< Spanish
- Abrazar (to hug)
- Abrir (to open) abro abras abra
- Acabar (to finish)
- Acabar de (to have just)
- Acordar (to agree upon)
- Acostarse (to go to bed)
- Afeitarse (to shave oneself) ref.
- Ahorrar (to save money)
- Almorzar (to eat lunch)
- Alquilar (to rent)
- Amar (to love) - typical 1st conjugation verb
- Añadir (to add)
- Andar (to walk, to go, to ride)
- Aparecer (to appear)
- Aplanar (to throw out)
- Aplastar (to flatten)
- Aprender (to learn)
- Arrastrarse (to crawl, to drag oneself) ref.
- Arreglar (to fix)
- Atacar (to attack)
- Asistir (to attend)
- Asustar (to frighten)
- Aumentar (to increase)
- Ayudar (to help)
- Calentar (to heat)
- Calificar (to grade)
- Caminar (to walk)
- Cansarse (to tire) ref.
- Cantar (to sing)
- Casarse (to marry) ref.
- Cazar (to hunt)
- Celebrar (to celebrate)
- Cenar (to dine, to have supper)
- Cepillar(se) (to brush) can be ref.
- Cerrar (to close)
- Charlar (to chat)
- Chupar (to suck)
- Cocinar (to cook)
- Coger (to catch)
- Comer (to eat, esp. to eat lunch)
- Comprar (to purchase, to buy)
- Comprender (to comprehend, to understand)
- Conducir (to drive)
- Conocer (to know, to meet)
- Contar (to relate)
- Contestar (to answer, to reply)
- Correr (to run)
- Cortar (to cut)
- Costar (to cost) (ue)
- Crear (to create)
- Creer (to believe)
- Cuajar (to curdle)
- Cubrir (to cover)
- Cumplir (to fulfill)
- Dar (to give)
- Deber (to owe, should)
- Decidir (to decide)
- Decir (to say, to tell)
- Dejar (to leave)
- Desayunar (to eat breakfast)
- Descansar (to rest)
- Desear (to desire, to wish)
- Deshacer (to undo)
- Despedir (to fire)
- Despedirse (to say goodbye)
- Despertarse (to wake up) - Irregular: e -> ie
- Destruir (to destroy)
- Detener (to stop)
- Dirigir (to lead, to guide)
- Disculparse (to excuse oneself)
- Discutir (to argue)
- Distinguir (to distinguish)
- Divertirse (to have fun) - Irregular: e -> ie
- Doler (to hurt)
- Dormir (to sleep, go to sleep) - Irregular: o → ue
- Duchar(se) (to shower (oneself)) - Can be ref.
- Echar (to deal (cards))
- Elegir (to choose, to elect)
- Empeorar (to worsen)
- Empezar (to begin)
- Empujar (to push)
- Enamorarse (to fall in love)
- Encantar (to be delighted about) - gustar-type verb
- Encender (to light)
- Enfermar (to get sick)
- Enojarse (to be angry)
- Enseñar (to teach)
- Entender (to understand)
- Entrar (to enter)
- Escuchar (to listen)
- Escribir (to write)
- Esperar (to wait, to hope)
- Esquiar (to ski)
- Estar (to be)
- Estudiar (to study)
- Exportar (to export)
- Pagar (to pay)
- Parecer (to appear)
- Parecer a (to resemble)
- Participar (to participate)
- Partir (to cut, to leave) - typical 3rd conjugation verb
- Pasar (to pass, to happen)
- Pasear (to ride, to stroll)
- Pedir (to ask for) - Irregular
- Peinarse (to comb oneself) ref.
- Pelear (to fight)
- Pensar (to think)
- Perder (to lose)
- Perseguir (to chase)
- Pintar (to paint)
- Pisar (to step on)
- Planchar (to iron)
- Platicar (to chat)
- Poder (to be able)
- Poner (to put, to place, to set)Note: The Yo form of poner is "pongo"
- Practicar (to practice)
- Preguntar (to ask)
- Preparar (to prepare)
- Prestar (to lend)
- Saber (to know)
- Sacar (to take out)
- Salir (to leave, to go out)
- Saludar (to greet)
- Secar (to dry)
- Seguir (to follow)
- Sentarse (to sit)
- Sentir (to feel)
- Ser (to be)
- Significar (to mean, to signify)
- Sonar (to ring)
- Sonreír (to smile)
- Sonrojarse (to blush)
- Soñar (to dream)
- Soportar (to bear)
- Subir (to go up, to get on)
- Temer (to fear) - typical 2nd conjugation verb
- Tener (to have, to own)e --> ie except for yo, which is "tengo"
- Tener razón (to be right)
- Tentar (to touch)
- Terminar (to finish, to end)
- Tirar (to throw, to shoot)
- Tocar (to touch, to play an instrument)
- Tomar (to take, to drink)
- Trabajar (to work)
- Traducir (to translate)
- Tragar(se) (to swallow)
- Traer (to bring)
- Yacer (to lie)
External links
- The Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs
- 501 Spanish Verbs
- Fully Conjugated Spanish VerbList They call it LazyMood. Good online reference.
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