This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA. Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities.
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So you've made a Discord server but don't have any ideas for channels to make? The good news is that we've compiled a list of popular channels! You might not use every channel idea listed here and might make up some of your own. This wikiHow article intends to give you some ideas for Discord channels.
Things You Should Know
- It's easy to create new channels, but do you have any ideas for them?
- Create a new channel by clicking or tapping the plus sign next to "Text" to add more text channels.
- Create a poll for your server if you want ideas for channels to add!
Rules & Guidelines Channel
Since any community Discord is required to have this channel, you'll want a rules channel somewhere. Drag it to the top of your channel list if you want it to be visible.
- In Creating a Rules Channel & Setting Rules for Discord, you'll find an example template for rules as well as how to create a rules channel that @everybody in your server can't send messages in.
Server Map
A channel that links to all the different channels in your server is a great idea if you have a large server. This way, people looking at the server aren't overwhelmed and can keep referring to the map to get around.
- Newcomers definitely appreciate a server map so they know what channels to check out first or if they have a specific issue.
Welcome Channel
Bot Channel
To prevent bot command spam in your other channels (potentially disrupting convos), make a bot channel! This is where the members of your server give commands to bots.
- You don't want to be discussing the intricacies of bagel making and have other people command ".play the safety dance" and then the bot responding to that command. Keep all those ".play" or other commands in a separate channel so your discussions aren't interrupted.
Clips & Videos Channel
Announcement Channel
Keep your server members up-to-date with an announcement channel. Edit the channel's permissions to make it so @everyone can't send messages to that channel. Instead, they can create threads to have out-of-the-way discussions about the updates!
- If you're playing something like World of Warcraft, you can have multiple announcement channels, for each game, like #retail-announcements, #wotlk-announcements, and #classic-annoucements.
Meme Channel
Add a little flavor and fun to your server by adding a Meme Channel. Everyone likes to laugh, so this would be a great channel to share and collect a bunch of memes.
- You can add bots to your server that offer memes, like Tofu, Dank Memer, and Redbot.
Charity Channel
If your community participates in fundraising events, or if individual members tend to raise money for charities, this is the place to do it. Instead of their text potentially getting lost in the Welcome Channel, set them up with a Charity Channel!
- This is great for games, like Guild Wars 2, that participate in fundraisers to raise money for charities! You can post updates and share stories to get that charity more interest!
Roles channel
Want members to self-assign roles? This channel will ensure that all members, current and new, can assign themselves roles.
- Learn how to add reaction roles with bots like Carl.
FAQ Channel
If you're asked the same questions over and over again, an FAQ Channel is your solution! You can post the questions and answers in this channel, then drag it up toward the top of your channel list for easier visibility.
- If you're commonly asked how to get the Skyscale in Guild Wars 2, you can post the wiki to that achievement in a pinned post instead of having to repeat yourself over and over again!
Questions/Support Channel
It's good to have a place where others can look for answers. They can post their issue and get help from the community.
- For the techies, you can have a "My Setups" or "Setup Recommendations" channel so everyone can share the computers, graphics cards, keyboards, and mice that they use.
Text Channels for Voice Channels
The Days of Our Lives Channel
Fur-and-Scale Baby Pictures Channel
Improvement Channel
Going Live Channel
Fan Mail/Fan Art Channel
Networking Channel
Selfies Channel
Discussions Related to Fandoms/Topics
This is more of a "You Name It" situation since your community on Discord might be more interested in talking about something else. You don't want to have a "Golden Girls" channel if the majority of your server's members are more interested in "Death Note."
- Ask your members what they are interested in and create a channel for that.
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