< WikiSkills Handbook

The Wikinomics project followed the WikiSkills project and implemented the concepts explored and the training scenarios defined in the earlier project. Several user cases are presented in this page.

Practical implementation of training practices based upon a generic learning scenario : Training Wiki Gardener

Access full scenario: Training Wiki Gardener

The Wikinomics project aimed to use free-culture and wiki methodologies as the basis for an innovative pedagogical methodology, specifically focused on vocational education that prepares people for specific careers. The main objectives of WikiNomics were:

  1. Developing a framework of key-competences, transversal to all VET sectors, required for employability and for the environment of the rapidly changing labour market and work life. Key-competences include collaboration, ICT literacy, communication in mother tongue and foreign languages, learning to learn, social and civic awareness, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
  2. Setting free culture and wiki methodologies as the basis for an innovative pedagogical approach. It implemented learning scenarios in which students use free culture and wiki methodologies, in the context of collaborative common projects, to achieve learning outcomes.

One of the operational objectives of the Wikinomics project was to develop, implement and evaluate a training module for the pedagogical use of free-culture and wiki methodologies in VET contexts and to conduct a series of collaborative wiki-based learning scenarios in which VET trainers will conduct meaningful activities in order to achieve shared results and learning outcome.

This was done through the adaptation of the pedagogical approach developed through the Wikiskills project. This adaptation was mainly developed to be coherent with ECVET System. A training module was developed, with the selection and implementation of learning units that promote personal and group skills. Under the title Training Wiki Gardener a generic learning scenario has been developed which could be implemented in different contexts, in order to initiate participants in aspects of wiki culture.

Summary of the Training Wiki Gardener Scenario

The Training Wiki Gardener Scenario

This deliverable is the first version of the Wikinomics training module consisting of a generic training scenario and pedagogical material on developing collaborative skills in online environments. It consists of choosing and implementing learning units that promote personal and group skills : editing and collaborating online, engaging in public conversation, social tagging, sustainable community governance, and propose a methodology to evaluate their deployment and organise their (peer) assessment in a ECVET or VET context.

This document is part of the transfer strategy of the project that includes: building generic content, then allow for multiple localised sub-products matching partners needs and languages. In this sense, innovative and open results were deployed in partners custom training activities (Wikinomics training module and toolbox).

This content is part of the open heritage for the WikiAngels network, as well as, the Wikinomics Badges that will be further pursued with more experts (WikiAngels) and organisations (Wikinomics Badge Academy), and any other interested entity.

Keywords: Wikinomics; Collaboration; Learning how to learn; Skills; ECVET

An overview to five training practices implemented

>> Download the overview.

Categories of analysis Switzerland Belgium Poland Portugal
Application Center Haute Ecole de Gestion De Geneve (HEG) Toulouse University of BioSciences Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Zaragoza NOT Ostroleka / Ynternet.org CIDEB Incubator - UCP Porto
Subject of course “The road to Wikinomcs”. On-line collaboration systems.

The training was an adaptation of the generic Wikinomics scenario.

Entrepreneurship and Companies Innovation Collaborative skills in online environments

“Learning how to track changes and limit damage on collaborative websites” & “ Tagging and reusing images in a wikinomics way”.

Entrepreneurship initiatives from an idea to a business model

“Planning a Business – Creating a Small Business: from business model generation to client development”

Training based in wikinomics concepts, including collaboration across the entrepreneurship path, different business models to inspire participation ant the involvement of the community of potential customers to validate decisions
Course 1: complete program of workshops designed to support initial pre-incubation teams
Course 2 – Optional module proposed to Bioengineering Master Students
Course 3 – Complete program or workshops designed to support initial pre-incubation teams

Download complete description
Field of application Transversal field Biotech VET - Construction industry Business development
Connection with VET HEG is, indirectly part of the Swiss vocational education and training system as a number of its students come from a vocational school. Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences (HES - HEG) offer vocational education at tertiary This workshops aims to develop the Entrepreneurship mindset for PhD and/or PostDoc who may be involved in start-ups on spin-off within few years.

This training may be implemented in any professional and sectorial context

Vocational Education and training The training offered a learning path to structure entrepreneurship initiatives from an idea to a business model, envisaging validation through customer development.

Training design enriches existing VET reference modules. In Portugal follows the Unidades de Formaçao de Curta Doraçao . Ciencias Empresariais i Empreendedorismo

Users Variety of societal target groups: trainers and trainees, job and second career seekers, low skilled or looking for specialization workers PhD and/or PostDoc who may be involved in start-ups on spin-off within few years Toulouse: 10 users (24-37 years old) Main target groups involved in the construction industry,: preparing for the exam on building licensees and those already having such powers, including candidates and members of the Chamber building Course 1 – 2 project teams (6 participants) ages range from 21 to 26

Course 2 – 26 participants, ages range from 21 to 26 (Bioengineering Master Students)

18 participants, age 22 - 28 Zaragoza: 18 users (23-35 years old) Teachers of foreign languages, social economy workers, and IT students Course 3 – 4 project teams (6 participants), ages range from 21 to 30

Youth and adults regardless of their skill level

Goals To understand collaboration phenomena in the Wikinomics area, as well as practicing online collaboration in social bookmarking applications: Understanding the fundamental elements constituting the digital environment of the private and public sectors in the wikinomics context Associate this approach with a general contribution to eCulture movement

Propose practical outcome within online collaboration systems

To know B iotech Innovation in practices

Identify skills, abilities, and perception on success criteria of the entrepreneurship.

To Initiate participants in wiki culture aspects and to propose guidelines of working and collaboration To know business model generation and client development methodologies to structure a business project

To develop critical and creative thinking on key concepts of generation and validation of business model

To know how to develop an iterative process exploiting the potential of collaboration

To know how to generate business models and how to validate them

Didactic approach Collaborative work Collaborative work

Classic presentations

Theoretical exhibition by expert S upport teacher Presentation of methodologies and tools
Presentation and discussion on theoretical issues Practical activities

Working in pairs

Teacher acting as an agenda setter and content provider with participants acting autonomously on their activities

Lessons were mostly face-to-face with concrete online results

Analyses real cases from biotech field to review existing innovation strategy Practical work by users

Group work

Individual work

Online training except the evaluation process, done through a face-to-face test.

Group work with multiple outcomes Autonomous workgroup Improvement based on workgroup collaboration

Presentation of intermediate and final outcomes

Timing 30 days in 15 weeks during one semester 10 days social bookmarking started with 1 online session. 4 half days working session Planning: 7 days by face to face sessions, of 2 hours each session (14 hours)

But was tested only online.

Course 1: 25 hours ECVET (12 hours face-to-face and 12 hours of autonomous work)

Course 2: 25 hours ECVET (12 hours face-to-face and 12 hours of autonomous work)

Course 3: 25 hours ECVET (12 hours face-to face and 12 hours of autonomous work)

Training in relation with other This course is a part of their bachelor's degree.

The training was an adaptation of the Training

Independent workshop. No connection with existing program. Subject is part of huge training Course 1: complete program of workshops designed to support initial pre-incubation teams
“Wiki” Gardeners: a generic Wikinomics Course 2: Optional module proposed to Biotechnology Master Students

Course 3 – Complete program or workshops designed to support initial pre-incubation teams

Activities and resources Create a personal Diigo account and post urls on the HEG Digital group

Search, analyze and compare existing systems of "social bookmarking" (i.e. Diigo, Zotero). Study C oWaBoo as a part of the original r esearch proposal, answer 5 questions, 5 minutes Testing the prototype CoWaBoo, as well as the A PI version

The course on Wikipedia : add Diigo article in the French Wikipedia.

Real case resolution Problem Based Learning collected from web (communication, marketing, financial figures) Formal presentation Demonstration

Group work

Expert explain, teacher translate and users work

Project: development of business models

P rocess: structuration of the idea using the web tool canvanizer.com (or a business model canvas) Presentation and discussion

LMS Diigo and Zotero, social bookmarking platform CoWaBoo Diigo for social bookmarking Google Drive for collaborative works on cases Skype Course 1: Dropbox and Google Drive

Course 2: Blackboard

On one account, the expert. On the other account, a local teacher and all students


Course 3: dropbox and Google Drive
Assessment Creation of 2 blogposts on behalf of the students on social boomarking systems (Diigo and CoWaBoo) presented in their ePortofolios

P resenting a profile of activities in the H EG Digital group, as well as, a set of personalised functions in class

Completing the e valuation form of the course and the trainer

Group assessment: Participation in class and group works

Sharing design of the innovation strategy for the cases and by the 20 min presentation

Individual assessment:

Self-assessment by individual reflective journal (synthesize the ideas he has learned)

Face-to-face test, questionnaire Formative by participation and summative by the project design
Competences Documenting background information

Tools and systems analysis Demonstrating existing functions

Commenting the work of others

Own skills and abilities in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation topics Wikis and collaboration

Wiki editing tools

Roles and collaboration in wiki environment

Copyright issues and licensing tools License in sharing environments

Collaboration: level of cross-contributions Communication: level of project presentation

Creativity: level of project innovation

Proposing improvements Presenting personalised versions of tools

Keeping an online profile Selecting and adding tags

Certification This course is a part of their bachelor's degree. Official certification of training. Qualification certificate related with ECVET . A certificate is issued at the end of the course and badges are assigned
Satisfaction participants An online questionnaire was applied after the course. Punctuation is from 0 to 5: Information about the course objectives: 3 Motivation: 3

Coherence of the course: 3 Utility for my employability: 3

Activities: 4

Autonomy in the analysis of Wikinomics technologies: 3 Critical thinking capability: 4 Collaborative work: 4

A utoevaluation of the skills: 3-4

An online questionnaire was applied after the courses. Punctuation is from 0 to 5. Before the course actions: objectives, motivation, positive impact: Toulouse 5/ Zaragoza 4

Organisation of the course: Toulouse 5, Zaragoza 4

The course (Coherence of the section, relation with the employability): Toulouse 5, Zaragoza 5

Pedagogical approach (learning outcomes, critical thinking, autoevaluation, collaborative work) : Toulouse: 5, Zaragoza 4

Construction industry: a scale of 1-6 assessment were within 4-6 The other groups found the training as “good" with the notice to more carefully match the content and the form of the training to the competences of the target group. An online questionnaire was applied after the course.

The feedback was generally positive:

The need of additional workshops or courses to deepen the theme.

The need to create networking opportunities during the course. The need of a first customer program.

Coherence of the activities related with competences: 3 Trainer’s explanations: 4 Course objectives: 4 Evaluation process: Toulouse: 5, Zaragoza 4.
Course rate teacher There is a clear challenge of mixing practical systems and technology analysis with critical thinking that could lead to new applications. 1 - The bookmarking activities were very useful to put on track students before face2face sessions 2- Collaborative works on material from real life has very good impact The trainer with knowledge and skills for its transfer.

Ensure good communication student – trainer. Use blended learning, not to give up the face-to –face trainings.

The course was a good tool for project mentoring. Follow-up should be assured
Main difficulties To move participants out of a passive role in the learning process and share with the engagement of co-learning, co-development. Use of a Reflective Journal was difficult for so short sessions even if the interest was well accepted by students. Only two sessions were held, thinking that the issues had autonomy, but really lacked the comprehensiveness of the course Another difficulty was the mode of application: “I applied only online and is recommended face to face”

Insufficient knowledge of communication technologies Lower level of education

Participants do not see the need of ICT for their work

The entrepreneurial profile of participants

Need for additional training paths

Unfavourable aspect: financial support for practical oriented programmes on entrepreneurship

Strengths: personalization of the training, Focus on collaboration, Selection and evaluation of free information

>> A 5th user case training practice may be found here : File:Wikinomics yorg-training-report.pdf

>> A guide of evaluation to the Wikinomics project training practices

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