This article was co-authored by Isabelle Garson. Isabelle Garson is a Social Media Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 10 years of experience, she works in social media strategy and content production. She specializes in music and cannabis marketing and has worked with international touring artists. Isabelle studied graphic design at the Academy of Art University. Additionally, she holds a certification from Sprinklr Research Analyst Pro.
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While some of the appeal of radio may have ceded to newer forms of video communication like television, there are still radio listeners around the world. They may listen at home, in vehicles or in offices. For individuals who want to become a radio presenter and get to be part of this broadcasting environment, some basic steps will help with what is a very competitive field. Use the available recommendations of experienced broadcasters to get a better chance at becoming a radio presenter.
Local or Syndicated Radio Presenter
1Obtain practical disc jockey or radio presentation experience. One of the first places to start is to get actual experience that will help boost a career in radio.
- Take advantage of opportunities for local or institutional radio. Many radio presenters who work for radio stations and other larger broadcasting venues got their start in smaller, localized radio presentations. One example is hospitals, where a hospital network may have its own localized radio broadcasted over a PA system. One way to break into radio presentation is to volunteer or work in one of these local settings.
- Find relevant emcee gigs or jobs. Another way to complement a radio presentation career is to work as an emcee at public events. This will help with honing presentation skills and also add to your resume.
2Work on presentation skills. While acquiring practical experience, it's a good idea to pay attention to the various kinds of verbal skills that will serve you well in future efforts to become a radio presenter.
- Think about adjusting any verbal tics or irregularities that will take away from effective presentation. Try to hone the voice to sound as appealing to a wide audience as possible.
- Develop microphone technique. Experienced presenters recommend working extensively with various microphones and listening to the results in order to figure out how to use a microphone effectively. This includes not crowding the mic, where the voice may become muffled, and figuring out the best microphone distances for optimal acoustics.
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3Pursue degrees in communications. Some types of communications degrees can help radio presenters and other broadcasters to get access to a greater set of jobs or positions in the industry.
4Create a demo for radio stations and other potential employers. After having collected some experience and getting used to the idea of presenting on the radio, as a career-minded individual, you can set up a demo presentation that you can show to representatives of larger broadcasting networks.
5Develop connections and a professional reputation. Some of the most successful radio presenters, for example, radio talk show hosts, have had a long career including extensive networking and brand development. Developing an individual as a brand means promoting the skills and reputation of that person as an effective broadcaster and a popular public figure.
6Consider obtaining syndication for broadcasts. Some of the most prominent radio presenters have achieved syndication on various radio stations. This will generally boost a career and add to the future opportunities for a radio presenter.
Global Radio Presenter
1Cultivate a good radio voice. if you want a long standing career in vocal work you need to look after your voice and you need to pronounce with great clarity. Get voice coaching lessons if possible. It is also important to find some vocal warm up exercise routines, to preserve your voice long-term.
- If you can't afford voice coaching lessons, pop down to your local library and see if they have or can order you in a book on voice exercises.
- Listen to different types of radio shows including national, local, commercial and internet shows and see how the shows are structured so you can then make your show sound more professional.
2Practice the skills required. You'll need to speak well, think creatively and even be witty or enthusiastic. Some ways to build up your skills and confidence include:
- Get involved in local theatre groups; radio presenting is all about putting on a show which entertains the listener which is the same principal as acting.
- If you are at school that has events like talent nights or anything that requires an MC, compere or presenter always put your name forward as this can be valuable experience.
- Buy (or borrow) a microphone and a recording device like a mini disc player. It is important to record and listen back to your voice as you can then hear how everyone around you hears your voice.
- DJ'ing at discos and small functions can be a great learning experience on how to cater to a specific audience which radio is all about.
- Find out about call-in radio shows and call-in. Getting on air as a caller can be great experience as you get your voice live on air and you get to interact with a professional presenter and if you can be entertaining it is a good sign that you will make a good presenter. Once you have been on a show once call in the show every day and become a regular contributor this can get you noticed by station bosses.
3Keep updated about the radio industry. Read as many trade publications as possible, log on to media job websites and radio station websites as at time to time adverts for presenters will be posted.
4Find a place to present as a volunteer. Volunteer opportunities will gain you lots of experience and you'll get good advice from those already working in the industry. Some examples of possible volunteer opportunities include:
- If you are in the UK, find your nearest Hospital Radio station and apply to become a presenter. All Hospital Radio stations are run by volunteers. They are where many famous presenters started their careers. To find your nearest station log on to the website of the Hospital Broadcasting Association.
- If you are at college or university, find out if there is a Student Radio station and sign up. If there isn't already one set up get a group together and start one.
- Many professional presenters have done a spot on in-store radio stations so whenever you are in a shop with in-store radio blaring over the speakers ask a member of staff for information.
- Offer your services to local stations as a volunteer, this can be a great way to gain practical experience and make important contacts.
5Begin your "global" reach. For this, you'll rely on the internet, which can be broadcast worldwide. Start your own internet radio show. There are now many free facilities on the internet which help you broadcast your own internet radio show so they are now very easy to produce and, even better, they're very inexpensive.
- Get a computer with an audio editing software package, when you have refined your vocal skills you can start producing your own radio shows from your own home.
- If you don't want to start your own show you may want to join an internet radio station that already exists or guest on someone else's show.
- Always record every show you do. After the show listen to it back and critique it so you know what needs to be improved. And get other people to listen to it and offer their opinions.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat qualifications do I need to do radio presenting as a career?DonaganTop AnswererThe main qualification is the ability to sound pleasant and knowledgeable. If you can speak smoothly and creatively, you should do well.
QuestionWhat course should I take at a university in order to be a radio presenter?Community AnswerTry to pick courses that have classes related to acting or voice acting, speaking, and personality development.
QuestionWhere can I go to volunteer?DonaganTop AnswererMany radio stations -- particularly those in smaller communities -- have occasional need of volunteer help. If you present yourself well, have a pleasant voice, and show yourself willing to work long hours, a volunteer position could work into a paid position, because employee turnover can be rather high, especially at small town stations.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about starting a radio station, check out our in-depth interview with Isabelle Garson.
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