So you want to get flirty with a guy or get something off your chest, and you've chosen the drunk text as your method. Good choice! Drunk texts are bold, open, and usually pretty funny. They're especially effective when you’re not actually drunk, and it's easier than you think to fake it convincingly. Read on for a complete list of ways to craft the perfect drunk text conversation with a guy.


Clarify why you’re texting him.

  1. The motivation behind your text determines how you guide your chat. Drunk texting is an excuse to be open and specific about what you want, so clarify that for yourself before you pick up the phone. Are you trying to ask him out? Do you only want to flirt? Do you have to confess something?[1] Here are some big reasons people drunk text:
    • To reveal an emotion like love, anger, or hurt towards the recipient
    • To feel confident asking for a hookup, a date, or to make social plans
    • To feel less accountability for their words and actions
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Decide how “drunk” you are.

  1. Pick a level and stick with it throughout the night. You might blow your cover if your first 2 texts are incoherent and then you come through with a poetic novel. Think back on situations where you’ve drunk texted before and channel those impulses.[2]
    • “Tipsy” is a good mindset to be in. This is where you’re open and creative but still able to hold a conversation.
    • Playing “super drunk” might come off as “I need help” or “come pick me up,” so be careful you don’t inspire your guy to come rescue you.
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Craft a good opener.

  1. Your first text should get his attention and convey your drunk mood. Drunk texters get to the point pretty quick, so you might even just open with your request right away. Think of a way to hook him besides “heeeyyyy” (which is great for initiating a booty call, but not much else).
    • Use “We need to talk.” or “I need to tell you something. Now.” to confront him about something.
    • To flirt, use a silly question like “Should I have another margarita right now? You decide!” or tell him you’re thinking about him, like “Just remembered how goofy you looked carrying that refrigerator box yesterday”
    • When in doubt, go for a bombastic “I miss you!!!” or remind him of something you did together like “Omg I just passed that horrible restaurant Shannon dragged us too lol”
    • For a one-night stand, go straight to the classic “you should come over tonight” or “we should meet up later ;)”

Stick to proper spelling.

  1. Making 1,000 typos is an obvious sign of fake drunk texting. Focus on your tone and emotions instead to be more convincing. Typos also potentially lead to misunderstanding, which is something to avoid since you’re already playing a convoluted game of fake drunk texting.
    • There’s a chance you’ll make a typo here and there anyway, so consider leaving those natural mistakes in. Just be sparing with them.
    • Use excessive punctuation and emojis to put that drunk energy in your text, or try some sentence fragments instead of elaborate prose.

Keep the conversation short.

  1. Drunk people don’t have the attention span for a long conversation. Drunk texters introduce a thought—”I really like you” or “I’m mad at you”—and then follow up with sober conversations later. Think of your drunk text as a preview and not the whole conversation.
    • Drunk talks about serious topics aren’t a great idea. Your guy won’t fully believe what you’re saying, or might use “you’re just saying that because you’re drunk” as a counterargument.
    • Shorter conversations also give you less chances to slip up and expose your drunk act.

End the conversation casually.

  1. A simple “good night!” or “It’s my bedtime 🥱” is usually enough. If your texts were more serious, add something like “We’ll talk more later” or “Let’s finish this in the morning” to let him know that you’re not finished with him yet.
    • If you stop texting all of a sudden, he might think you’re in trouble and try to find you. Not only will you be busted, but he’ll have panicked for no reason.
    • Use an excuse that fits your backstory like “We’re trying to find our Ubers now, talk to you later” or “Switching bars!!! Gotta go”
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Follow up in the morning.

About This Article

John Keegan
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. He runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health. This article has been viewed 24,267 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: February 13, 2022
Views: 24,267
Categories: Texting