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Ah, the dreaded “tell us a fun fact about yourself” game that you can find yourself in during the start of a new class or a new job. It can sometimes feel difficult to think of something that’s both fun and tells people a bit about who you are. But don’t worry. Finding some fun facts about yourself doesn’t have to be hard at all! To help you get started, we’ve put together a nifty list of questions you can ask to come up with some unique and interesting facts about yourself.
What’s something funny or quirky you did as a kid?
Use your own experiences to find something fun you can share. Think back on your childhood and come up with some fun or silly things you used to do. Talk about why you used to do them and what you miss about it.[1] X Research source
- A glimpse into your childhood can tell a lot about you.
- For instance, maybe you used to collect rocks or you used to go into the woods by yourself to climb trees. Try to come up with something unique that you remember doing.
What’s your dream job?
Talk about what you would be doing if you didn’t have your current job. Did you want to be an astronaut as a kid? Or was there a time in college when you were considering being a philosopher? Think about what job you would love to have if you didn’t have your current job. Tell people about it so they can get a sense of your personality.[2] X Research source
- For instance, you could say something like, “When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher because I loved my teachers so much. If I wasn’t an accountant today, maybe I’d give teaching a shot!”
How many siblings do you have?
Your family can be an interesting fact about your life. Tell people about how many brothers and sisters you have and if you’re the oldest, middle, or youngest child. It can give people an idea of what your life was like growing up. If you don’t have siblings, no worries! You can talk about cousins, friends, or even your parents.[3] X Research source
- For example, you could say something like, “Hi, my name is Sarah, and I have 2 sisters, but I’m the youngest so I’m used to hand-me-downs and getting all the love as the baby of the family.”
- If you don’t have siblings, you could try something like, “I’m an only child, but I have a ton of cousins and we used to get in a lot of trouble together.”
Have you ever met a celebrity?
Talk about who it was and how it happened. Maybe you ran into Brad Pitt at a gas station or you saw John Malkovich at a bar. If you’ve ever met an interesting celebrity, it could be a great story to tell! Talk about where you were and what it was like. People are always interested to know how the rich and famous live.[4] X Research source
- You could say something like, “One time I met Katy Perry at the airport. She was super nice and very sweet—she even took a picture with me!”
What’s your favorite food?
Everyone loves food and your favorite dish can tell a lot about who you are. You could talk about how much you like pasta or your favorite traditional dish that your family makes for special gatherings. Mention your favorite sweet treat or your favorite snack. What you love to eat can tell people a bit about who you are as a person. Plus, who doesn’t like to talk about tasty food?[5] X Research source
- For instance, you could say something like, “I wait all year long for my dad’s turkey gumbo. He makes it every year after Thanksgiving and it’s a really special joy.”
Do you have any interesting hobbies?
Your hobbies can give a glimpse into how you spend your downtime. You could mention any crafts you like to make or special activities you like to do on the weekends. Think about something interesting you like to do when you aren’t working and use it to tell people a bit about who you are.[6] X Research source
- If you like to build model airplanes, knit, or bake, those are great things to mention!
Do you have a special talent?
Your hidden talents can be a fun thing to share with others. Maybe you can play the clarinet or do a handstand. Perhaps you know the capital of every country in the world or you’ve got a killer singing voice. Talk about something you’re secretly really good at. People will love to learn something new about you that they may not have expected.[7] X Research source
- So you could say something like, “You might be surprised to know that I actually did gymnastics for many years and I specialized in the balance beam.”
What’s your proudest unusual accomplishment?
Something atypical can be a fun fact you can share. Think about something quirky that you’re really proud of. It could be something like cutting out soda from your diet or managing to watch all of the seasons of Game of Thrones in one weekend. Try to come up with something that’s unique and peculiar. People love that stuff![8] X Research source
- For example, you could try saying something like, “My proudest accomplishment is watching the last Star Wars movie 6 times in the theaters.”
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Talk about something you hate that you love. Maybe you can’t help but watch reality TV or you secretly love to listen to Britney Spears while you’re driving. Come up with something that you’re kind of slightly embarrassed about, but that you actually love. Everyone has secret guilty pleasures, and revealing yours could be a fun thing to share![9] X Research source
- You could try something like, “So I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but I actually really love pumpkin spice coffee. It tastes amazing and I don’t care what people say.”
What’s a silly or serious superstition that you have.
Explain how you came to have that superstition. Do you insist on opening your umbrella outside? Do you wear the same shirt for every test or job interview? Think about something superstitious that you do. Even if it’s super silly, people will find it interesting.[10] X Research source
- For example, you could try something like, “I always sit in the same chair and wear the same jersey whenever my favorite team is playing.”
What animal would you be if you were reincarnated?
Choose the one you think best describes who you are. Would you be something fierce like an eagle or a lion? Or maybe something clever like a fox. Or maybe you’re an owl because you’re nocturnal and like to stay up late. Think about what animal you would be in your next life and use it as a fun fact that tells a little bit about your personality.[11] X Research source
- It could be completely silly, too. For instance, you could say something like, “If I came back as an animal in my next life I would be a fly so I could sit on the wall and listen in on everybody’s business.”
What’s your favorite sports team?
If you’re a huge fan, you can share your love with others. If there’s a team that you absolutely love, talk about it! Fun facts about yourself are meant to show other people interesting things that also reflect your personality. So if there’s a sports team that you’re passionate about, it could be a great fact to use.[12] X Research source
- For instance, you could say, “I’m a huge hockey fan, and I never miss a Blackhawks game.”
What are some things you dislike?
Talk about your pet peeves or biggest fears. It could be a smell that you hate or a specific pet peeve that you have. You could also mention something that scares you, whether it’s reasonable or a silly belief that you have. Use things that you dislike as fun facts that illustrate your personality.[13] X Research source
- You could say something like, “I can’t stand the smell of cabbage” or “My biggest pet peeve is when people leave an empty box in the fridge. Why not just throw it away when you’re done!”
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