This article was co-authored by Jessica Notini, JD. Jessica Notini is a Negotiation and Mediation Coach practicing in California and internationally in many Latin countries. She is also a Lecturer at Stanford Law School and an Adjunct Professor at Boalt School of Law, Hastings College of the Law, and Mills College's MBA Program. She is the past Chair of the California State Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, served as the President of the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California (formerly NCMA), and was a member of the Board of Directors for the Mediation Society of San Francisco. She was recognized for her leadership and years of dedication with the California Dispute Resolution Council’s 2012 Don Weckstein Award. She has a BA in Psychology from Wesleyan University and a JD from the University of Michigan.
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Leading a group of people can be a tricky job. As the leader, you are responsible for keeping the group together and for ensuring the group functions well as a team. Whether you are leading a group at work, at school, or among your friends, being a strong, effective presence is important. To effectively lead a group, start by building trust and goodwill among the group members. You should also mediate all discussions and issues that come up in the group effectively and be willing to manage tasks and goals in the group.
Building Trust and Goodwill in a Group
1Do ice breaker activities. One way you can be a good group leader is to break the ice with activities when the group first gets together. Do ice breaker activities with the group so everyone can introduce themselves. Make sure all the group members get a chance to speak to one another on the first day so they feel less like strangers.[1]
- For example, as an ice breaker, you may do a simple go around in the group where everyone says their name and a personal detail about themselves.
- If the group is made up of students, you may have them state their majors and the most interesting thing they did during the school break. If the group is made up of professionals, you may have them state their profession and their favorite hobby outside of work.
2Use team building exercises. Team building exercises are great for helping people get used to working together and to create trust in the group. Try to schedule team building exercises during the first few group meetings. Use them throughout the group's time together, especially if you notice issues cropping up in the group.[2]
- For example, you may use a team building exercise like having everyone sit and make eye contact with one another to build comfort and trust.
- You can find a list of team building exercises on
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3Encourage good communication in the group. The key to trust and goodwill in a group is good communication. As a leader, you should encourage everyone in the group to be honest and open with one another. Let everyone know that the group is a place of trust and communication. Make it clear that you value honesty as a leader and expect everyone to communicate well with each other.[3]
- For example, you may say to the group, “I value good communication as a leader and I hope everyone in the group will communicate effectively with one another.”
EXPERT TIPNegotiation & Mediation CoachJessica Notini, JD
Negotiation & Mediation CoachOur Expert Agrees: As a leader, try to remember that it's your job to empower your group members to work collaboratively. Practice active listening, go over the analytics, and build relationships, respect, and rapport. Leaders do their best work when the group understands that the leader is there to help facilitate the goals of the group as a whole, rather than trying to push their own agenda.
4Allow time for group members to mingle and chat. To keep the vibe in the group relaxed and open, make sure you allow time for group members to socialize. Set aside time before the official group meetings for group members to chat, have some refreshments, and hang out. Allow for time after the group meetings for members to spend time with one another. This can foster a more welcoming and trusting environment in the group.[4]
- As the leader of the group, you may plan social outings for the group where everyone can relax and spend time together in a less formal environment. This can help members to socialize and build trust by seeing each other as people as well as peers.
Facilitating Discussion in a Group
1Arrange the room to make discussion easier. Before the group arrives in the meeting spot, arrange the chairs and tables so discussion is easier in the group. Put the chairs in a circle or around one table, with just enough chairs for everyone in the group. This will encourage eye contact and make talking in the group easier.[5]
- You can also put any materials for the group meeting on the table or by the door within reach. This way, the material is available for the group and the meeting can begin smoothly.
2Set ground rules for the discussion. To ensure the group discussion goes smoothly, establish ground rules at the outset. Make it clear that the group discussion is a place where everyone has the space to speak. Note that interrupting someone or talking over someone is not okay in group discussions. Encourage everyone in the group to respond in kind to one another, with respect.
- You may create ground rules for the discussion and print them out as a hand out for the group members at the first group meeting. Or you may state them at the first meeting so everyone is aware of the rules for discussion.
3Ask open ended questions. To facilitate discussion in a group, it is always best to ask open ended questions. Pose questions to the group that are thoughtful and open. Prompt the group with questions that can have more than a yes or no answer. Keep the questions short and clear so they are easy to understand.[6]
- For example, rather than ask someone, “Is that how you felt about the presentation?” you may ask, “How did you feel about the presentation?”
4Encourage group members who do not speak often. As the facilitator, it is your job to pay attention to who talks a lot in the group and who talks occasionally or not at all. Encourage group members who do not talk often to speak up when they want to. Make sure there is space in the discussion for them.[7]
- For example, you may try asking someone who does not talk often a prompting question to encourage them to contribute to the discussion. Or you may say, “Let's hear from individuals who have not spoken yet. Thoughts?” to encourage others to speak.
Addressing Issues or Conflicts in a Group
1Encourage active listening in the group. If you notice there is tension in the group, try to get all group members to do active listening. This may be useful if you notice conflict between two members in the group. Active listening will ensure that everyone listens to each other and responds thoughtfully to each other.
- As the leader of the group, model active listening for the group members. Start a discussion with a group member and listen intently to what they have to say. Make eye contact and maintain a relaxed body posture, with your body positioned towards them. Nod and smile to show you are listening.
- Once the person is finished talking, rephrase their thoughts back to them and confirm you heard them correctly. You may say, “What I am hearing you say is…” or “I believe what you are saying is…”. Once they confirm you heard them correctly, you can respond to them.
2Work with group members if there are issues. If you notice issues between group members, be direct and work with the group to resolve the issue. State that you are concerned about a conflict in the group. Use “I” statements. Ask open ended questions to get the group members to discuss the issue.
- For example, you may say, “I am feeling like there is tension between group members. How do you all feel about this?” or “I am feeling tension in the group. Can we talk about the issue as a group?”
3Speak to group members privately, if needed. Sometimes issues in a group are best resolved privately, especially if it is between two individuals in a large group. If you notice conflict, pull the individuals aside. Ask them if you can all speak privately about the issue. Set up a meeting with you and the individuals to discuss the issue in a private setting.
- Doing this can put the individuals at ease and make it easier for them to talk one on one, rather than in the big group.
Managing Tasks in a Group
1Prepare agendas and to-do lists. As the leader of the group, you will be need to manage tasks and goals in the group. Prepare agendas for each group meeting so the discussion stays on track. Make to-do lists for any tasks or goals that need to be achieved by the group. Hand out the to-do list to the group or write it down on a whiteboard so everyone can see it during group meetings.[8]
- If the group tends to meet online, email out to-do lists to the group.
- Once a task or goal is achieved, cross it off the list so everyone in the group can feel accomplished.
2Delegate tasks to specific group members. Do not be afraid to delegate tasks to specific group members, especially if the task is large or demanding. Divide a large task among several people in the group. Check that each person knows their role and their responsibilities as a group member. Write down each task and who is responsible for it so everyone is aware in the group.[9]
- For example, if the group is trying to raise money for a charity event, you may delegate the task of advertising the event among one to two people in the group and delegate the task of getting supplies for the event among two other people in the group.
3Support group members when they need it. As a leader, it is important that you support any group members who look like they need help. Do not micromanage everyone in the group. Rather, pay attention to how group members are working together. Take notice if one person seems to be struggling or needs assistance. Offer them help and encourage other group members to support the person.[10]
- For example, you may notice a group member falling behind on their work for the group. Pull them aside. Let them know you there for any help or support they may need. Arrange for them to work with another group member so they can complete their work.
4Reward the group when tasks are completed. Make sure you acknowledge the hard work of the group by rewarding them. Recognize the group's accomplishments by using verbal praise as well as by doing kind actions. Doing this will show the group that you support them as a leader and want them to succeed.[11]
- For example, you may tell the group, “You all did a great job on the charity event. Thank you for all your help. I couldn't have done it without you.”
- You may also treat the group to dinner or drinks as a way of showing your appreciation for their hard work.
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