This article was co-authored by Maria Short. Maria Short is a Baker and the Owner of Short N Sweet Bakery & Cafe in Hilo, Hawaii. With over 24 years of experience, she specializes in specialty desserts and wedding cakes. She graduated from L’Academie de Cuisine’s Pastry Arts Program with honors and studied at Baltimore International Culinary College. In 2019, Maria competed in the 6th season of the Food Network’s Holiday Baking Championship. In 2010, she had a cake named one of “America’s Most Beautiful Cakes” by Brides magazine.
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Marzipan is a dough made primarily from ground almonds, sugar or honey, and either corn syrup or eggs.[1] Marzipan is used in baking for making decorative figures and covering cakes. Since it starts untinted, you will need to go through the steps of coloring marzipan before using it on your baked goods. Premixing color into marzipan may be simpler; however, if you want to use shading and multiple colors, try painting it instead.[2]
Mixing in Color
1Prepare the marzipan. Make or use pre-made marzipan. Portion off the amount of marzipan you want to color.[3]
2Select your type of coloring. Use food coloring paste for darker colors or food coloring liquid for lighter colors.[6]Advertisement
3Protect your hands and clothes from the dye. Since mixing color into marzipan is a hands-on process, you will want to take measures so that the food coloring does not stain your hands or clothes.[7]
- Put on disposable food preparation gloves.
- If you prefer working without gloves, use a dab of shortening on your hands. Shortening will keep your hands moist and also helps prevent the dye from staining your skin.
- Wear an apron or smock to protect your clothing.
4Dip a toothpick into the coloring. For deep or dark colors, add powdered food coloring in with the liquid or paste so that the marzipan does not become sticky and difficult to work with.[8]
6Knead the marzipan with your hands. Continue kneading until the color is consistent and free from streaks.[12]
7Shape the marzipan as desired. You can smooth out any cracks that form in the marzipan by rubbing a little bit of water on them.[15]
Painting Marzipan
1Shape the marzipan. Cover your cake or form the marzipan decorations you want to use while the marzipan is still in the state of its natural color.
2Let the marzipan sit. Allow the marzipan to dry overnight. This makes a good surface to paint on, one that is not too moist.
- Choose a dry, cool place - do not refrigerate.[18]
4Protect your hands and clothes from the paint. Wear disposable food preparation gloves and an apron or smock.
5Dilute the food coloring. Adding water allows you to achieve the color you want and a thinner consistency.[22]
- Put a bit of food coloring in the bottom of a bowl.
- Using your paintbrush, add water from a cup into the bowl until the food coloring is as diluted as you desire.
6Paint the marzipan. Dip a paintbrush into the diluted food coloring paint you have just created, and brush it on the marzipan figures.
- You can dip the paintbrush directly into undiluted food coloring to add strong definition to certain details – for example, the lines in a petal or leaf.[23]
7Dilute vanilla. For a watercolor effect, dilute clear, alcohol-based imitation vanilla with a small amount of water in a dish.
- Pick up powdered coloring with a paintbrush and swirl it into the water and vanilla mixture.
- Apply to the marzipan with a paintbrush to create shading and/or the illusion of texture.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhy does the marzipan crack when I cover fruitcake with it?Community AnswerThe marzipan is likely not warmed up enough. Make sure it's at room temperature before you begin to work with it, and knead it a lot (at least 10 minutes) so that it's soft and pliable. When you put it over the cake, it should be so soft that it bends as opposed to cracking. Also, try rolling out a slightly larger piece to work with.
- Avoid using latex gloves. Some individuals can have allergic reactions to food prepared using latex gloves⧼thumbs_response⧽
Things You'll Need
Mixing in Color
- Marzipan
- Food coloring liquid or paste
- Food coloring powder
- Food preparation gloves and/or shortening
- Corn syrup
- Apron or smock
- Paintbrush
- Toothpick
- Small glass of water
Painting Marzipan
- Marzipan
- Food preparation gloves
- Apron or smock
- Paintbrush for each color and type of coloring
- Small cup of water for each color
- Small bowl for each color
- Liquid, paste or powdered food coloring
- Food coloring pen
- Edible petal dust
- Alcohol-based imitation vanilla
- Saucer
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about painting marzipan, check out our in-depth interview with Maria Short.
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