SwisTrack 4 running on Ubuntu 8.04

SwisTrack 4 running on Windows XP
SwisTrack 4 is a powerful software for tracking robots, humans, animals and objects using a camera or a recorded video as input source. It uses Intel's OpenCV library for fast image processing and contains interfaces for USB, FireWire and GigE cameras, as well as AVI files.
SwisTrack is an open-source project hosted on SourceForge. It is written in C++ and easily extensible through components (plug-ins).
- Download and Installation
- Using SwisTrack - an Introduction
- Working with the Display
- The Timeline
- Interfacing SwisTrack
- Components
- background subtraction
- Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionMedian
- Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionGray
- Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionColor
- Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionCheungKamath
- Components/BackgroundSubtractionGray
- Components/SpecificColorSubtraction
- Components/HSVBackgroundSubtractionColor
- Components/BackgroundSubtractionColor
- Components/ConvertToGray
- Components/ConvertToColor
- Components/ColorSwapper
- Components/ColorBlur
- Components/ConvertBayerToColor
- blobs
- Components/ConvertToGray
- Components/ConvertToGray
- Components/ConvertToGray
- Components/ConvertToGray
- mask
- Components/BinaryDilation
- Components/BinaryErosion
- Components/Calibration
- Components/Input
- Components/OutputSQLite
- Components/Particle Detection
- Components/FilterParticles
- Components/Preprocessing (binary)
- Components/Preprocessing (color)
- Components/Preprocessing (grayscale)
- Components/Thresholding
- Components/Tracking
- Components/Trigger
- Components/IDReaderRing
- Components/SimulationParticles
- Components/OutputFile
- Components/OutputFramesImages
- Components/OutputImageStatisticsColor
- Components/OutputImageStatisticsGray
- Components/OutputImageStatisticsBinary
- Components/OutputMarkFrameManual
- Components/OutputParticles
- Components/MoveBinaryToColor
- Components/CamShiftTracking
- background subtraction
- Batch Mode
- Examples
- Frequently Asked Questions
- SwisTrack for Developers
- Related Software
- License and Contributions
Further reading
If you are using version 3 of SwisTrack, you may be looking for the documentation of version 3 of SwisTrack.
This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.