This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Savannah Vold. Savannah Vold graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 2020, earning her B.A. in English with a specialization in Literature and Culture of Information. Passionate about accessibility and fostering a love for the arts, she started her literary, arts, and culture-based website, The Executant. At wikiHow, Savannah feels fortunate to learn about new and exciting topics daily and is driven to empower anyone, anywhere, by providing accurate and engaging knowledge.
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You light your candle, and walk away, only to come back and notice a high, flickering flame—but what could it mean? According to ancient spiritual practices, high flames can be interpreted as a good sign from the Universe and are believed to provide valuable spiritual insights into our lives. In this article, we’ll reveal the fascinating meanings behind seeing a high candle flame and how to interpret them so you can get the good vibes flowing your way.
Things You Should Know
- Generally, high flames are meant to draw your attention to a luminous quality in your life. It might signify that you have a powerful inner light or a bright future.
- A high candle flame suggests that hard times are ending. If you’ve been struggling in an aspect of your life, your resilience and strength may be paying off.
- Seeing a high, dancing candle flame might suggest your dreams are coming true! Keep pushing forward—good things may be on their way.
- A high, flickering candle flame may signal that an angel is near. If you’re feeling lost, turning to your intuition for divine guidance may provide valuable insights.
You have powerful spiritual energy.
A high candle flame indicates that you have strong spiritual energy. Your inner strength is something to admire! If you lit a candle and noticed a high flame, it may be a sign that you have the power within you to overcome challenges and make your dreams a reality.[1] X Research source
- Following through on your goals can be hard, even with a strong and resilient attitude. To make things easier, try writing a list of specific things you want to achieve and display it somewhere you look at every day, like on your mirror, to motivate you.
Your prayers have been answered.
If you’ve got a wish, a high, dancing flame suggests it’s coming true. The longer it takes for your prayers or wishes to be answered, the easier it is to become doubtful. A high, dancing candle flame is a powerful sign not to lose hope—your day in the sun might be right around the corner![2] X Research source
- Remember, you are worthy of good things. Stay positive by repeating mantras like, “I have all the tools I need to accomplish my dreams,” or, “Opportunity is flowing to me at all times.”
An angel is near.
A high, flickering candle flame signals that an angel is visiting you. If you’ve been feeling lonely or in need of guidance, a high, flickering candle flame could signal that a heavenly angel is there to support you. Keep the happy memories of your deceased loved ones in your heart, so they’re always with you wherever you go.[3] X Research source
- Call upon your guardian angels by speaking internally or aloud about your need for help. Plus, getting things off your chest is therapeutic!
Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
A high candle flame may suggest a need to expand your horizons. It’s easy to fall into a comfortable routine, but it’s important to switch things up every now and then. Trying new things, like signing up for a yoga class or joining a book club, might expose you to a fantastic group of new friends who may enrich your life further.
- Making new friends can be scary, but an easy way to start up a conversation is by paying someone a simple compliment like “I love your jacket!” Adding awesome people to your life doesn’t have to be any more complicated than it was in preschool—don’t overthink it.
Hard times are coming to an end.
A high candle flame signals that a challenging period is ending. Life can be a series of ups and downs, so if you’ve been going through a low period, you’re likely wondering when things will start to look up again. The good news is that seeing a high candle flame may signal that happy day are on their way, as your strength and resilience are bright enough to lead you out of the dark.
- Meditation is an excellent way to gain clarity and boost your mental health.[4] X Trustworthy Source American Heart Association Leading nonprofit that funds medical research and public education Go to source Not to mention, it can improve your immune system and help you sleep better—yes, please!
Success is on its way.
A breakthrough may be near if you see a high candle flame. Strength, power, and calmness are all traits associated with a high flame. If you’ve seen a high flame, consider its beauty a representation of yourself. Keep pushing onward with the knowledge that you’ve got all the tools you need to succeed within you—your manifestation is on its way.[5] X Research source
- Most successful people will say it takes confidence and a never-give-up attitude to make it. Assert yourself when needed to help your valuable thoughts and contributions shine.
Your creative energy is expanding.
A high candle flame may signal a need to nurture your creative talents. Whether you're in a job that doesn’t allow you to get creative or you’ve put your creative ambitions aside, a high candle flame might be a sign to get back in the saddle! Nurturing your creative side through hobbies like art, knitting, pottery, you name it, can improve your mental health and overall well-being.[6] X Research source
- Remember, you don’t have to be Leonardo da Vinci to pick up a brush and start painting. Have fun, and let your imagination run wild. It’s not about how good your art is but how much fun you have creating it.
Follow your inner light.
If you’re feeling lost, a high candle flame suggests following your spark. Even in our darkest hour, there’s always something left that can get your inner flame roaring and your spirit soaring.[7] X Research source If you’re having trouble finding happiness, think back to the things that brought you joy as a child and do them as an adult—you’re never too old to have some good old-fashioned fun.
- Nature has an amazing ability to improve your outlook and soothe the soul. Get out and explore like you did as a kid, who knows what cool foliage and creatures you might encounter!
You need some TLC.
A high, flickering candle flame signals the need for rest. If you’ve been pushing yourself to the limit in your personal or professional life, a high, flickering flame indicates uneasiness and the need to relax and get grounded. You might be worried about burning out like a dancing flame, so take some time for yourself—you deserve it![8] X Research source
- Taking a bath, going for a walk in nature, or having a lovely evening with friends are all great ways to decompress and ease stress.
A romantic relationship is on the horizon.
Love might be coming in hot if you see a high candle flame. Having someone special to share your life with is one of the most wonderful things in the world, so if you’re single and ready to mingle, you’ll be happy to know that seeing a high candle flame might suggest that a fulfilling new love connection is on its way—maybe you’ll meet your twin flame!
- The more you put yourself out there, the more likely you are to meet someone. Go out and have some fun with your loved ones—who knows what attractive mutual friends might appear.
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