This article was co-authored by Bryan Villella. Bryan Villella is the Lead Firearms Instructor and Owner of Don't Be A Sitting Duck in Kissimmee, Florida. Bryan has nine years of professional experience and is an NRA and Florida State Certified “K” Instructor. He leads certified training courses necessary to get licensed through the state to work in the private security field. He prioritizes safety and building comfortable environments for people to learn skills safely.
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Properly inspecting and regularly cleaning your guns will keep them functioning effectively and firing safely. Because of the tiny explosion in the chamber every time you pull the trigger, residue and sediment are left on the inside of the barrel, making it essential that you take the time to clean it regularly to avoid dangerous malfunctions. You should clean a gun after every time you fire it, and particularly after target practice when you are firing lots of rounds. See Step 1 to learn to start cleaning your guns properly.
Getting Started
1Get a cleaning kit. Whether you purchase a pre-assmebled cleaning kit from a sporting goods store or you assemble the necessary components individually, you'll need a few basic things to have in your arsenal of cleaning supplies. A basic set includes:[1]
- Cleaning solvent
- Lubricant, or gun oil
- A bore brush
- A patch holder and patches
- Cleaning rod
- A nylon cleaning brush
- Flashlight
- Cotton swabs
- Microfiber cloths for polishing
2Unload your gun. Always take the time to properly unload your gun and double-check to make sure that it's unloaded every time you pick it up to clean it. Remember that your gun may still have a round ready to fire after you remove the magazine, so check and remove this round.
- After opening the chamber, look through the barrel from back to front. Confirm that no round remains inside, either in the chamber or stuck in the barrel. No gun can be considered unloaded until you have looked through the barrel.
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3Disassemble your gun only as much as the manufacturer recommends. Check the owner's manual for disassembly instructions to prepare the gun for cleaning. This will allow you to access all parts that become dirty from firing.[2]
- Semi-automatic pistols and rifles will generally be stripped into their major components: barrel, slide, guide rod, frame and magazine. Revolvers, shotguns, and most other sorts of guns will not need to be stripped to clean them.
- Field stripping is not necessary to clean the gun thoroughly. Don't take apart your gun more than you have to unless it requires repair. Likewise, some guns can't be stripped at all and it won't be necessary to do anything but open the chamber to clean it.
4Always clean your gun in a well-ventilated area. Find a a place with good air circulation to clean your guns. Solvent fumes are noxious and can make you sick. Likewise, the solvent and lubricant used just flat-out smell foul if you try to clean your guns indoors, so keep your family happy and don't stink up the joint.[3]
- Cover your work surface with plastic bags, newspaper, or old towels you've saved for the purpose. Head out to the garage and put the door up, or clean your guns on a bright and dry day to get them cleaned properly.
Cleaning the Gun
1Clean out the barrel with cleaning rod and patches. Soak the bore, or inside of the barrel, using a cleaning rod, patch holder and the right size cotton patches for your gun. Work from the back of the bore if you can. If not, use a muzzle guard. The muzzle guard keeps the cleaning rod from banging against the muzzle, which can cause your gun to malfunction.[4]
- To thoroughly clean the barrel out, push a solvent-soaked patch through the bore until it exits the other end. Remove the patch, don't pull it back through. Pulling it back through will just redeposit all the gunk you clean off.[5]
2Alternate the bore brush and patches to thoroughly scrub the barrel. Remove the patch holder and attach the bore brush. Run the bore brush back and forth along the full length of the bore 3 or 4 times to loosen any debris. Next, reattach the patch holder and run solvent-soaked cotton patches through the bore. Remove them when they exit the front. Repeat this process until a patch comes out clean.[6]
- Run one more dry patch through to dry it out and inspect it closely for any build-up you may have missed.
3Lubricate the barrel. Attach the cotton mop to the cleaning rod. Apply a few drops of gun conditioner or lubricant to the cotton mop and run it through the bore to leave a light coating of gun oil on the inside.[7]
4Clean and lubricate the action with solvent. Apply solvent to the gun brush and brush all parts of the action. Wipe them dry with a clean cloth.
- Next, lubricate the moving parts of the action lightly. A light coating helps prevent rust. A heavy coating gets gummy and attracts debris, so only use a small amount.
5Wipe down the rest of your gun with a luster cloth. This is a flannel cloth that comes pre-treated with a silicon lubricant. It will remove any remaining debris, including acid from fingerprints, and add shine.
- If you don't have a particular cloth designated for cleaning guns, old t-shirts and pairs of socks work really well for the purpose. Use something you've got lying around and won't need to reuse.
Maintaining Guns
1Clean your gun after every use. A good-quality firearm is a significant investment, whether you're using it for sport, hunting, or home defense. Make sure you give it the attention it deserves whenever you get back from a round of firing it.
- The whole cleaning process, start to finish, only takes 20 or 30 minutes. It's worth it to do it regularly. You might even consider getting out old guns from the back of the closet and doing them all at once while you've got the materials out. Can't hurt.
2Consider investing in a barrel snake and/or ultrasonic cleaners. Like everything else, gun cleaning technology is cutting edge. For rifles and shotguns, barrel snakes are long multi-purpose cleaners that make the job much quicker and easier, some featuring lights on the end that allow you to see the interior of the barrel much more easily. It cuts down on time and makes the job more efficient.
3Store your guns unloaded in a cool and dry environment. To ensure the longest life for your gun, don't store them anywhere they'll be significantly affected by the elements. Keep them indoors, in temperature-controlled environments. Consider investing in trigger locks to keep your gun safe and tamper proof.
- Soft or hard cases are available for guns, anywhere as cheap as $15 or $20. If you have a higher budget, there are also lockable gun cabinets and safes made for the purpose of storing guns in a controlled and locked environment.[8]
Expert Q&A
QuestionWhat is the best thing to clean rust off a gun?Bryan VillellaBryan Villella is the Lead Firearms Instructor and Owner of Don't Be A Sitting Duck in Kissimmee, Florida. Bryan has nine years of professional experience and is an NRA and Florida State Certified “K” Instructor. He leads certified training courses necessary to get licensed through the state to work in the private security field. He prioritizes safety and building comfortable environments for people to learn skills safely.
Lead Firearms InstructorWell, that will depend on the type of finish that's on the firearm. There's no magical solution or product. Sometimes, it can be as simple as just applying a bit of gun cleaner or gun oil with an abrasive brush. If it is starting to corrode the actual metal, you might need to clean it and then refinish your firearm. -
QuestionHow do I disassemble my gun?Community AnswerMost guns are different. Take a course to learn about your gun. The user's manual will probably say, but you still may want to take the course so that you can see it hands on. Plus, there are videos online that can help as well.
QuestionCan guns get so dirty (from improper storage/just sitting around) that they are no longer usable or able to be cleaned?Community AnswerGuns are metal, and metal can corrode and be weakened over time. Any firearm that has not been properly maintained should be taken to a gunsmith to be examined and cleaned. It is not an arcane process and many gun owners and hobbyists could probably do an equivalent job, but if you need to ask here, you need a gunsmith.
- Always take the time to check and make sure your gun is unloaded before attempting to clean it.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Things You'll Need
- Cleaning rod with patch holder, bore brush, cotton mop
- Cleaning solvent
- Cotton patches
- Gun conditioner
- Gun brush
- Clean cloth
- Lubricant
- Luster cloth
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about guns, check out our in-depth interview with Bryan Villella.
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About This Article
Before you clean a gun, remove the magazine and double-check that there isn’t a round in the chamber or stuck in the barrel. Once the gun is unloaded, disassemble the gun according to the manufacturer’s instructions, being sure to work in a ventilated area. Wrap a solvent-soaked patch around a cleaning rod and push it all the way through the barrel, then alternate the bore brush and patches to scrub the barrel until it’s clean. Dry and lubricate the barrel, then clean and lubricate the action with the gun brush. Finally, wipe down the rest of your gun with a luster cloth. For tips on how often to clean your gun, read on!