< Use the Source
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The sources of information that can be documented will be documented here. Some information however is within the head of the writer and the source is lost to time.
- Éric Lévénez's History of Unix page. - Used to track down websites and dates.
- NetBSD's History page
- Sun's History page
- The GNU website
- FreeBSD's BSD Family Tree
- Bell Lab's Oral History of Unix
- Lucent Technologies History of Unix
- The Open Group's Unix History
- Tom Van Vleck's Unix and Multics article
- USL versus BSDi information page
- an Archived e-mail - Caldera's release of old UNIX code.
- The Open Source Initiative
- Quasijarus' website - an excellent resource on the stance of the project and its goals.
- the FreeBSD website
- the DragonFlyBSD website
- the NetBSD website
- the OpenBSD website
- The Register - home of a few choice quotes
- How To Become A Hacker - by Eric Steven Raymond
- Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution - Published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
- DouglasGreen - Proof reading and editing.
Special Thanks:
- Michael Sokolov, the Developer of 4.3BSD-Quasijarus, who spoke with Nate via e-mail.
- google.com, which was an excellent tool to help track some quotes and information sources.
This wikibook in all that was contributed by Nate Montague, the base writer, is released as public domain for anyone to do as they wish with. Nate does not support the ideals nor the means of the GNU movement, he believes in true freedom, not forced cooperation and needless restrictions.
This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.