This article was co-authored by Tanisha Hall. Tanisha Hall is a Vocal Coach and the Founder and Executive Director of White Hall Arts Academy, Inc. an organization based in Los Angeles, California that offers a multi-level curriculum focused on fundamental skills, technique, composition, theory, artistry, and performance at a conservatory level. Ms. Hall's current and previous students include Galimatias, Sanai Victoria, Ant Clemons, and Paloma Ford. She earned a BA in Music from the Berklee College of Music in 1998 and was a recipient of the Music Business Management Achievement Award.
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A raspy singing voice develops from incomplete contact between the vocal cords and/or nodules, calluses, polyps, and ulcers on the vocal cords. You can fake a slightly raspy singing voice by tensing your neck and exuding a lot of air as you sing. However, this technique can cause long-term damage to your voice. Should you take this risk, make sure you also take steps to ensure the safety of your vocal chords.
Singing in a Slightly Raspy Voice
1Warm up your voice. Before you attempt to sing in a slightly raspy voice, you should warm up appropriately. Try starting with breathing exercises, and then move on to scales. After that you can continue warming up with trills and hums.
2Tense your neck while singing. A raspy sound occurs when there is incomplete contact between vocal chords. You can get a raspy singing voice by tensing your neck and exuding a lot of air as you sing. This will prevent your vocal chords from coming into complete contact and result in a slightly raspy singing voice.[1]
- It is okay to sing or record a couple of songs with this technique, but you should not sing or record an entire album or concert as this can cause long-term damage to your vocal chords.
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3Imitate a coughing sound for lower range vocals. If you are singing near the bottom of your vocal range, you can combine your singing voice with the edginess of a cough. Try coughing a few times. Notice the grinding deep in your throat that is responsible for the cough. Now recreate this grinding as you sing.[2]
4Use your saliva. One way to produce a raspy voice is to create a significant amount of saliva and/or phlegm in the back of your throat.Then begin singing in a growl-like voice. Tighten the muscles in your throat just enough so that the airflow is restricted by the phlegm. Your throat should feel like it does when you make a low-pitched growling noise.[3]
5Hire a vocal coach. Singing in a slightly raspy voice can damage your vocal chords. To ensure you don't end up with long-term damage, you should enlist the help of a professional that can guide your explorations in raspy singing. Research vocal coaches in your area, ask them about their teaching methodologies, and set up an initial voice lesson.[4]
6Use technology. You don't need to ruin your voice to get that slightly raspy sound you're looking for. Try using technology instead. For example, you can record a song in your normal voice and then have an audio engineer augment the recording so that your voice sounds raspy. This will protect your vocal chords while giving you the raspy recording you desire.
Using Your Voice Wisely
1Understand you can damage your vocal chords. Singing in a raspy voice can cause long-term damage to your vocal chords. This is especially true if you are singing in a raspy voice, which can strain your vocal chords. Voice problems like vocal nodules and vocal polyps can develop if you abuse or overuse your voice.[5]
2Know when to stop. It is important that you keep your vocal chords safe when you are trying to develop a slightly raspy singing voice. If your throat is sore or dry, you should not sing. You should also stop singing in a raspy voice if your voice seems fatigued.[6]
- You can remedy a dry throat by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, resting your voice, and drinking warm water with lemon.
3Sing within your vocal range. Using the extremes of your vocal range, such as singing too high or too loudly, can put your vocal chords at risk. This is also true if you attempt to sing too low or too softly. Instead, sing within your natural range.[7]
- Just like athletes, singers shouldn't use 100% of the abilities all the time, since it's not healthy or sustainable long term.
4Stay hydrated. Making sure your body is hydrated is an important part of singing safely. Be sure to drink eight glasses of water each day. Limit your consumption of alcohol and caffeine as both can dry out and irritate your vocal chords. You can also use a humidifier in your home.[8]
Community Q&A
QuestionWill raising your voice make me raspy?Community AnswerOnly if you over do it and yell. Typically just speaking loudly will not make your voice raspy.
QuestionWill chocolates or other sweets can make my voice raspy?Community AnswerPossibly. Some chocolates can create phlegm that can produce that cracking sound in the throat.
QuestionWill smoking help me develop a raspy voice?Community AnswerYes, but smoking is bad for you, so this is not the recommended method. You might achieve a raspy voice, but you'd also be putting yourself at risk for things like throat cancer.
- Singing in a raspy voice can cause nodules, calluses, polyps, and ulcers on the vocal cords. These are serious medical conditions that often require surgery.[9]⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Singing with a deep raspy voice is not available for everyone just like singing with a highlight voice is not available for everyone. You can try the techniques listed above, but keep your expectations in check.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

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About This Article
A raspy singing voice is caused by incomplete contact between your vocal cords, nodules, calluses, or ulcers. This is generally a result of smoking and other damage, but you can imitate this by tensing your neck and exhaling a lot of air as you sing. You can also produce saliva at the back of your throat to make your voice more raspy. However, don’t do this regularly or for long periods of time, since this can damage your vocal cords. If you want to try singing with a raspy voice for a short time, make sure you drink plenty of water to hydrate your throat and reduce the chance of damaging your voice. Alternatively, use software to give your voice a raspy edge without the risk of damaging your vocal cords. For more tips, including how find a vocal coach, read on!