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Whether you’re a professional massage therapist looking to start offering massages out of your own home or you simply want a place for your massage therapist to come to you, creating a massage room in your house can be a blast. There are so many choices and you can truly customize your massage room to suit your personal needs. In this article, we’ll break down everything you’ll need to do to create the massage room of your dreams.
Check your local regulations.
Pick a calm spot in your home.
Choose a room that is free of activity and noise. It is a good idea to choose a room without a window, if possible, because it is harder to control light and noise.[1] X Research source
- Examine whether you can hear noise from traffic, dogs, children or appliances that may have become ambient to you, but would interrupt someone who was not used to it.
- If you intend to use the massage room to receive clients, it is advantageous to have a massage room that has a separate entrance and its own bathroom so that you can separate your business and personal life and limit liability while the client is on your property.
Clear the room out.
Ensure you have temperature control.
If you don’t have heat or AC in the room, it’s not a great option. It is best if this room could be controlled by a thermostat. In the case that it does not, you can provide a space heater or air conditioner; however, those appliances make noise that can inhibit relaxation.[2] X Research source
- A massage therapist can often work up a sweat when giving a massage, but it is important that the client stay at a neutral body temperature, neither hot nor cold.
Clean the room.
Pick cool furniture.
Select items that will accent your style and be useful. Buy a sturdy massage table at about hip-level, unless your massage therapist plans to bring a table each time. The rest is totally up to you.
- Place a small table to hold oils, candles and other tools within reaching distance from the table.
- Hang hooks for clothes and/or purses and place a mirror nearby so a client can fix their hair or makeup before leaving the room.
Include some art and details.
Add accents that make you more comfortable in the room. You can choose art or teachings from a favorite type of massage, pillows, fountains, candles and a music player.[3] X Research source
- Stay away from any decorations that are funky or make someone uncomfortable.
Add some comfort items.
Set out some clean sheets.
Skip the incense.
Community Q&A
QuestionCan you make a bed on the floor?Community AnswerYes, but it won't be as comfortable. Put a blanket over it, and use pillows if it's on the floor.
QuestionHow can I install lighting without an outlet?Community AnswerI suppose it would really depend on how much light you wanted in your space. For additional lighting in my space, I got a package of battery powered LED candles that have timers and options to make them brighter or dimmer.
Things You'll Need
- Spare room
- Massage table
- Paint
- Decorations
- Small table
- Hooks
- Bolsters
- Sheets
- Candles (optional)
- Fountain (optional)
- Music player (optional)
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- ↑ https://www.massagepracticebuilder.com/setting-up-a-home-massage-office/
- ↑ https://www.abmp.com/textonlymags/article.php?article=1069
- ↑ https://www.abmp.com/textonlymags/article.php?article=1069
- http://massagepracticebuilder.com/setting-up-a-home-massage-office/
- http://www.massagetherapyceu.com/articles-single.php?a=25
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFpVhPMANg0
About This Article
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 121,753 times.
139 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: June 15, 2022
Views: 121,753
Categories: Massage