This article was co-authored by Alina Bokovikova. Alina Bokovikova is a Costume Designer from California. With over 15 years of experience, she specializes in designing costumes for stage productions. Alina earned an MFA in Costume Design from the University of California, San Diego and her Master of Education from the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University. She’s won two Outstanding Costume Design awards and her costumes have been displayed in Moscow, Prague, and San Jose, California.
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Maybe you want to dress up as an old person for a part in a play, on a special dress-up day at your school, or just for something fun to do on a rainy day. Whatever the reason, there are some easy ways that you can put together an old person costume. You can use items you already have or buy some things for cheap from a secondhand store, so decide what kind of old person you want to look like and start creating your costume!
Choosing Your Clothing
1Dress in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Older adults tend to opt for comfortable clothes, which may be loose or even baggy. Avoid items that are tight fitting or tailored, and opt for items that provide lots of extra room. Some stereotypical clothing items that older people may wear include:[1]
- Oversized sweatshirts
- Baggy sweatpants with elastic waistbands
- Loose-fitting button down shirts and blouses
- Muumuus with elastic waistbands
2Visit a vintage clothing store to find older styles. A vintage clothing store or thrift shop may carry more styles that an older person would wear. Look for items that were trendy during the 1950s and 1960s to help you put together an outfit that an old person might wear. Some examples include:Advertisement
3Choose a long house dress if you’re going as an old woman. Check to see if you have any long, loose-fitting dresses in your closet or if anyone in your household has one you could borrow. A long, loose nightgown will also work.[5]
- You could also check a secondhand store for vintage dresses.
4Try khaki slacks, a sweater vest, and bow tie to go as an old man. This simple look will give you the appearance of an older man since the combination of these items is considered old-fashioned. However, another dressy option would make you look older as well, such as a pair of dress slacks, suspenders, a button down shirt, and a bow tie.[6]
- Wearing a full suit is another option, if you have one. You could also check a second hand store for a vintage suit.
- If you want to look like an old man in pajamas, wear a matching pajama set with a robe and slippers.
5Opt for a matching sweatsuit to dress as a man or a woman. Purchase a matching sweatsuit from a department store or second hand store. This is a comfortable, easy way to look like an older woman or man.[7]
- If you’re going as a woman, try getting a sweatsuit in pink, light blue, or pale yellow.
- If you’re going as a man, look for a sweatsuit in navy blue, forest green, or grey.
6Pair tennis shoes or dress shoes with the outfit. Choose a simple pair of white tennis shoes if you’re going for a more casual look, or opt for a pair of black or brown dress shoes if you’re going for a dressier look. Use a pair that you already own, or check a secondhand store.[8]
Tip: Avoid trendy or flashy shoes when you’re dressing up like an old person. Stick to shoes that are sensible and comfortable.
Doing Your Hair and Makeup
1Wear a white or grey wig if you want to look much older. Old people tend to have white or grey hair, so wearing a wig can help to make your costume more convincing. Try a white or grey wig that is styled into curls or an updo for a women’s costume, or a short white or grey wig for a men’s costume.[9]
- You can purchase a white or grey wig from a costume shop or online retailer.
- If you’re going for the look of a much older person, wearing a white or grey wig will help you to achieve it.
2Use a white or grey hair spray to temporarily color your hair. Look for a temporary grey or while spray-on hair color product in a costume supply store or online. Spray the product all over your natural hair to color it. Then, you can simply wash the product out the next time you take a shower.[10]
Tip: You could also dust your hair with flour to make it look white without a wig. However, this may not last very long. Spray your hair with hairspray after dusting it to help keep the flour in place.
3Put on a vintage hat to accent your hair or cover it up. If you don’t want to bother with wigs or hair color, or if you’re looking for something to accent your hair, opt for a hat. Some hat types that might help to make you look like an old person include:[11]
- Derby bowler hat
- Newsboy hat
- Wide-brimmed straw hat
- Fancy lady’s dress hat
- Fishing hat
- A scarf
- Wide-brimmed panama hat[12]
4Roll your hair in foam curlers if you’re dressing as an old lady. Purchase a set of foam rollers and brush out your hair. Then, roll a 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) section of hair into each of the rollers. Leave your hair in the rollers while you are dressed up as an old person.[13]
- As an added bonus, your hair will be curly when you take the rollers out.
5Wear a fake beard or moustache if you’re dressing as an old man. Purchase a fake beard or moustache in a costume shop or online. Opt for one that’s white or grey to enhance your old person look. Wear the fake beard or moustache as a finishing touch with your costume.[14]
- Fake beards often include a strap that goes around your head to keep them in place, but fake moustaches require adhesive to keep them on. Follow the instructions that come with your fake beard or moustache if it comes with an adhesive.
6Draw lines around your mouth and on your forehead with eyeliner. Use a black eyeliner pencil to draw fine lines around the corners of your eyes and across your forehead. You can also add a few lines around the outer edges of your mouth.[15]
- To decide where to add lines, simply smile! Then, draw lines along the indentations that form around your mouth, eyes, and forehead.
Adding Accessories
1Wear a pair of reading glasses with the bridge at the end of your nose. Position the glasses so that they rest about 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the tip of your nose. This simple accessory will make it seem like you have bifocals, which are often associated with older people.[16]
- You can purchase a pair of fake glasses in a costume supply store, or simply pop the lenses out of a cheap pair of sunglasses.
- Opt for a pair of delicate reading glasses if you’re going as an old lady or a pair of thick-rimmed black glasses if you’re going as an old man.
2Stick a pillow under your shirt and secure it with a belt to add bulk. If you want to make it seem like you have a pot belly, a big butt, or large breasts, then try sticking a pillow under your shirt or into your pants. If the pillow is under your shirt and you want it to look like a pot belly or breasts, secure a belt around your waist just under the pillow to keep the pillow from falling out.[17]
- You can also use a belt to attach the pillow to your backside if you are wearing a dress or skirt and want to give the appearance of a big backside.
- If you’re wearing pants and want to stick a pillow in them, make sure that they are 2-3 sizes too big on you.
3Hold a cane or walk with a walker. Walk slowly and lean into your cane or walker with each step. This is optional, but it will help to give you the appearance of moving like a much older person.[18]
- Check second hand stores for inexpensive canes and walkers.
Tip: You may also be able to borrow a walker or cane from an older adult relative if they have a spare. Just make sure that you return it as soon as you’re done playing dressup.
4Fill a bag or wallet with old person props. Carry a large handbag, wear a fanny pack around your waist filled with your “medication” bottles (you can fill old, empty medication bottles with candy), fill a canvas bag with knitting accessories, or stash a wallet in your pocket and pack it full of pictures of your grandchildren or pets. Use your props when you see your friends, such as by taking a “pill,” knitting, or showing off pictures of your grandkids or pets.[19]
- Use stock photos or pictures of yourself when you were younger if you want to carry pictures of fake grandchildren.
- If you want to carry pictures of your pets instead, add a few of your actual pet photos to your wallet or print a few from online stock photos.
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow do you dress up like an old woman?Alina BokovikovaAlina Bokovikova is a Costume Designer from California. With over 15 years of experience, she specializes in designing costumes for stage productions. Alina earned an MFA in Costume Design from the University of California, San Diego and her Master of Education from the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University. She’s won two Outstanding Costume Design awards and her costumes have been displayed in Moscow, Prague, and San Jose, California.
Costume DesignerWear several pieces of clothing to create a more shapeless look, like a cardigan and some warm socks, along with a pair of flat, comfortable, and worn-out shoes. Instead of wearing pants or jeans, slip into a sloping skirt or something similar, which is more vintage-looking. You want to be super careful about clichés though—for example, you could change up your outfit by adding some hip accessories to your look, like very bright beads over your blouse.
Expert Interview

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