This article was co-authored by Isabelle Garson. Isabelle Garson is a Social Media Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 10 years of experience, she works in social media strategy and content production. She specializes in music and cannabis marketing and has worked with international touring artists. Isabelle studied graphic design at the Academy of Art University. Additionally, she holds a certification from Sprinklr Research Analyst Pro.
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Twitter is a social media network that has gained more than 300 million users since its launch in 2006. Many of these users are businesses. They use Twitter to keep in track with consumers and give them messages about deals and brands. Personal users also use Twitter to promote their careers, services and partners. If you are a talented Twitter user, you can use this platform to make money. You should be good at marketing yourself, marketing for others and staying in touch with trends and current events. This article will tell you how to earn money using Twitter.
Improving your skills
1Become an adept Twitter user. No one with rudimentary Twitter skills can make money on Twitter. You need to be good at getting followers to your accounts, using multiple accounts and crafting catchy tweets.
2Get experience in marketing. In order to monetize yourself, you should understand concepts, such as Internet marketing plans, lead generation and affiliate marketing. You should have a website or resume that shows your marketing and Twitter experience to websites who are looking to outsource their Twitter account.
Affiliate marketing
1Use your blog and your Twitter account to become an affiliate marketer. Find products that people who read your blog would be interested in, and then contact the company to get an affiliate link to put on your website. Every 10 to 50 tweets, include the affiliate link in a Tweet, with a high recommendation.
- Affiliate marketing allows people who advertise their products on a website to get the portion of a product's sales. The producers of the product gain valuable advertising, while the affiliate marketer can expect a monthly check for a percentage of sales, if the marketing is done well.
2Promote products through Kwerdo has a list of campaigns from various companies who are trying to promote their products online. Sign up to as many campaigns as you like that relate to your Twitter followers (location and interests). Share the shortened URL that you're given on your Twitter page with an interesting description of the product. Each time you generate a valid page view on Kwerdo you earn money. Earnings are sent directly to your PayPal account with a click of a button.
Sponsored tweeting
1Research sponsored tweets via Internet search engines. Many companies are looking for popular Twitter accounts to occasionally post about their products. Contact the company, make a monetary agreement and begin your pay-per-tweet arrangement.
- Make sure you have a written agreement with the company and proof of your tweets that you can submit to them. Also, make sure you choose an interval of sponsored tweeting that does not annoy your followers. If you lose followers, you lose potential sales and your sponsored ad contract may be canceled.
2Sign up for sponsored tweeting through one of the new sponsored tweeting businesses, such as, Magpie, TwitPub or Twittad. These sites aggregate the companies that need to have sponsored ads and make them available to willing Twitter users. Sign up for an account, tweet an ad at the interval of your choice, and usually you will be paid by PayPal.
3There are also some companies out there like SponsoredTweets which will tweet for you.
1Sell your own products. Many people use Twitter to promote eBay auctions and crafts. You can simply post a shortened link on your Twitter account, and with a personal touch, you are likely to get more bids.
2Sell your services on Twitter. Many professionals use Twitter as a way to stay in touch with other people in their industry. This new kind of networking allows you to develop relationships, develop partnerships and sell yourself to do work.
- If you feel embarrassed promoting yourself from your professional account, understand it is a common practice. A little self promotion can quickly lead to a job.
Community Q&A
QuestionI have a twitter account with 10+k followers. How do I make money?Community AnswerYou can do affiliate marketing, tweeting a particular store or brand's products. They will pay you a percentage of each sale.
- is a different web site now. It only shows several links. What can I do?Community AnswerThat site was a domain site. Meaning the company bought the name from a domain name site. From what you describe, it sounds like the website is down for now.
- Don't change your Twitter account to be only a money-making operation. Twitter is focused on community. If you stop tweeting funny, interesting or engaging things, you will lose followers, lose interesting chances for professional development, and, ultimately, lose the chance to make more money through Twitter.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Things You'll Need
- Marketing experience
- Affiliate marketing agreements
- Sponsored tweets
- account
- eBay or Etsy account and products
- Website or blog
Expert Interview

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