Growing Herbs and Spices
Learn everything you want about Growing Herbs and Spices with the wikiHow Growing Herbs and Spices Category. Learn about topics such as How to Plant, Care For, and Harvest Ginger at Home, How to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Your Own Garlic at Home, How to Grow a Chilli Plant from a Seed, and more with our helpful step-by-step instructions with photos and videos.Featured Articles

Grow Cardamom

Grow Rosemary

Grow Watercress

Grow Ginseng

Prune Mint

Grow Mint in a Pot

Grow Basil Indoors

Harvest Mint

Plant Lavender

Grow Rosemary Indoors

Grow Parsley

Plant an Herb Pot

Grow Basil

Grow Yarrow

Grow Dill
Articles about Growing Herbs and Spices

Harvest Basil

Grow Saffron

Prune Sage

Grow Cardamom

Grow Cilantro

Grow Curry Leaves

Grow Tulsi

Plant Garlic

Grow Jasmine in a Pot

Grow Mint

Prune Rosemary

Grow Jasmine

Grow Black Pepper

Prune Verbena

Harvest Ginger

Grow Rosemary

Grow Horseradish

Grow Fennel

Grow Catnip

Grow Lantana Plants

Grow Watercress

Grow a Tea Plant

Grow Mint Indoors

Grow Ginseng

Prune Mint

Harvest Parsley

Grow Mint in a Pot

Freeze Dill

Grow Ginger Indoors

Prune Oregano

Grow Basil Indoors

Grow Elephant Garlic

Harvest Mint

Prune Basil Plants

Grow Oregano

Plant Lavender

Grow Chives

Grow Thyme

Grow Rosemary Indoors

Grow Sage

Grow Parsley

Grow Herbs

Plant an Herb Pot

Grow Lavender

Grow Evening Primrose

Grow Basil

Grow Yarrow

Fertilize Herbs

Grow Vietnamese Mint

Grow Dill

Grow Lemon Thyme

Grow Patchouli

Trim Lavender