Start a vibrant garden of your very own with wikiHow's Gardening articles! Our expert advice will take you through the process of preparing a new garden bed and keeping your plants from dying. Whether you hope to grow big, juicy tomatoes or need tips on pruning a Rose of Sharon the right way, we've got you covered. You'll have a green thumb in no time!
Featured Articles

Prune a Tree

Prune Citrus Trees

Apply Mulch


Mulch Around a Tree

Clean a Slate Hearth

Keep Hydrangeas Alive

Grow Ghost Peppers
Articles about Gardening

Prune a Tree

Build a Lean to Shed

Prune Rose of Sharon

Prune a Magnolia Tree

Prune Ferns

Prune Dracaena

Lay a Gravel Bed

Prune Cilantro

Prune Citrus Trees

Prune Nandinas

Prune Old Apple Trees

Prune a Gardenia Bush

Prune a Mulberry Tree

Grow Taro

Apply Mulch


Mulch Around a Tree

Prune Forsythia

Remove Bushes

Prune Dill

Prune Honeysuckle

Prune Bamboo

Build a Pergola

Start Pepper Seeds

Prune an Elm Tree

Protect Plants

Clean a Slate Hearth

Prune Succulents

Keep Hydrangeas Alive

Prune Philodendron

Prune Fuschias

Plant Oxalis

Prune Croton Plants

Prune Roots

Harvest Echinacea

Plant Spinach in Pots

Revive a Plant

Top a Tree

Grow Ghost Peppers

Grow Dichondra

Grow Dandelions

Grow Vines on a Fence

Divide Astilbe

Care for Hypoestes

Grow Big Tomatoes

Grow Lemon Balm