Collecting feathers in Angry Birds allows you to earn special achievements and titles, such as Feather Picker, Feather Collector, and Feather Gatherer. To earn a feather, players must purchase an upgrade known as the Mighty Eagle, then use the upgrade to achieve 100 percent Total Destruction for that particular level.


Shoot sardines at the pigs.

  1. Use your slingshot to shoot the sardines. After a few seconds, the Mighty Eagle will fly down from the sky and destroy all pigs and blocks in its path. The destruction caused by the Mighty Eagle is calculated based on the damage sustained, and on where you place the can of sardines.[3]
    • Try aiming the can of sardines so it lands directly in front of the pig structure. The Mighty Eagle will fly down into the ground, spin out of control, and cause a higher amount of destruction.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What can I buy with the feathers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Nothing, they're just there as an achievement to show that you've destroyed an entire level.


  • The Mighty Eagle can be used repeatedly as many times as needed on levels you've already passed; however, you must wait 60 minutes to summon the Mighty Eagle again after using the feature on a level you haven't yet completed. Keep this factor in mind before activating the Mighty Eagle.

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Updated: June 6, 2022
Views: 65,472