Internet security falls into categories of software that have been developed to ensure that we all enjoy ourselves on the internet. There are three major areas of concern surrounding internet security[1]: Authentication of the information (the information is authentic), authorization (the user has permission to use it), and confidentiality. Confidentiality is a area of major concern because many people shop online, bank online etc. We need to know that our information will not be published to the masses when we enter a site. There is an institutes that has compiled a database and training program for the internet called CERT. The security is some times important since it can lead your life in danger, you may create a new email but for sure you cannot delete the information which is stolen.
Further reading
Hacking is the process of breaking into a computer or network usually via the Internet. In most cases people that hack information are aiming to steal data, ruin a computer system, or execute another illegal act. Individuals and businesses may not be the only victims of hackers, but it is a threat to the national security of the United States. Wireless networks are becoming easier to gain access to allowing cyber terrorists to access important information.

Malware is a type of software that intentionally or ‘maliciously’ damages a computer. It can perform its task in a matter of seconds that it was installed. In order for the malware to be installed is fairly easy; a simple action like a key stroke will do the trick. Malware can damage programs, slow the computer, erase files, and delete the whole hard drive and so on. The unfortunate thing about malware is that anyone can post the malware code on the web and no legal actions will take place. Also it is very time consuming to fix the malware. One specific type of malware is called spyware. [2]
- ↑ "Internet Security Suite". Retrieved 2016-04-29.
- ↑ Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Morley and Parker
Spyware is when a software program is installed without the user’s knowledge. This software program secretly gathers information about the user and takes it through his or her internet connection. This program is sometimes used for advertisers to gather information for marketing purposes. For example, what advertisements were selected on a page and how they should be formatted on that page to make it look more interesting. This software is not used for personal identification but can be a threat because people do not know that the software is on their computers. This kind of software is getting worse and harsher. Now stealthware is being used to deliberately change all of the settings and basically hijacking your settings. Criminals can get a hold of your personal information and can do various things with it. So spyware can be very bad for your computer slowing it down and everything making it an inconvenience for you.

Access Controls Systems
A way to protect against unauthorized access of a network or an individual web site is to have an Access Control System. The Access Control System works in two ways. One, it can be an identification system which means that it verifies that the person trying to access the site or network is on the authorized list of users. Second, the access control system can be an authentication system where it verifies that the person trying to access the network or web site is actually who they say they are. A Possessed Knowledge Access System uses passwords and cognitive authorization. With this system an individual needs to provide personal information such as, city of birth to gain access to the site or network. Another access system is the possessed object access this system uses access cards to allow access. The Biometric Access system identifies users by a particular biological characteristic. Biometric systems include iris recognition, face recognition, fingerprint recognition and hand geometry.

To further increase security, you can combine methods to authenticate a user to create a two-factor authentication. This method would include possessed knowledge along with a possessed object or a biometric feature, this makes it more difficult for hackers since they would have to gain access to both factors. Two-factor authentication use is growing rapidly in the United States since a 2007 federal guideline went into effect that instructs financial institutions to start using this method in place of single-factor authentication systems. Some banks are even offering an OTP (one-time password) access card to be used as the second step in your online authentication log-in process. (Morley, Deborah, and Charles S. Parker. Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow. 13th ed. Boston: Course Technology/Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.)
Computer Security is extremely important! Passwords or pass codes help protect hackers from getting onto your computer and stealing any information that may be saved on the computer. There are two types of passwords. Biometric Characteristics is like using your finger prints in order to access the computer. The other one is just a simple password that locks your desktop until the correct pass code is entered. You can also purchase security software like firewall which will help protect against unauthorized people.

Information Privacy

Privacy is the state of being free from unauthorized intrusion, something that is a main concern when talking about computer security. The most important aspect of security in relation to computers is information privacy. Information privacy refers to the rights of individuals to control how information about them is collected and used. Individuals today are often concerned about the privacy of their web site activity and e-mail. Other privacy concerns are spam, electronic surveillance and electronic monitoring.