< US History

Presidents of the United States

Although Washington was a member of the Whig Party before the Revolution, after the war he was not a member of any party, though he tended to lean toward Federalist positions. Since the formation of the Democratic-Republican party and the Federalist Party, there has always been at least one viable political party. Today the United States has a two party system. There have been many third party movements, such as Ralph Nader, and Theodore Roosevelt, but these attempts to create a three-party system have, thus far, failed.

#PresidentYears in OfficePolitical PartyNotes
1 George Washington 1789-1797Unaffiliated British officer in the French and Indian War, American general, war hero in Revolution against the British. Robert E. Lee is a distant relative. The only President to have been elected without a political party. Reluctant to become president. Set many precedents in office.
2 John Adams 1797-1801 Federalist The only Federalist Party president. First president to live in the White House. President during the Quasi-War with France.
3 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Democratic-Republican Author of the Declaration of Independence. The Louisiana Purchase occurred under his presidency.
4 James Madison 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican President during the War of 1812. His support for the colonists which would eventually found the African nation of Liberia lead those colonists to name their capital city, Monrovia, after him.
5 James Monroe 1817-1825 Democratic-Republican Opposed European involvement in the Americas with the Monroe Doctrine. Oversaw the Acquisition of Florida from Spain.
6 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829Democratic-Republican Son of former President John Adams. A skilled diplomat who played a key role as secretary of state in the previous Monroe Administration. Lost the popular vote, but won the electoral college. As president he made trade deals which greatly helped grow the US economy. Advocated the abolition of slavery after his presidency.
7 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 Democrat Promoted policies which lead to Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears.
8 Martin Van Buren 1837-1841Democrat After his presidency he became a notable abolitionist.
9 William Henry Harrison 1841WhigDied in office from disease on April 4th, 1841, making his presidency the shortest.
10John Tyler1841-1845 DemocratSucceeded President Harrison. Following his presidency he played an important early role in the government of the Confederate States of America.
11James Knox Polk1845-1849 Democrat Oversaw significant territorial expansion through the Mexican-American War and negotiations with Great Britain over the disputed Oregon territory.
12Zachary Taylor1849-1850WhigDied in Office from disease. Attempted to compromise on Slavery.
13Millard Fillmore1850-1853 WhigSucceeded President Taylor. Last Whig president. Oversaw the Compromise of 1850 to attempt to ease tensions between free states and slave states. Following his presidency, he opposed secessionism.
14Franklin Pierce1853-1857 Democrat Oversaw the Gadsden Purchase of territory from Mexico and the Perry Expedition that opened up Japan to trade with the outside world. Oversaw the Kansas - Nebraska Act and the resulting Bleeding Kansas event which started under his administration.
15James Buchanan1857-1861Democrat Dodged the issue of slavery and opposed a strong federal government in favor of strong state governments. Influenced the Dred Scott decision. President during the economic crisis caused by the Panic of 1857. Southern states began succeeding during his presidency, which he took little action against. The only president to have been a bachelor.[1]
16Abraham Lincoln1861-1865 Republican Attempted to preserve the Union. Lead the Union during the American Civil War. Issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Delivered the Gettysburg Address. Assassinated days after the wars end.
17Andrew Johnson1865-1869Democrat Southern Unionist who succeeded President Lincoln. Finished adopting the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery except as punishment for a crime started under Lincoln's term. Attempted to end reconstruction quickly. Impeached by House, acquitted by one vote in the Senate.
18Hiram Ulysses Grant1869-1877 Republican Important Civil War general. Grant took important steps to safeguard the civil rights of African Americans during the reconstruction period, and fought against the rise of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Though he made strides to attempt to value merit rather over nepotism, Grant's presidency was marred by corrupt officials and an economic depression caused by the Panic of 1873. Grant also established Yellowstone as the first national park.
19Rutherford Birchard Hayes1877-1881 Republican Lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. He ended reconstruction and sought to make merit a key component of appointments. He tried to improve civil rights for African Americans. He attempted to assimilate Indians, which greatly damaged their culture and traditions. Did not run for re-election.
20James Abram Garfield1881 Republican Garfield attempted to improve the status of African Americans, education, and meritocracy in government. However shortly into his presidency he was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau for not being awarded a consulship as a political favor.
21Chester Alan Arthur1881-1885 Republican Succeeded President Garfield. Compromised with hardliner anti-immigration members of congress to reduce the length of a ban on Chinese immigration. Attempted to improve civil rights and modernize the navy, but faced significant obstacles in doing so.
22(Stephen) Grover Cleveland1885-1889 Democrat The first Democrat to be elected since the civil war. Strove for merit, and notably kept Republican appointees from the previous administration who he thought were good at their job. His first term saw little concern for civil rights. Also served as the 24th President.
23Benjamin Harrison1889-1893 Republican Grandson of former President William Henry Harrison. Lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. He signed the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 into law. He also tried to strive for merit in governance, and attempted to safeguard the right of African Americans to vote.
24(Stephen) Grover Cleveland1893-1897 DemocratAlso served as the 22nd President. The depression caused by the Panic of 1893 marred his second term. He took strong action against unions by sending the Army to end the Pullman Strike with violence.
25William McKinley1897-1901 Republican Last president to have served during the American Civil War. President during the Spanish - American War. Annexed Hawaii, as well as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, as well as defacto control of Cuba. Oversaw economic growth. Assassinated by an anarchist.
26Theodore Roosevelt1901-1909 Republican Succeeded President McKinley. Roosevelt had previously fought in the battle of San Juan hill. He promised Americans a "Square Deal", promoted Trust Busting, conservation of natural resources, landscapes, and historic areas, and safety in food and medical products. He successfully used gunboat diplomacy with his great white fleet to promote American Interests, and paved the way for the Panama Canal. He was Esperanto speaker, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and on the staff of National Geographic while President.
27William Howard Taft1909-1913 Republican Unlike previous Republican presidents, he explicitly tried to keep African Americans out of politics. Tried to pursue "Dollar diplomacy" over military intervention. Continued Antitrust actions from Rosevelt. Many of his decisions incensed his predecessor Theodore Rosevelt, leading to the Progressives of the Republican party leaving to form the Bull Moose Party.
28(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson1913-1921 Democrat After committing to avoiding involvement in the Great War, diplomatic incidents lead to him serving as President during the First World War. As president he helped establish the League of Nations after the war to prevent another such conflict, for which he received the Nobel Peace Price. However he was not able to get the United States itself to join the League, weakening it substantially. He segregated previously integrated federal offices, and the second Ku Klux Klan gained significant power during his presidency.
29Warren Gamaliel Harding1921-1923 RepublicanDied in office
30(John) Calvin Coolidge, Jr.1923-1929 RepublicanSucceeded President Harding
31Herbert Clark Hoover1929-1933 Republican His term saw the end of the roaring twenties, and the start of the Great Depression.
32Franklin Delano Roosevelt1933-1945 DemocratLead America to recovery from the great depression, and helped repeal Prohibition. Lead America through most of World War II. Only president to serve more than two terms (he served four); Died in office
33Harry S Truman1945-1953 Democrat Succeeded President Roosevelt during the final months of World War II.
34 Dwight David Eisenhower1953-1961 Republican An important general during World War II. Eisenhower helped promote the creation of the interstate system.
35John Fitzgerald Kennedy1961-1963 DemocratAssassinated
36Lyndon Baines Johnson1963-1969 DemocratSucceeded President Kennedy. Escalated the Vietnam War. Promoted the "Great Society" and stronger civil rights protections.
37Richard Milhous Nixon1969-1974 Republican Eased relations between America and China. Established the Environmental Protection Agency. Resigned over the Watergate scandal. Author of No More Vietnams and The Real War
38Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.1974-1977 RepublicanSucceeded President Nixon, whom he controversially pardoned. The only man to become Vice President and President without involvement of the Electoral College. The Vietnam War fully ended under his presidency and he partially pardoned draft dodgers. Promoted detent with the Soviet Union and China. Though he attempted to reduce Inflation with his WIN program, the end of his presidency faced a very bad recession. Signed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, which helped guarantee equal access to education for students with disabilities. He supported the ultimately unsuccessful Equal Rights Amendment, which would have constitutionally guaranteed equal rights between women and men.
39James Earl Carter, Jr.1977-1981 Democrat The owner of a Peanut farm, he set aside his business in a blind trust to avoid conflicts of interest as president. Established the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, attempted to fight stagflation, and Fully pardoned Vietnam war draft dodgers. He promoted peace with the SALT II talks and the Camp David accords. The end of his presidential term was marked by multiple events, including The Energy Crisis, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, and the Iranian hostage crisis. After his presidency he became a proponent of humanitarian work, which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.
40Ronald Wilson Reagan1981-1989 Republican A former Hollywood actor, nicknamed "The Gipper". His leadership lead to a fundamental shift in American conservatism. He was tough on the Soviet Union, participating in an arms race and famously demanded the Berlin wall be torn down. His economic policies reduced taxes and inflation, but significantly increased national debt. As president he took action against unions and escalated the war on drugs. HIV/AIDS became an important issue during his presidency.
41George Herbert Walker Bush1989-1993 Republican President during the reunification of Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union. He signed the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 into law which helped those with disabilities greatly. He laid the groundwork for NAFTA. He was president during the Gulf War.
42William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton1993-2001 Democrat Oversaw NAFTA and reform on how the criminal justice system handled violent crimes. Oversaw US military intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo. Impeached by House, acquitted by Senate.
43 George Walker Bush 2001-2009Republican Son of former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Lost the popular vote in the 2000 election, but won the electoral college. Led America during the horrific attacks on September 11th, 2001 and was president during the War on Terror. Near the end of his second presidential term the Great Recession began.
44 Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. 2009-2017Democrat First African-American president. Won the Nobel Peace prize in 2009. He used economic stimulus to fight the Great Recession, and signed the Affordable Care Act into law. He attempted to take action against Global Warming. Under his administration LGBTQ rights improved.
45 Donald John Trump 2017-2021Republican Lost the popular vote in the 2016 election, but won the electoral college. The only president to be impeached by House twice, and acquitted by the Senate twice. Replaced NAFTA with USMCA. Established the US Space Force. Was president during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
46 Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 2021-PresentDemocrat Assumed Presidency during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vice Presidents of the United States of America

#Vice PresidentYears in OfficePolitical PartyNotes
1John Adams1789-1797FederalistSecond President
2Thomas Jefferson1797-1801 Democratic-Republican Founder of the Democratic-Republican Party
3Aaron Burr1801-1805Democratic-Republican Shot Alexander Hamiltion in a duel. Bribed electors to vote for him, and ended up tied with Jefferson. Scandal resulted in the 12th Amendment.
4George Clinton1805-1812 Democratic-RepublicanDied in office.
5Elbridge Gerry1813-1814 Democratic-RepublicanDied in office.
6Daniel D. Tompkins1817-1825 Democratic-RepublicanAn entrepreneur, jurist, Congressman and Governor of New York
7John Caldwell Calhoun1825-1832 Democratic-RepublicanResigned
8Martin Van Buren1833-1837 Democrat
9Richard Mentor Johnson1837-1841 Democrat
10John Tyler1841WhigSucceeded President Harrison
11George Mifflin Dallas1845-1849 Democrat Supported expansionist policies.
12Millard Fillmore1849-1850 WhigSucceeded President Taylor
13William Rufus DeVane King1853 DemocratDied in Office, strong believer in "Manifest Destiny."
14John Cabell Breckinridge1857-1861 Democrat A major candidate in the 1860 United States presidential election, and won most southern electoral college votes. Joined the Confederate army almost immediately following his vice presidency, and later served as the Confederate States Secretary of War at the end of the War.
15Hannibal Hamlin1861-1865 Republican First republican vice president. Believed his position as vice president should not exempt him from his duty in the Maine State Guard, and served during the Civil War while vice president.
16Andrew Johnson1865 DemocratSucceeded President Lincoln
17Schuyler Colfax1869-1873 RepublicanPresident Ulysses S. Grant and Vice President Colfax, both 46 at time of entering offices, were the youngest presidential team until election of Bill Clinton and Al Gore in 1992.
18Henry Wilson1873-1875RepublicanDied in Office
19William Almon Wheeler1877-1881 Republican
20Chester Alan Arthur1881 RepublicanSucceeded President Garfield
21Thomas Andrews Hendricks1885 DemocratDied in office
22Levi Parsons Morton1889-1893 Republican Attempted to pass the Lodge Bill, which would have greatly improved access to voting for African Americans in the south. The bill was filibustered and failed to pass as a result.
23Adlai Ewing Stevenson1893-1897 Democrat
24Garret Augustus Hobart1897-1899 RepublicanDied in office
25Theodore Roosevelt1901 RepublicanSucceeded President McKinley
26Charles Warren Fairbanks1905-1909 Republican
27James Schoolcraft Sherman1909-1912 RepublicanDied in office
28Thomas Riley Marshall1913-1921 Democrat
29John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.1921-1923 RepublicanSucceeded President Harding
30Charles Gates Dawes1925-1929 Republican
31Charles Curtis1929-1933Republican
32John Nance Garner1933-1941 Democrat
33Henry Agard Wallace1941-1945 Democrat
34Harry S Truman1945 DemocratSucceeded President Roosevelt
35Alben William Barkley1949-1953 Democrat
36Richard Milhous Nixon1953-1961 Republican
37Lyndon Baines Johnson1961-1963 DemocratSucceeded President Kennedy
38Hubert Horatio Humphrey1965-1969 Democrat
39Spiro Theodore Agnew1969-1973 RepublicanResigned following a scandal unrelated to watergate.
40Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.1973-1974 RepublicanSucceeded President Nixon
41Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller1974-1977 Republican
42Walter Frederick Mondale1977-1981 Democrat
43George Herbert Walker Bush1981-1989 Republican
44James Danforth "Dan" Quayle III1989-1993 Republican Despite making a number of notable public speaking gaffes, his Murphy Brown speech was influential. A proponent of space exploration.
45Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.1993-2001 DemocratLabeled an "Atari Democrat" for his work promoting investment in emerging technologies, especially those related to computers. He ran unsuccessfully against Bush in 2000, and later won the Nobel Prize for the film "An Inconvenient Truth".
46Richard Bruce Cheney2001-2009 Republican Was very active and influential in the Bush administration. Advocated "Enhanced Interrogation" techniques during the war on terror, which critics called torture.[2] Notably broke ranks with President Bush to oppose his push to ban same sex marriage nationwide.[3]
47Joseph Biden2009-2017 DemocratSenator for the state of Delaware for 36 years. The first Roman Catholic vice president. Would later be elected as 46th President.
48Michael Pence2017-2021 Republican A major figure in the Trump Administration's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Publicly got a vaccine to encourage other Americans to also vaccinate. Narrowly escaped during the Capitol Riot of January 6th, 2021, safeguarding his aide carrying the backup nuclear football.[4][5]
49Kamala Devi Harris2021-Present DemocratFirst female vice president, first Asian American vice president and first African American vice president.


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