This handbook is meant to be a practical guide to help educators of all type (teachers, trainers) bring their public in using wikis and wiki-like tools for their learning activities, through the use of customized wiki-based learning scenarios, for their socio-professional development.
The handbook has been developed in the context of the WikiSkills European project, which aims to apply the benefits of wikis to promote educational lifelong learning opportunities. It has been further refined during the Wikinomics European Project, meant to improve, reuse and disseminate Wikiskills results, with a focus on the area of economy and employment
Table of contents
This handbook is structured in several parts.
- Wiki culture and application to learning contexts introduces the main concepts around wiki culture, and specifically describes its application to learning contexts;
- The WikiSkills training approach describes the training approach we propose within the WikiSkills concept;
- The WikiSkills training curriculum describes the process of developing a training curriculum using wikis, from the prerequisite of the training session till the evaluation/assessment of the session. We consider essential to focus mostly on learning while doing, since theoretical training is not successful in a sustainable way. The major challenge is that each beneficiary has a different level of ICT literacy (technical use) and ICT fluency (adopting efficient behaviour in digital environments). Therefore we try to provide concrete guidelines, based on learning wikis while using wikis, to be used within all training activities related to wiki and collaborative digital culture (alias eCulture);
- Training scenarios provides some examples of detailed training scenarios;
- Training practices first propose a practical implementation of training practices based upon a generic learning scenario : Training Wiki Gardener, followed by anoverview to five training practices implemented with their assessment;
The last part of the book is a toolkit of useful resources, i.e. the technical environment proposed within the WikiSkills project, links and readings of interest for readers aiming to get a deeper understanding of the use of wikis in education, guidelines for teachers, educational videos, key competencies table, collaborative badges, and a FAQ. The FAQ addresses questions that end-users may have depending on his/her daily context. The FAQ aims at answering on the how-to’s and also at removing fears and obstacles that users may have when they are in situation of managing change for/via wiki solutions within their organization, network or daily life. it intends to provide resources for trainers to offer to the consideration of the final trainer when facing his students.
Links to the WikiSkills and Wikinomics project
- (official site)
- Wikinomics (official site)