You might feel pretty confident about dyeing your own hair at home, but dyeing someone else’s can be more complicated. This can be a little nerve wracking since the person is depending on you to help them. Never fear! There are some helpful tips and tricks you can use to help the person get the desired hair color.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing the Person’s Hair

  1. 1
    Start with hair that has not been washed for 2 days. Freshly washed hair may seem ideal for dyeing someone’s hair, but this actually increases the chances that their scalp will be irritated by the color. Waiting 2 days after the last time they shampooed their hair will help to ensure that they have a layer of natural protective oils on their scalp.[1]
    • As an added bonus, it will be easier to section the person's hair if you wait for 2 days after their last shampoo.
  2. 2
    Brush and divide the person’s hair into 4 even sections. Get all of the tangles out of the person’s hair. Then, use a comb to divide the hair down the middle and from ear to ear to create 4 even sections.[2] Use a clip to hold each section in place.[3]
    • For someone with very thick or very long hair, you might need to divide the hair into 8 sections instead.
  3. 3
    Drape a towel or hairdresser’s cape around the person’s neck. This will protect the skin around their shoulders and their clothing from the hair dye. You may also want to encourage the person to wear an old t-shirt or something else they don’t care about just in case some of the dye gets on their clothes.
    • You can purchase a hairdresser’s cape in a beauty supply store or online.

    Tip: You should also wear an old t-shirt to prevent ruining any of your favorite clothing while dyeing the person’s hair. Put on a pair of gloves to protect your skin from the dye as well!

  4. 4
    Apply petroleum jelly or lip balm along the person’s hairline to prevent staining. This will protect the skin around the hairline from being stained by the dye. Use your fingers to smooth a layer of petroleum jelly or lip balm over the 12 in (1.3 cm) of skin around the person’s hairline, and over the skin on their ears.[4]
    • Go all the way around the hairline with the petroleum jelly or lip balm including the forehead, temples, and neck to protect the person’s skin from the dye.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Applying the Hair Dye

  1. 1
    Mix the dye according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Read the instructions that came with the box of dye carefully before you begin mixing the ingredients.[5] There should be 2 different items that you will need to mix together.[6]
    • If the person has thick or longer than shoulder-length hair, then you will likely need 2 boxes of hair dye.

    Tip: Check the box’s specifications to make sure that the person’s natural color is within the recommended range. It is typically a good idea to avoid going more than 2 shades lighter or darker than the person’s natural shade.

  2. 2
    Do a strand test before you apply the dye all over. Once you have finished mixing the dye, apply it to an inconspicuous strand of the person’s hair, such as on the underside of their hair in the back of their head. Set a timer and check the strand after about 5 to 10 minutes to see if it has developed to the desired shade, or if it needs more time. Then, rinse out the color and let the strand dry to check it. Note the final time when you achieve the desired shade.[7]
  3. 3
    Unclip 1 of the top sections of hair first and work towards the back. Take one of the front sections out of its clip and apply dye to it first. Then, unclip the section next to it after you finish applying the dye on that section and continue to work towards the back of the head.[9]
    • The sections of hair clipped up on top of the person’s head will be the most visible after you finish applying the dye, so it needs a longer processing time.
  4. 4
    Start applying the dye at the roots and work down towards the ends. Dip the applicator brush into the dye and start sweeping the color onto the hair at the roots in 1 section of the person’s hair. Repeat this until all of the hair in that section is completely saturated with dye. Sweep the dye down towards the ends of the person’s hair.[10]
    • Use an applicator brush to saturate the hair with the dye.
    • You can also use a toothbrush or mascara wand to create highlights on select strands.
  5. 5
    Repeat the process until you have covered all of the hair with dye. Keep unclipping sections 1 at a time and using the applicator brush to apply the dye until each section is fully saturated. This may take a while depending on the length and thickness of the person’s hair.[11]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Developing and Rinsing the Hair Dye

  1. 1
    Set a timer when you finish applying the dye to your hair. Use the timer on your phone or an egg timer. This will help to ensure that you do not leave the dye on for too long and risk overdeveloping it.[12] Use the amount of time recommended by the box or the amount of time it took to achieve the desired color on your strand test. [13]
    • For example, if the box recommends letting the dye develop for 15 minutes, use this as your guideline. Or, if you let the dye develop for 10 minutes on the strand test and the person liked the results, then use this as your guideline.
  2. 2
    Rinse the hair dye out using lukewarm water. Once the time is up, have the person lean over a sink or bathtub and rinse the dye out of their hair using lukewarm water. You can use the faucet or shower head to rinse the person’s hair. Continue to rinse their hair until the water runs clear.[14]
    • If possible have them lean back over a sink, such as in an office chair that reclines slightly. This will make it easier to rinse the color out without water going into their eyes.
  3. 3
    Apply conditioner to the hair and let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Apply the conditioner all over the hair from roots to ends. Then, rinse the conditioner out using lukewarm or cool water. You might notice a bit more hair dye coming out in the water when you do this, so keep rinsing until it runs clear again.[15]
    • Many box hair dye kits come with a small container or packet of conditioner to apply after you rinse out the hair dye. If your kit came with conditioner, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to apply it. If not, you can use any conditioner that you have on hand.
  4. 4
    Let the hair air dry or use a hair dryer. After you rinse the conditioner out of the person’s hair, wrap their hair up in a towel and squeeze it to remove the excess water. Then, let the hair air dry or use a blow dryer to dry it, and style their hair or let them do this part on their own.

    Hair color issues? Here are some simple fixes you can try:
    Too dark: Wash it with a clarifying shampoo right away to strip out some of the color.
    Too light: Dye it again, but only leave the dye on for half the time recommended by the box.
    Brassy: Shampoo it with a lavender-hued shampoo for the next few days.
    Green: Use a clarifying shampoo, or apply ketchup to counteract the green and then rinse it out after a few minutes.[16]

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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Should you dye the entire head at once?
    Sarah Kosakowski
    Sarah Kosakowski
    Professional Hair Stylist
    Sarah Kosakowski is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of Alba Salon and Spa based in Cincinnati, Ohio. With a decade of experience, she specializes in bridal and formal hair, blondes, fine hair, and men’s cuts. Sarah received her training at The Aveda Frederic’s Institute and is proud to be a Kevin Murphy Session stylist amongst other accomplishments.
    Sarah Kosakowski
    Professional Hair Stylist
    Expert Answer
    It's always best to work in sections, especially if you're applying color all over! Split the person's hair into front and back sections, as though you're dividing their hair with a headband. From there, split the hair into quadrants.
  • Question
    When dying someone's hair, where do you start?
    Sarah Kosakowski
    Sarah Kosakowski
    Professional Hair Stylist
    Sarah Kosakowski is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of Alba Salon and Spa based in Cincinnati, Ohio. With a decade of experience, she specializes in bridal and formal hair, blondes, fine hair, and men’s cuts. Sarah received her training at The Aveda Frederic’s Institute and is proud to be a Kevin Murphy Session stylist amongst other accomplishments.
    Sarah Kosakowski
    Professional Hair Stylist
    Expert Answer
    Make sure you do your homework first and make sure that you have the correct color. That's extremely important! After splitting the hair in sections, remember to apply the color at the bottom of the section and move up to ensure better coverage.


  • Some people can react badly to hair color, such as breaking out into hives or getting a rash. If you notice any adverse skin reactions while you are applying the hair dye, stop applying it and rinse the dye out of the person’s hair immediately. If the irritation persists, have them call their doctor.

Things You’ll Need

  • Brush
  • Comb
  • Hair clips
  • Box hair dye kit
  • Gloves
  • Applicator brush
  • Plastic bowl (for mixing)
  • Towel or hairdresser’s cape
  • Conditioner

About This Article

Sarah Kosakowski
Co-authored by:
Professional Hair Stylist
This article was co-authored by Sarah Kosakowski. Sarah Kosakowski is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of Alba Salon and Spa based in Cincinnati, Ohio. With a decade of experience, she specializes in bridal and formal hair, blondes, fine hair, and men’s cuts. Sarah received her training at The Aveda Frederic’s Institute and is proud to be a Kevin Murphy Session stylist amongst other accomplishments. This article has been viewed 39,828 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: October 8, 2021
Views: 39,828
Categories: Coloring Hair