Food and Entertaining
Learn to be a great cook and host a fantastic party with wikiHow's Food and Entertaining articles. Whether you're planning on serving a full course meal for an event, preparing a romantic dinner for someone special, or using leftovers in creative ways, you can find just the right guide to help. Find advice on garnishing food, dealing with picky eaters, and more.
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Boil Chicken for Dogs

Measure Dry Pasta

Boil Lasagna Noodles

Brown Chicken

Tenderize Chicken

Cook Noodles

Defrost Chicken

Boil Chicken Breasts

Cook Pork Neckbones

Reheat Chicken

Open a Pomegranate

Thaw Ground Turkey

Cook Rice

Defrost a Bagel

Prepare Okra


Open a Bottle of Wine

Hold a Wine Glass

Drink Wine

Drink Tequila

Make an Old Fashioned

Drink Red Wine

Plan a Birthday Party

Dress for a Tea Party

Throw a Party

Hold a Farewell Party

Plan a Party

Host a Good Party

Plan a Pool Party

Have a Great Party

Host a Birthday Party

Make Apple Crumble

Cream Butter

Make Rice With Milk

Thicken Whipped Cream

Knead Dough

Make Whipped Cream

Write a Cookbook

Ship Food

Buy Wine for a Gift

Afford Healthy Food
Articles about Food and Entertaining

Defrost Quickly

Tell if Mayo Is Bad

Plan a Picnic

Cook Geoduck

Use Stevia

Write a Cookbook

Ship Food

Cook Healthily

Buy Wine for a Gift

Freeze Pesto

Use Leftovers

Afford Healthy Food

Copyright a Recipe

Use Nutritional Yeast

How to Make Kool-Aid Pickles

Ship Perishable Food

Toast Sliced Almonds

Rinse Rice

Hold a Spoon

Eat Peanut Butter

Write a Cookbook

Make Fenugreek Tea

Identify Hickory Nuts

Make Almond Oil