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Lots of people use Sharpie markers, but what if you get Sharpie marker on a hard surface, and need to remove it? Rather than using soap and water, there are a lot of better ways to remove Sharpie marker. Luckily, it shouldn't be that hard to do.
Draw over the mark with another Sharpie.
This sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s no joke! Have an alcohol bottle on the ready too (some in a spray bottle is better than the rag approach.)
- With the new Sharpie in hand, firmly draw directly on the old mark, and immediately wipe it. The fresh coat of marker will re-liquefy the old ink, allowing you to wipe it off.
- You need to wipe it off immediately following the fresh application, so a two-handed approach may work best for you.[1] X Research source
Try using another permanent marker.
The pen contains both the ink and solvent. The simplest way to remove permanent marker quickly from a smooth surface is with the permanent marker and a rag.
- Color over a small part of the mark quickly, so that it becomes wet, then wipe away immediately.
- You might want to use a cotton ball to remove the marker, instead of a rag or paper towel. The small size of the cotton ball makes it ideal for removing marker without smearing it around more of the surface.
Use a dry erase board marker.
This is one of the easiest way to remove Sharpie, and it doesn’t require any chemicals.
- First, let the Sharpie mark dry. It may seem odd, but it helps to prevent smearing. Next, scribble over the mark with the dry erase board marker.
- Then, rub it off with a dry paper towel. All of the dry erase board marker remnants will be gone, and the Sharpie mark should start to disappear. Typically, this will take more than one try to remove all of it, but after 3-5 times or repeating this, the mark should be entirely removed.
Try using a spot remover product.
Start with any kind of an oily "remover" type product, like "Goo Gone." Even plain old cooking oil sometimes works. If that doesn't work, try a product like "Barkeepers Friend" or "KingClean." You might also try ink pen erasers on it or paint or lacquer thinner. You could also grab a can of carburetor cleaner, and it should remove the stain instantly.
- If you get only partial results, leave it for several days or weeks, and go back and repeat everything you did the first time, as often the marks themselves will oxidize or deteriorate to some extent, which gives you a better chance at getting rid of them.
Spray hairspray onto the stain.
Wipe it away with a towel after no more than 5 seconds. If you leave the hairspray on too long, it will stick!!
- Scrub the Sharpie stain until it rubs off. This should take about 30 seconds.
- If you don't have hairspray, unwanted perfume would do the job just as well. Do not use this method for clothes or electronic devices.
Put rubbing alcohol on the marker stain.
Sharpie ink is soluble in alcohol. A great removal liquid is alcohol. It can be used by grabbing a cotton ball, soaking it with alcohol and rubbing the stained surface.[2] X Research source
- Use a dab of the rubbing alcohol, or ethanol if you have it, on a facial tissue or the cotton ball, and apply it to the ink that you want to remove. This works great on surfaces like glass and metal but could potentially ruin delicate surfaces that react to alcohol. Alcohol is flammable so use common sense and only apply in small quantities and away from open flames.
- A similar method can be done with nail polish remover, as the strong chemicals can help with the removal of Sharpie ink.
Rub the Sharpie stain with orange peels.
The essential oils in orange peels work as a cleaner. Don’t have any chemical products around or don’t want to expose yourself to them? Try using oranges.[3] X Research source
- Before you start, make sure you rub the orange peel; this is known to bring out the essential oils that you will need.
- Using “elbow grease,” start rubbing the stain with the peels.
Consider using toothpaste.
Rub the spot with hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer contains alcohol that can remove permanent marker. This might not work for every surface; however, it works for a lot of them. You could also try hairspray.
- Simply just get a tissue or toilet paper, put hand sanitizer and hairspray on it, put it in a ball (this will spread the sanitizer to almost all parts of the paper), and then simply scrub.
- The more gross method if you have no hand sanitizer is using your own spit.
Use white vinegar, milk or baking soda.
Use products safe for the surface you’re cleaning.
Some chemicals could damage the surface. It will make a difference if you are trying to remove Sharpie from wood or a counter top, for example. Be most careful with wood. Non-chemical products may be a better choice in that case.
- If you are removing a Sharpie from wood, sometimes, just rubbing it with the eraser can remove it. You do not want to use any cleaner that has alcohol in it on the wood because it will ruin the finish.
- If you are removing Sharpie from a counter top that is not wood, nail polish remover, and other slightly alcoholic substances may remove it, though.
Community Q&A
QuestionCould rubbing alcohol be used on my phone case?Community AnswerMaybe, but spraying a small amount of deodorant spray or perfume or even nail polish remover works very well to remove Sharpie stains.
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- ↑ https://www.sharpie.com/support/faqs#QuestionAnswers_64013
- ↑ http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/tips/a16037/stains-felt-marker-may07/
- ↑ http://www.stain-removal-101.com/how-to-remove-sharpie-ink.html
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9REV577z6E
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qHYarvmQ3c
About This Article
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wikiHow Video Team
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 69,963 times.
4 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: October 16, 2022
Views: 69,963
Categories: Pen Ink and Marker Stains