This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Kai Hynes. John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. He runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.
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Wanna get your hands on your boyfriend’s hoodie? Sometimes, all you need to persuade a guy into giving you his stuff is a sweet text. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of different messages you can send your boyfriend to get him to hand that hoodie over to you. And remember: after he lets you borrow it once, he just might let you keep it forever!
“Can I wear your hoodie?”
Ask in a straightforward way to see how he feels about sharing. Sometimes, the easiest way to get what you want is to just be confident and upfront. Who knows: his answer could be “yes” on your first try![1] X Research source
- If his answer isn’t yes, you might have to try a more persuasive (or tricky) text to get that hoodie.
“Your hoodie looks so good on you. I wonder how it looks on me!”
Tell him you love his hoodie so much and you just want in on the fun. If you think your boyfriend’s hoodie is big, soft, and comfy, you should tell him! He might just feel inclined to see how big, soft, and comfy it looks on you.[2] X Research source
- Keep piling on the compliments, and you might not even have to ask to borrow it: he might just offer it to you because you like it so much!
“Wearing your hoodie would make me feel super confident.”
Let him know that you love and crave his energy and support. Your boyfriend probably makes you feel really good and confident, so let him know! Make it sound like these feelings come from his hoodie.[3] X Research source
- If you really want to play this up, compliment him on how powerful and manly he looks in his hoodie.
- This is especially effective if you have something you need good luck for, like a test or presentation.
“I’m so cold. Sure wish I had your hoodie right now.”
Convince him that you should hold onto it…for your health! Most boyfriends love coming to their partners’ rescue. Why not use this to your advantage? A little guilt could motivate him to bring you his sweatshirt.[4] X Research source
- After you get a hold of it, he might let you keep it so he’s “always” keeping you warm.
“I’ll meet you there! Can you bring me a hoodie?”
Suggest an outdoor activity and say you can’t stop by home first. Asking your boyfriend to bring you a change or layer of clothes is totally normal. Recommend that you meet up somewhere and make it sound like you don’t have a jacket with you and don’t have time to grab one.
- Plan to go somewhere directly from somewhere else, like school or work to a park.
- Make your plans sound time-sensitive if he asks why you can’t go home first.
- For example, “We have to catch the sunset!” or “It’s a surprise!”
“Will you give me your hoodie like they do in the movies?”
Assure him that giving you his hoodie is a romantic gesture. Wearing your partner’s clothing is a classic way to show other people that you’re in love. Tell your boyfriend this so he feels like giving you his hoodie to keep you warm would be a proper, old-school boyfriend move on his part!
- If he doesn’t get it, mention all the classic movies and shows you’ve seen where a guy is chivalrous by sharing his jacket.
- Don’t be afraid to be corny and over-the-top. For example, you could be like “Haven’t you seen the end of Titanic? Don’t you want to be my Jack?!”
“Science says you should let me wear your hoodie!”
Use silly but truthful logic to convince him to give you his hoodie. It’s true! Wearing something that belongs to a loved one has aphrodisiac effects. In other words, wearing his clothes will only make you fall more in love with him. What boyfriend could turn that down?
- This is because of pheromones, but you probably won’t have to explain it too thoroughly before your charm and humor win him over. “I heard wearing something with your significant other’s scent strengthens your feelings for them!”
“Can I wear your hoodie? I miss you and it smells like you.”
Compliment his smell to make him feel sexy and loved. It’s not uncommon for people to want the smell of their significant other on them. After all, scent plays a huge role in attraction. Tell him his scent is sexy, and that it reminds you of him. Also, most guys secretly love being told they smell good. You get his hoodie, he gets a self-confidence boost. Win-win.
- Plus, smell has a huge effect on memory, so you can tell him he’ll always be thinking of him. (Awww.)
- This is especially effective if you guys don’t live together or see each other super often.
“I want to sleep in your hoodie so it’s like we’re together.”
Play the “I miss you” card so he feels better about giving it to you. Even if you don’t usually sleep next to your boyfriend, feeling his warmth in bed can be really comforting. Tell your boyfriend you miss him so much that you just want something to remind you of him while he’s not with you.
- If you think talking about sleeping together is a little too intimate for your boyfriend, you can switch it out for something more casual.
- For example, “I want to walk around in your hoodie so it’s like you’re walking with me.”
“I want to wear your hoodie so people know I’m taken.”
Entice him by saying his hoodie is a status symbol to you. If you’re wearing something that obviously belongs to your boyfriend, people will know you’re off the market. To other guys, it says you already belong to someone else. Use this logic to convince your guy that this will protect you from prying eyes!
- This is especially the case if you’re a girl wearing your boyfriend’s clothes.
- That being said, if you’re wearing anything that fits or looks different from what you’d normally wear, people will probably be able to connect the dots.
“I promise I won’t get your hoodie dirty if you let me wear it.”
Swear to treat his belongings with the utmost care to win his trust. You probably weren’t planning on getting his hoodie dirty, but your boyfriend might not know that! Assure him that you want to wear it because you love him and respect his belongings.
- If he’s really anxious, offer to wash it for him before you give it back.
“Can I borrow your hoodie until Friday?”
Promise to give it back to ease his nerves. If your boyfriend has issues with sharing his hoodie because he’s afraid he won’t get it back, give him a day you’ll return it by. Make sure the amount of time is reasonable so he’s sure you won’t forget.
- If he doesn’t agree to your offer, you might have to compromise a bit so you’re both happy.
- Negotiate nicely to convince him! For example, “I totally understand. Can I just wear it now and give it back to you after class?”
- If you keep your promise this time, he might let you keep it longer next time.
“Could I wear a hoodie of yours that you never wear?”
Compromise for another hoodie if he won’t give you your first choice. Some people have certain articles of clothing that they just can’t let anyone else wear. That doesn’t mean there isn’t another one he won’t give you! If you can’t get your first choice hoodie, maybe you can get your second or third. Better than nothing, right?
- Try to not take it personally if he doesn’t let go of his absolute favorite hoodie.
“Can I wear your hoodie? You can say no.”
Respect his boundaries to show him you have his best interest in mind. You might be able to convince your boyfriend to say “yes” by giving him the option to say “no.” This will make your request less forceful and show him that you’re taking his feelings into account.
- Remember to keep your word: you’ve got to respect his decision if he says no.
- Just because he said no this time doesn’t mean he won’t change his mind later!
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