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Do you want to play Bee Swarm Simulator on ROBLOX well? In this article, we'll explain the fundamentals of Bee Swarm Simulator and include plenty of useful tips and tricks along the way. Read on to get started!
Save up your pollen until your container is full.
Try to get more bees.
Battle whatever you can.
Battling helps you earn rewards like honey tokens, royal jelly, and gumdrops. You can battle rhino beetles, ladybugs, spiders, werewolves, and more. Keep in mind that different creatures drop different items, ladybugs usually drop strawberries, spiders sometimes drop royal jelly, and rhino beetles usually drop blueberries.
Use items.
Level up your bees.
Feeding treats, like strawberries and blueberries, helps your bees level up. Leveling up your bees improve their stats, meaning you can earn pollen faster. Keep in mind that other bees like strawberries more than the other, and other bees like blueberries more than the other, so you can boost them faster than your other bees.
Do quests.
Do sprouts.
Take advantage of the night.
Tiny glowing bees (fireflies) will come down to a random field at night. They will settle someplace on the ground, and if you walk on top of them, you can get many rewards. Usually, they will also leave at least one moon charm. If you have 100 moon charms, you can use them to make one moon amulet, which can give helpful buffs. There is also a chance of a Vicious Bee spawning! You can get stingers by defeating it, which you can use to get a Vicious Bee after you get 250.
Use Codes.
Using promo codes are an easy way to get buffs and rewards. You can find these promo codes by googling them online, or you can go to the developer's Twitter account. If you have just started Bee Swarm Simulator, this can help you get a good start! It also has good boosts though, so you might want to save some for later and not use it all at once.
Do the ant challenge.
If you have 20 bees and an ant pass, you can do the ant challenge! Everything you collect there instantly converts into honey, so you can get a lot of honey quickly. You have to fight ants as a bar gradually goes higher until you go to the next round. You have a few minutes to do it. After you finish, you get tons of rewards. You can even get an ant amulet, which grants really useful buffs and boosts. You can get a free ant pass every few hours.
Try to get gifted bees.
When a bee is gifted, its stats are significantly boosted. This offers a variety of things that can help your pollen collecting. Using a star jelly can transform a bee into a random gifted bee, and using a star treat turns a bee gifted. Be careful on what you use star jelly and star treats on as they are very rare. Try to use star treats on a bee that already has good stats so you can improve them even more.
Donate to the Wind Shrine
Do Memory Match
Participate in Beesmas
Beesmas is an annual event that usually occurs from around late December to March. With the arrival of Beesmas, you can get new quests from Bee Bear! You can also do special Beesmas quests from other bears, and finishing more quests unlocks more things. Like gift boxes, which you can open after completing a certain amount. You can also unlock things like the Honey Wreath, Stockings, and Gingerbread House! During Beesmas, you can get things like Gingerbread Bears and Snowflakes! These are very useful because you can purchase items in the Bee Bear Catalog with these, even a mythic egg!
Community Q&A
QuestionWhich bee should I use my star treat on?Claire XueCommunity AnswerIf you have a tabby bee or a basic bee, I would say to gift those first. Or, if you have a mythic bee, you could gift that one too.
QuestionHow do I get good bees?Claire XueCommunity AnswerUse star jelly, royal jelly, and get eggs (e.g., diamond eggs). Gifting bees is a good way to improve bee stats, too.
QuestionHow do I get to the endgame?Claire XueCommunity AnswerJust keep playing and doing quests. Also, try to get past the 35 Bee Gate so you can the Petal Wand and other items.
- Don't use royal jelly on a gifted bee as it will take away the gifted attribute.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Run away from the creature you are attacking if your health gets too low, as this will take away all of the pollen that you have collected. After, come back and try again!⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Don't buy spark staff, it is less effective than the golden rake.⧼thumbs_response⧽
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About This Article
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 20,422 times.
63 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: February 23, 2023
Views: 20,422
Categories: Electronic Game Strategies