Starting your own soccer team can be exciting and rewarding. Before you can start competing on the field, you'll need to find a group of dedicated players and invest in the necessary equipment. Once you have your players and equipment in order, you can join your local soccer league and start practicing so your team is in tip-top shape.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Finding Players

  1. 1
    Tell your friends and family you're assembling a soccer team. Ask if they're interested in joining or if they know anyone that would be. Your personal network is a great resource for finding players. Ask them to spread the word and give them your contact information so they can pass it along.
  2. 2
    Find out if your coworkers are interested. Ask around the office. Put up a flyer in the break room that has all the information about your new team on it. Getting your coworkers on board is a good opportunity to get to know them outside of work, and you can carpool to practices together when you get off work.
  3. 3
    Put out a local ad. Post it on Craigslist if you're on a budget. If you can afford to spend a little bit of money, take out an ad in the local newspaper. Make sure you include your contact information so interested players can reach you.
    • For example, your ad could say: “Looking for players for a new adult soccer team in Chicago. We'll have practices twice weekly on weeknights. Email or call me if you're interested.”
  4. 4
    Find fifteen to twenty players for your team. Only eleven players can play at a time, but you'll want extras in case people drop out or can't make a game. If everyone shows up for a game, you can just rotate players so everyone gets time on the field.[1]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Getting Organized

  1. 1
    Choose a team manager. This can be you or someone else on the team. If you choose someone else, make sure they're responsible. The team manager will have to schedule practices and games. They'll also be in charge of collecting the money to pay for supplies and league fees.
    • If no one on the team wants that much responsibility, split the job of manager into three smaller jobs. Make one person treasurer (they're in charge of the money), one person general manager (they're in charge of reaching out to players before games), and one person secretary (they're in charge of scheduling).[2]
    • If your team is going to have a coach, make the coach the team manager.
  2. 2
    Assign every player a position. To have an effective team, you'll need goalkeepers, midfielders, forwards, and back defenders. Ask the players on your team what positions they want. You can also run drills to get a sense of everyone's strengths and weaknesses and assign positions that way. Different positions require different skill sets.[3]
    • Goalkeepers should be observant and quick with their hands so they can stop balls from going in the goal.
    • Midfielders should be fast and enjoy running.
    • Forwards should be good at scoring.[4]
    • Back defenders should be good at watching the ball and kicking it away from the goal.
  3. 3
    Come up with a team name. You'll need a name if you're going to compete, and it's nice to have something everyone on the team can rally around. Decide as a team what your team name will be. Choose a name that goes with your team's personality.
    • For example, if your team likes to joke around, you could go with a funny team name like "The D-Feeters" or "The Goal Diggers."
    • If your team is serious about winning, you could choose an intimidating team name like "The Annihilators" or "The Nightmares."
  4. 4
    Buy equipment for your team. Get one soccer ball per player so every player has a ball to practice with. Make sure you get a pump in case one of the balls goes flat. You'll also want cones for practices. If you can't practice somewhere with a goal, get a portable goal to use instead.[5]
    • Have everyone on the team pitch in for the equipment.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Playing as a Team

  1. 1
    Join a local soccer league. If you don't know what leagues are in your area, do a quick online search. Lookup “Albuquerque soccer leagues” or “local Albuquerque soccer clubs.” Visit the league's website to find out what your team needs to do to join. Look for a nationally affiliated league for perks like liability insurance and admission to national tournaments.[6]
    • Once you join a league, your team will be able to play against other teams in that league.
    • Keep in mind that many leagues come with fees. Decide as a team how you'll cover the costs of joining a league.
  2. 2
    Order team uniforms. Have each player pitch in to pay for them. You'll need them if you're going to be playing against other teams. Everyone on your team should have matching jerseys with their last name and team number on them. Order your team uniforms online from a website that lets you make custom uniforms.
    • Let everyone on the team choose their own number for their uniform. Make sure no two players have the same number.
  3. 3
    Schedule routine practices. Agree as a team on days and times of the week that work best for everyone. Try to fit in two practices a week if possible. Practice at a local park or contact a nearby school to see if you can practice on their field.
  4. 4
    Compete against other teams. Sign up for competitions through your soccer league. If your league announces an upcoming tournament or cup, sign your team up. If you're a part of a nationally affiliated soccer league, you may get the opportunity to compete at the national level.[7]
    • If you're team is having a hard time paying fees to compete, consider doing some fundraising.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I make my team a success?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Train hard, work hard, and have motivation to play. You have to pretend that every game is a final and that you've worked so hard to be there, you can't possibly let victory slip away.
  • Question
    How do you decide on a team name?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should probably put it to a vote.
  • Question
    How can a soccer team get sponsored?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Your coach can look for sponsors on the internet or by asking local businesses. You could speak to club members and supporters to ask if they know anyone who is willing to sponsor you.

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About This Article

Walter Merino
Co-authored by:
Soccer Coach
This article was co-authored by Walter Merino and by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Hall. Walter Merino is a Youth Soccer Coach and Co-Founder of Ole Soccer Club based out of the Los Angeles, California area. He has coached youth from the age of four to the high school and college levels. Walter has played collegiate soccer for Cal Poly Pomona and Los Angeles Mission College. His accomplishments include coaching Olé Soccer Club to win the 2017 Cal South State Cup Governors Boys 2007 Division title. This article has been viewed 106,371 times.
16 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 30
Updated: July 14, 2021
Views: 106,371
Categories: Soccer