< Uim

Uim comes packaged with most *nix distributions, but may also be compiled directly from source.

During installation, you may also want to install some input methods as well. See the Introduction page for a list of currently implemented conversion engines.

From source

For instructions about installing uim using a package management system that comes with most operating system distributions (such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo and the BSDs), please refer to your package manager documentation for now.

Software requirements

  • iconv
  • gettext
  • pkgconfig

Optional software

  • curses Needed to build uim-fep.
  • GTK+ >= 2.4 Needed to build GTK+ tools and the GTK+ immodule.
  • gnome-panel Needed to build GNOME applet indicator.
  • Qt >= 3.3.2, Qt < 4 Needed to build Qt 3 immodule and tools. You also need to apply the immodule-qt patch to build the Qt immodule.
  • Qt >= 4 Needed to build Qt 4 immodule and tools. To run uim 1.5 or lower, the Qt3Support module in Qt 4 is required.[1][2][3]
  • Qt >= 5 Needed to build Qt 5 immodule and tools.
  • m17nlib >= 1.3.1 Needed to use uim-m17nlib bridge.
  • libintl for Native Language Support
  • CJK fonts[4] Needed to use uim-xim
    • font-sony-misc
    • font-isas-misc (for Simplified Chinese)
    • font-jis-misc (for Japanese)
    • font-daewoo-misc (for Korean)

Conversion engines

  • Anthy Anthy module.
  • Canna Canna module.
  • Mana Mana module.
  • PRIME PRIME module.

Retrieve the source code

You can download the source code from the source directory. It includes the core library, various conversion engines, GTK+ bridge, Qt bridge, XIM bridge, FEP bridge, Emacs bridge, tools for configuration, and other tools.

If you want to use the latest development version, see also uim/Development.

Extract and configure

Begin by extracting the source from tar ball:

 $ tar xvjf uim-x.x.x.tar.bz2

Then, move to the extracted directory and run configure.

 $ cd uim-x.x.x
 $ ./configure

The following configuration options are disabled by default but can be added to the ./configure command.

--enable-debug Build uim with debug information
--enable-default-toolkit Set a default toolkit
--enable-dict Enable Japanese dictionary tool
--with-anthy-utf8 Use Anthy with UTF-8
--with-canna Use Canna
--with-eb Use EB
--with-qt Build Qt 3 tools
--with-qt-immodule Build Qt 3 immodule. If you have Qt 3, you need the qt-immodule patch.
--with-qt4 Build Qt 4 tools.
--with-qt4-immodule Build Qt 4 immodule.
--with-qt5 Build Qt 5 tools.
--with-qt5-immodule Build Qt 5 immodule.
--with-sj3 Use Sj3
--with-wnn Use Wnn

The full set of configuration options, run

 $ ./configure --help

Finally, you make and install the package:

 $ make
 $ sudo make install
Note: If required packages for an option are missing, the option will be disabled without errors.
Note: By default, uim is installed under /usr/local/, which may not be in the system search path. If not, you need to add --prefix=/prefix/dir option to your ./configure command, where /prefix/dir would be the directory under which programs are usually installed on your system.

libuim is in /usr/local/lib/. The scheme programs are in /usr/local/share/uim/.


To use the GTK+ immodule, you may need to generate the immodule file.[5] Run:

 $ sudo gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules


 $ gtk-query-immodules-2.0 im-uim.so > ~/.immodules

See also


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