Liquid lipstick is long lasting, bold, and it won't come off when you kiss someone or sip on a drink. However, it can also bleed onto your skin or dry out your lips if you do not prep your lips properly. If you are new to applying liquid lipstick, then there are some simple techniques that you should know about.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Prepping Your Lips

  1. 1
    Prep your lips with moisturizing lip balm. Liquid lipstick stays on for a long time and this can dry out your lips. To keep your lips moisturized, apply some moisturizing lip balm to your lips before you apply the liquid lipstick.[1]
    • Look for a lip balm that is wax based for extra protection, such as a beeswax lip balm.[2]
  2. 2
    Apply some highlighter around your lip line. To accentuate your cupid's bow, take a moment to apply a little highlighter to this area and along other areas around your lips if desired. Your cupid's bow is the curved area right above your upper lip.[3]
    • You only need to apply a small amount of highlighter to your cupid's bow.[4] Highlighter is meant to reflect the light and look natural. Adding too much may make your lips look a little odd.
  3. 3
    Use concealer around your lips. Liquid lipstick can bleed onto the areas around your lips if you get sweaty or in hot or humid weather. To prevent liquid lipstick from bleeding onto the skin around your lips, apply some concealer to the skin around your lip line using a makeup sponge.[5]
  4. 4
    Line your lips if desired. Lining your lips is not necessary, but it may help you to ensure better definition to your lips. If you want to use lip liner, then apply it at this time. You may even want to just line your cupid's bow to make sure that it is well-defined.
    • To line your lips, start at your cupid's bow and draw a line going in towards the center of your lip. Then do the same thing for the other side of your cupid's bow. Then use small strokes to line the outer edges of the rest of your lips.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Applying Liquid Lipstick

  1. 1
    Fill in your bottom lip first. To begin applying your liquid lipstick, take your liquid lipstick and use the brush to apply it first to the outer corners of your lower lip. Then, then move downwards towards the bottom edge of your lower lip and line your lower lip with the liquid lipstick. You can then fill in your lower lip with a few swipes of liquid lipstick.[7]
  2. 2
    Press your lips together. Before you move on to your upper lip, press your lower lip against your upper lip to transfer some of the color. You will not be able to cover your entire upper lip this way, but pressing your lips together will start to even out the color and distribute it to your upper lip.[8]
  3. 3
    Move to your upper lip. Next, line the outer edge of your cupid's bow and then move to the outer edges of your upper lip. Line and fill in these areas and then press your lips together some more.[9]
    • Only one coat of liquid lipstick is necessary since it often provides full coverage in one coat. However, you may want to apply more liquid lipstick to some areas or do an extra coat for a more intense look.[10]
  4. 4
    Blot your lips on some tissue paper for a matte look. Liquid lipstick may appear glossy when you first apply it, but by blotting your lips on a piece of tissue or a paper towel, you can achieve a matte look instead. Take a tissue or a paper towel and hold it up to your lips. Then wrap your lips around it as if you are biting it with your teeth.[11] [12]
  5. 5
    Use a cotton swab dipped in cold cream to correct any mistakes. Liquid lipstick can be hard to remove and it can stain your skin pretty quickly if you make a mistake. Make sure that you fix any mistakes right away by using a cotton swab dipped in some cold cream to wipe the area clean.[13]
  6. 6
    Remove the lipstick with a textured makeup wipe. If you do not like the color or if you are just ready to take it off, then you will need to use some makeup remover. Try using a textured makeup remover wipe to take off the color and then follow up by rinsing off your lips.[14]
    • Make sure that you apply some more lip balm after you have removed the liquid lipstick to restore any lost moisture.
  7. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Do you need a lip liner for liquid lipstick?
    Yuka Arora
    Yuka Arora
    Makeup Artist
    Yuka Arora is a self-taught makeup artist who specializes in abstract eye art. She has been experimenting with makeup art for over 5 years, and has amassed over 5.6K Instagram followers in just 5 months. Her colorful and abstract looks have been noticed by Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Kat Von D Beauty, Sephora Collection, among others.
    Yuka Arora
    Makeup Artist
    Expert Answer
    Lip liner can really help with the longevity of your lipstick. You can also use it to contour your lips to make them look fuller. To do that, use your liner to lightly create a shadow right under your bottom lip in the center. You can also highlight your Cupid's bow with either concealer or highlighter.
  • Question
    Which company's liquid lipstick should I purchase?
    Hannah Rose Mason
    Hannah Rose Mason
    Community Answer
    If you're on a budget, Colourpop has $6 liquid lipsticks that stay on all day and come in a variety of colors. If you're willing to pay more, check out Anastasia Beverly Hills ($20), Urban Decay (my personal favorite, $18), or HUDA Beauty ($20).
  • Question
    How much do Kylie Jenner's lip kits cost?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They are roughly $30 USD apiece, which is not as pricey as before.

Things You'll Need

  • lip balm
  • highlighter
  • concealer
  • makeup sponge
  • lip liner
  • liquid lipstick
  • cotton swabs
  • cold cream
  • makeup remover wipes

About This Article

Yuka Arora
Co-authored by:
Makeup Artist
This article was co-authored by Yuka Arora. Yuka Arora is a self-taught makeup artist who specializes in abstract eye art. She has been experimenting with makeup art for over 5 years, and has amassed over 5.6K Instagram followers in just 5 months. Her colorful and abstract looks have been noticed by Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Kat Von D Beauty, Sephora Collection, among others. This article has been viewed 56,495 times.
14 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: May 5, 2021
Views: 56,495
Categories: Lipstick
Article SummaryX

To apply liquid lipstick, apply lip balm and dab a little concealer around your lips to prevent the lipstick from bleeding. Next, outline your lips with a matching lip liner and use the liquid lipstick brush to fill in your bottom lip first. Then, press your lips lightly together to transfer some of the color to your upper lip. Finally, line the outer edge of your cupid’s bow with lipstick and then move to the outer edges of your upper lip before filling in the rest. For tips on removing liquid lipstick, read on!

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