenty of sleep.
You may be excited or nervous, but try to get some rest. If you’re running on fumes the first day, you may end up missing important information or nodding off.[8] X Research source Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep before the first day. This way, you’ll wake up refreshed, excited, and ready to go![9] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source
- Set an alarm for the morning. If you’ve ever slept through an alarm, set 3-5 different alarms to go off relatively close to one another. Plug your phone in before you go to bed so that it charges overnight and doesn’t die.
- If you know you need to be up at 6:30 am, try to go to bed by 10:30 pm at the absolute latest. The more sleep you can get, the better.
- Try to avoid staring at your phone, playing video games, or watching TV in the 2-3 hours leading up to bed. Bright screens can trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime, which can make it harder to go to sleep.
Wake up a little early.
Rushing to get out the door on time is a rough way to start the day. Give yourself at least 30 extra minutes in the morning to eat, shower, and get ready. A little extra time will keep things relaxed and put you in a better headspace on the first day of school. It’s also important to be a little early if you’re taking a bus, since missing your bus could make you late.[10] X Expert Source
Ashley Pritchard, MA
School Counselor Expert Interview. 4 November 2019.- Do your absolute best to not hit the snooze button. It may be hard to get up early after a long summer of relaxation, but do your best to get up when the alarm goes off.
- You can shower the night before if you want to save a little time in the morning.
- Getting to school early will also give you a chance to make some friends or meet your teachers before school starts.
Complete your morning routine.
Drink a glass of water, shower, and brush your teeth. If you bought yourself some time by getting up early, this should be a relaxing, smooth process. Take a warm shower, have a nice, tall glass of water, and brush or style your hair. Throw on the outfit you set aside the night before and get out the door on time (or a little early)![11] X Research source
- If you’re wearing any perfume or cologne, go easy on the stuff.
- If you showered the night before, go ahead and skip the morning shower. You may still want to wash your face just to wake up, though.
- Listen to some upbeat music while you’re getting ready if you want to start the day on a positive note.
Eat a healthy breakfast.
A healthy breakfast will help carry you through the day. Grab some fruit, oatmeal, eggs, cereal, or yogurt. Choose something light that won’t bog you down or make you feel stuffed all morning. This way, you’ll be alert, comfortable, and energetic during your day.[12] X Expert Source
Ashley Pritchard, MA
School Counselor Expert Interview. 4 November 2019.- Some schools offer breakfast in the morning. If your school has breakfast, feel free to skip eating at home. But make sure that you eat something!
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