This is an incomplete list of methods the community has used to saved TiddlyWiki files in a normal user workflow.
Saver mechanism
These methods use the saver mechanism, which saves the entire TiddlyWiki as one file.
TiddlyFox on FireFox up to version 56
- Simple to install and use.
Installation instructions are in the link.
TiddlyChrome on Google Chrome as long as it supports apps
- Simple to install and use.
Chrome is slated to remove Apps support in early 2018. Until then, this app should work fine. The instructions are in the link.
Electron Wrapper
Using the default download saver with a powershell script and a batch file[1]
Put the powershell script in the directory that your browser saves downloads to.
param([string]$stem="foo", [string]$dir="")
$copyme = ls $stem*.html | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1
$copyme = $copyme.FullName
Copy-Item $copyme -Destination $dir\$stem.html
Invoke-Item $dir\$stem.html
For each TiddlyWiki that you use, create a batch file in the download directory.
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File .\launch_tw.ps1 -stem "bible" -dir d:\data\apps\TW_Ant
Every time you want to open a TiddlyWiki, you click on the corresponding batch file. The script grabs the newest file that starts with the name you specified for stem (in this case "bible"), and copies it into the specified directory as $stem$.html
(in this case, "bible.html"). Once you are done editing you click save to download a new copy of the file. Then you can run the batch file again to copy the latest version back into your directory.