
Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean sea that are renowned since ancient times for its mineral wealth, superb wines and produce, and natural beauty.Its being a crown colony of Britain since 1925 and in 1960 Cyprus became independent of Britain and becoming as the Republic of Cyprus.
However,due to the long-standing conflict between the Greek Cypriot majority and the Turkish Cypriot minority intensified following its independence.The invasion of the island by Turkish troops in 1974 produced an actual partition of the island —although internationally unrecognized— and led to the establishment in 1975 of a de facto Turkish Cypriot state in the northern third of the country. The Turkish Cypriot state made a unilateral declaration of independence in 1983 and adopted the name Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Its independence was recognized only by Turkey.
Nicosia is the capital city of Cyprus and Cypriot Pound / Euro Pound is the currency of Cyprus
Where is Cyprus?
It is located located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon , northwest of Israel and Palestine, north of Egypt, and southeast of Greece.
How many people live in Cyprus?
According to 2011 Cyprus census, it is estimated about 841,000 Cypriots lived there. There are two main ethnic groups, Greek and Turkish. The Greek Cypriots, who constitute nearly four-fifths of the population, descended from a mixture of aboriginal inhabitants and immigrants from the Peloponnese who colonized Cyprus starting about 1200 B.C . About one-fifth of the population are Turkish Cypriots, descendants of the soldiers of the Ottoman army that conquered the island in 1571 and of immigrants from Anatolia brought in by the sultan’s government.
About 77% of populations are Greek Cypriots, 18% are Turkish and 5% other
What are the most common languages in Cyprus?
Both Cypriot Greek and Cypriot Turkish are the most common language used in Cyprus but Cypriot Greek are used by the government, courts, administration, media, and educational institutes of Cyprus
What is the most common religion in Cyprus?
The lack of census data tells which the religion is common in Cyprus. But generally, Greek Cypriots are primarily Eastern Orthodox Christians. Their church, the Church of Cyprus, is autocephalous (not under the authority of any patriarch). Under the Ottoman Empire, the archbishop of the Church of Cyprus was made responsible for the secular as well as the religious behavior of the Orthodox community and given the title ethnarch. The Turkish Cypriots are mostly Sunni Muslims. There are also smaller Maronite, Armenian, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Christian communities on the island.
What is the sport of Cyprus?
Due to its location is surrounded by water, sailing is the unofficial national sport of Cyprus
What are some important sites?

St Hilarion Castle - It is named after the monk Hilarion, who fled persecution in the Holy Land. He lived (and died) in a mountain cave that overlooked the Kyrenia plain, protecting the pass between the coast and Nicosia (Lefkosia). In the 10th century the Byzantines built a church and monastery over Hilarion’s tomb. Due to the site’s strategic position, it was used as a watchtower and beacon during the Arab raids of the 7th and 8th centuries and was an important link in the communication chain between Buffavento and Kantara Castles further east.
Ancient Kourion - Also known as Curium, it is an archaeological site in Lemesos, it is perched on a hillside, with a sweeping view of the surrounding patchwork fields and the sea. It consists of Christian Basilica, house of Eustolius: an ancient Roman bath which has the visible mosaics include various Christian symbols and text , house of the Gladiators : so named because some of its mosaics depict gladiatorial battles. , northern plateau ruins and roman theater able to seat up to 3,500 spectators.
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