Do I Have Social Anxiety?
Find out if you experience symptoms of social anxiety.
Your mouth goes dry in conversation, your mind goes blank at parties, and speeches are your biggest fear. Are these normal social nerves, or are they something more?
To diagnose social anxiety, you’ll need to visit the doctor. But a quiz (like this one) can help you compare your experience to the disorder’s official symptoms list. By answering a few simple questions, you can better understand yourself, your social nature, and your best route forward. Want to understand if you’re dealing with social anxiety? Click “Start Quiz” now.

Questions Overview
1. In groups, how often do you worry people are judging you?
- Very Often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
2. At social gatherings, how often do you stress about doing something embarrassing?
- Very Often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
3. Imagine this: you’re striking up a conversation with a total stranger. How do you feel?
- I’m freaking out. What if my voice shakes and my mind goes blank?
- I’m worried. Coming up with conversation topics is hard and scary.
- I’m a little nervous—if I take a deep breath, though, I’ll be okay.
- I don’t mind talking to strangers. I feel just fine!
4. Do you ever worry that others know when you’re nervous or anxious?
- Very Often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
5. Someone just asked you to give an impromptu speech. What are you feeling?
- Completely panicked.
- I’m not panicking, but definitely nervous and worried.
- My heart is racing a bit, but I’ll be okay.
- I’ll be fine. If I do badly, it’s no big deal anyway.
6. You’ve got a social event planned later today. How are you feeling?
- So anxious—I can’t stop thinking about it. I might chicken out and stay home!
- I’m a little worried.
- I’m a mix of excited and nervous.
- I’m going to see my friends—what’s there to be worried about?
7. Rank the intensity of the anxiety you feel while socializing, from 0 to 3:
- 3 - Very anxious.
- 2 - Anxious.
- 1 - A little anxious.
- 0 - Not at all anxious.
8. You just spent the evening at a social gathering. What are you thinking afterwards?
- My mind is racing. I’m picking apart every word I said and heard.
- I said a couple silly things and they’re still on my mind.
- I thought about the gathering for a bit, but I’ve moved on.
- I moved on right away. I’ve been thinking about dinner, work, etc.
9. How often do you think negatively about your role in social interactions? Do you feel like you expect the worst?
- Yes, very often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
10. At social gatherings, how often do you experience physical symptoms of anxiety (ex: blushing, racing heart, trembling, sweating, or nausea)?
- Very often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
11. How often does anxiety keep you from social events that you’d otherwise like to attend (like dates & parties)?
- Very often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
12. How often does anxiety interfere with your everyday tasks, like shopping, attending class, or using a public restroom?
- Very often.
- Often.
- Sometimes.
- Never.
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Want to learn more?
For more information about social anxiety, refer to these resources:
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), or social phobia, is one of the five major types of anxiety disorders (these also include: generalized, obsessive-compulsive, panic, and post-traumatic stress anxiety). People with SAD fear others’ scrutiny intensely. Class speeches, first dates, and even grocery store trips can be cause for panic. As you can imagine, SAD might seriously disrupt a person’s life—making it difficult for them to enjoy gatherings, visit public settings, and meet new people. This anxiety can be mild, moderate, or extreme, and women are more likely to be affected than men.
Shyness and nerves are different from a clinical social anxiety disorder. Typically, personal qualities are considered “disorders” when they affect how a person lives their life or if they invoke intense negative emotions.
Symptoms of Social Anxiety:
Treatments usually include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Therapy is known to help relieve symptoms of SAD; specifically, therapy empowers people to challenge negative thoughts and self-beliefs, which can be half the battle. Medications usually include SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like paroxetine (Paxil) and sertraline (Zoloft).
If you think you might be experiencing social anxiety disorder, speak to your doctor or psychologist. And know that effective formal treatments exist. In addition to seeking treatment, you may benefit from practicing some of these expert-backed tips: