< SwisTrack < Version 3
v.3.0.0 Rev. 175
- image flip now optional, performance of real-time tracking improved
- it is now possible to specify whether trajectories can merge (marker-less) or not (marker-based)
- swistrack can now resize the video
v.3.0.0b Rev. 170
- core upgrade to Intels OpenCV library 0.99
- GUI upgraded to WxWidgets 2.6.3
- Possibility to save BMP files
- Socket Server added
- Clients for Matlab, Java, C++ added
- Coverage image can be refreshed by clicking the right mouse button
- Improved error handling / user feedback
- XML description for most of the GUI's features
- XML data structure for passing parameters within SwisTrack
- Segmentation routines improved
- VfW camera (USB) support added
- Panels added for most classes
v.2.4.1 (05.08.2005)
- core upgraded to Intels OpenCV library 0.96
v.2.4.0 (15.06.2005)
- data association can be overrun manually at any time
- single step mode
- bugix: GUI reflects tracking state properly after tracking has terminated
v.2.3.1 (31.05.2005)
- bugfix: number of colorplanes taken into account when using background subtraction
v.2.3.0 (09.05.2005)
- tracking improved drastically. Merged trajectories are split if there are better candidates.
v.2.2.2 (08.05.2005)
- color image segmentation improved (segmentation on green plane)
v.2.2.1 (02.05.2005)
- bugfix: background estimation could not be selected
- bugfix: the program crashes on shutdown when working with the IEEE Camera
v.2.2.0 (14.04.2005)
- Mask mode added. Binary images supplied by the users supply contours and the objects within this contours gets counted
- Visualisation 'Coverage added'
- Support for IEEE1394 (Firewire) Cameras added
- Background estimation for segmentation (instead of static background) added
- Possibility to export video data of object trajectories
- HTML help added
v.2.0 (28.07.2004)
- Windows look'n'feel compliant GUI
- Integration of Tracking/Calibration/Data Storage under a single platform
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