Friends are the family you choose for yourself, and wikiHow's Friends category can help you treat your friends right. Learn what you need to know to become good friends with someone, from asking them to hang out to showing them you care. Get advice on reconnecting with old friends, writing a letter to a friend, handling unreliable friends, and more.
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Comfort Your Friend

Make Friends

Make Female Friends

Find a True Friend

Impress Someone

Make a Best Friend

Have a Gay Friend

Impress a Smart Guy

Find Good Friends

Meet People in a Gym

Be Best Friends

Make a Best Friend

Make Close Friends

Make New Best Friends
End a Friendship

Get a Friend Back

Meet New People

Social Anxiety Test

Improve Social Skills

Talk to Celebrities

Be Less Awkward

Entertain People

Blend In



Have a Social Life

Toast a Girl

Overcome Awkwardness

Be Sociable

Encourage a Friend
Articles about Friends

Encourage People

Talk to a Friend

Calm a Girl Down

Impress Your Friends

Encourage a Friend

Treat Your Friends

Contact Old Friends

Be Admired

7 Friendship Myths Debunked