This article was co-authored by Kim Gillingham, MA. Kim Gillingham is a retired library and information specialist with over 30 years of experience. She has a Master's in Library Science from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, and she managed the audiovisual department of the district library center in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, for 12 years. She continues to do volunteer work for various libraries and lending library projects in her local community.
There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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Libraries are incredible institutions that give people free access to books, magazines, CDs and DVDs, newspapers, and other materials that can be used for educational, reference, and pleasure purposes. If you’ve never been through the process before, the idea of checking out a library book can seem scary. Once you learn the process, you'll be checking out books all the time! If you find you need some extra help, you can always talk to a librarian or somebody else who works at the library. These people are always available to provide guidance if you need help finding, checking out, renewing, or reserving books and other materials.
Checking Books Out
1Get a library card. Most libraries will let you get a library card and take out books on your own if you're at least 13 years old. If you're younger than that, ask an older sibling, parent, guardian, or baby sitter to take you. Don't forget to bring a book bag if you have siblings that check out a lot of library books. Find the circulation desk (sometimes called the front desk), and tell the librarian that you would like a library card. To get your card, you or your guardian will have to provide:[1]
- Your name
- Your address (they need to make sure you live in the area)
- Your phone number ( If you don't have one use a parents.)
- The names of other people you want on the account (they’ll get their own card that’s linked to your account)
- Photo identification with your name and address on it
2Choose your books. Books in libraries are often organized by genre, which means a particular style or type. This means, for instance, that all the mystery books will be grouped together, and all the science books will be together, and all the cooking books will be together.
- Within these sections, books will also be organized alphabetically by the last names of the authors.
- To find books, you can browse through the different sections until you find something that catches your eye, or until you find what you’re looking for.
- You can also use the library’s computer to look through the catalogue and locate specific books or books about a particular subject.[2] The computer will tell you what section the book is in.
- When in doubt, you can always ask the librarian where you can find certain books, particular authors, or specific genres.
Expert AnswerQWhen asked, "What are some fun ways to read outside of your comfort zone in a library?"
Master's Degree, Library Science, Kutztown UniversityEXPERT ADVICEAnswer from Kim Gillingham, MA:Kim Gillingham, retired librarian, responded: "Check book reviews in print and online newspapers, such as the New York Times bestseller list. If you have a favorite author, many times the library will have lists of recommended authors you might enjoy. Most libraries also have book clubs where you can read and discuss a book each month. Finally, take some time to go and browse the shelves; you never know what treasures you may find."
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3Be aware of lending limits. Some libraries have limits on how many books you can check out at a time, and others also limit the number of books you can take out on a certain subject at one time.
- While you may be able to take out a large number of books at any given time, you may be limited when it comes to checking out multiple DVDs, CDs, magazines, and other materials.
4Take your books to the circulation desk for check-out. When you’ve looked through and decided on the books you want to take home, take them to the circulation desk. Most modern libraries will have two options: either take your books right to the desk for the librarian to check out, or take them to the nearby self-checkout machine. To have the librarian check out your books:
- When it’s your turn, go up to the desk and place your books and your card on the desk. Always have your library card when you're taking out books.
- The librarian will scan your card, scan the books, tell you your due date, and run the book through a machine so it doesn’t set off the alarm. The librarian may also give you a slip of paper that says your due date on it. Try not to lose this!
- If you're going away on a family holiday and need the book for longer, ask about being able to keep the book for longer.[3]
5Use the self-checkout as an alternative. Instead of waiting in line at the circulation desk, you can also check out books yourself using the self-checkout machine, if your library has one. These machines will often be close to the circulation desk, but you will have to be tall enough to reach the touch screen or button.[4]
- Tap the button on the screen or use the laser on the machine to scan the barcode on your library card.
- When the machine tells you to, scan the barcode on your first book. Make sure you scan the library bar code on the front cover or inside cover, and not the publisher’s barcode on the back.
- To turn off the alarm device in the book, place the spine of the book into the reader and wait until the screen prompts you to remove it.
6Set up your online account. These days, many libraries have online sites you can use to renew books, place holds, check out e-books, add books to a list of ones you want to read, see your borrowing history, and browse the library’s catalogue.[5]
- When you're at the library checking out your books, ask if the library has an online portal where you can access your account online. Ask the librarian to write down the website and the information you'll need to make an account.
- If you can use the computer on your own, go ahead and set up your account at a time when you're allowed to be on the computer. Otherwise, ask a parent, teacher, or older sibling to help you out.
7Renew your books if you need more time. Libraries allow borrowers to extend the amount of time they can keep a book through the renewal process. Usually you can renew a book two or three times, as long as it’s not a brand new book and as long as nobody else has placed a hold on it. You can renew by:
- Logging in to the online site. Find the book in your list, select the box beside it, and click Renew.
- Calling the library. Be sure to have your library card number handy and the name of the book.
- Visiting the circulation desk directly. Again, be sure to have your library card with you.
8Learn to place holds on books. Sometimes a book you want to check out won’t be available, and this is usually because somebody else already has it checked out. When this happens, you can place a hold on the book to ensure that when the book is returned, it will be held for you.
- Like renewals, most libraries allow you to place holds in person or through the portal. If you're on the portal, find the book you want to borrow and look for the Place a Hold option.
Checking Out E-Books
1Download the right app. To borrow e-books from libraries, you need access to your own or a parent’s mobile device, like an e-reader or tablet. If you aren't allowed to do this on your own, ask if a parent or guardian will download Overdrive onto the device.[6]
- Go to the applications store on your mobile device, such as the App Store, Amazon Appstore, or Google Play, and search for Overdrive. When you find it, select Install.
- Overdrive is like an online bookshelf that links public library accounts to e-reader and mobile device accounts.
- Once the app is installed, launch it so you can put in your information and find your local library from the dropdown menu.[7]
2Log in to your library account. From a desktop computer or with the browser on your mobile device, log in to your library’s online portal using your account information. Browse through until you find an e-book you want to borrow.
3Borrow the book. To do this, find the title of the book and the link that says Borrow or Download. Once you’ve done this, it will ask you for the delivery method. You may need to select the type of device (such as a Kindle) or the specific app you're using (such as Overdrive).[8]
- If prompted, select Checkout to initiate the transfer to your Overdrive account.
4Connect your device. If the device you want to use to read your e-book isn't connected to a network, connect it to Wi-Fi so it can receive the e-book. If you're using an Amazon device, you will need to sign in to your Amazon account to receive the transfer and download the book.[9]
- If you're using a mobile phone or tablet to read your book, log on to your library account from the device, and then select download to Overdrive. Make sure you already have Overdrive installed on your device to open the book.
Returning Items to the Library
1Know when your due date is. Materials that you can take out from the library, including books, magazines, and DVDs, always have a due date, which is the date by which your items are due back to the library. This allows other people to check out and enjoy the materials as well.
- Libraries have individual policies about loan periods, and different items usually have different loan periods as well. For instance, whereas you may be able to keep a book for 14 to 21 days, you may have to return a DVD after seven days.
- If you lose the slip of paper that tells you when your materials are due back, you can either call the library to ask, drop by the circulation desk to find out, or check in to your online account, which will give you a list of the materials you have checked out and their due dates.
2Take books back when they are recalled. Sometimes books are recalled, which means you have to bring the book back sooner. If this happens, you will usually receive a notification by email or phone.
3Return books to the circulation desk. When you do this, you return books directly to a library staff member. This method is good if you want to say hi and chat, or if you want the books returned right away so that you can take out more.
- Some larger libraries have check-in/check-out desks and help desks where you may be able to return books as well.
4Use the drop box. Many libraries have drop boxes that can be used to return books. For most libraries, there will be a drop box inside at the circulation desk, and there will also be one outside so that you can still return books after the library is closed.
- Simply open the door to the box (for external boxes), place your books inside the compartment, and close the door again to drop your books into the box.
5Return e-books. E-books are generally returned automatically when they are due, but if you have an e-reader and want to return the item early, go to Manage Your Content, then find the title you want to return. Select Actions beside the title, then Return, then Yes.[10]
Community Q&A
QuestionCan my books be returned to any branch, or does it have to be returned to the branch that I borrowed from?Community AnswerIt depends on your library. Some libraries will allow you to return your books to any branch, while others will request that you return your books to the specific library you borrowed them from. In most cases, however, you will be allowed to return your books to any branch
QuestionHow do I check in a book?Community AnswerSome libraries have slots where you place your books, and others have certain tables or designated areas. If you're unsure where to check a book back in, ask one of the librarians.
QuestionI haven't used the library in over a year, how do I request a book online with my library card?Community AnswerIf you don't have an online account, you'll have to make one first on your library's website. You can then request a book by putting it on hold. Just search for the book and select the "hold" option. You will probably then have to select which branch you would like to have the book sent to.
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